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The next day Jungkook is standing in his office. Staring out the window that was from the floor to the ceiling.

"Jungkook." He turns around to the owner of the voice.

"You have it?" He asks as he walks to his desk and sits in his black leather chair.

"Yeah." Namjoon says, taking out a folder. "Here." He gives Jungkook the file. Jungkook opens it and see's your picture. You're wearing an oversized gray hoodie, black jeans and a pair of sneakers, you're exiting the pharmacy in the picture. He looks at the details.

Name: Y/n

Surname: Lee

Age: 18

Relationship status: Single. Never been in a relationship before.

Mother: passed away from cancer

Father: Alive, is a alcoholic and is on drugs.

Jungkook puts the file down. 'She's never dated before?' He chews on his inner lip.

"Thanks." He says to the blonde haired man.

Namjoon hums. "Why are you suddenly interested in a girl?" Namjoon asks. Jungkook freezes. Good question. Why is he interested in you? Why does he feel so attracted to you? Why is he so curious about you?

He shrugs. Namjoon nods. "I'll get going then." Jungkook nods, not saying anything.

Namjoon leaves the office. Jungkook taps his finger tips on the glass table as he leans back on his chair. He checks the time on his Rolex watch.


Almost six. Jungkook sits on the chair for a little while before getting up, taking his jacket that was hanging on the chair with him as he walked out the office. He's greeted by the workers. He merely nods at them.

He goes out to his red Lamborghini and gets in, soon taking off into the dark streets of Seoul.

He stops the car outside the café. He gets out, people stare in awe. He smirks and walks into the café. There he see's you. Serving a customer with a smile plastered on your face.

He debates whether he should walk up to you, to either drag you out or to order something like a normal person.

Soon, he decides to be normal.

He walks up to you, hands shoved into his pants pockets. The female employees and customers all drool and swoon over him.

You don't notice him until he's standing in front of you.

You look up to meet his drop dead gorgeous face. He looks hot. You mentally shout at yourself for thinking like this of a man you just met.

"How can I help you Sir?" You ask with a smile.


"How can I help you Sir?" He felt weird when he saw her beautiful smile.

"A caramel mocha." He simply says. She nods and starts preparing his order.

She places the cup of Caramel mocha in front of him.

"Anything else?" She asks with a smile.

I want you in my bedroom.

He shakes his head and pays for the drink.

"Please come again." He hears her soft, angelic voice say. He nods, taking his drink and leaving the café to his Lamborghini

He looks at the drink in his hand, unknowingly his lips curved up into a smile.


After an exhausting day of work, you finally get to leave. You walk on the dark street that leads to your house.

You're walking until you hear footsteps behind you, you quicken your pace but so does the footsteps behind you.

You panic and try to run, but fail to do so as a tight grip on your arm causes you to turn around. You're scared.

The man reeks of alcohol. "Hmm, looks like I hit the jackpot tonight." He smirks. You want to scream but you're too terrified to do so. You cry, hoping someone will save you. You try to push the man off of you but he doesn't move. Instead his grip on you tightens. He's hurting you.

He drags you with him and you protest. Punching his hand trying to free yourself from his clutches. Just then a red Lamborghini stops in front of you. The man from earlier gets out of it and your eyes widen.

"Leave her alone." You hear his cold voice demand. The drunk man merely laughs.

"Get out of here buddy." The drunk says. Jungkook smirks.

"Make me."

The man let's go of you and heads to Jungkook, throwing a fist which Jungkook dodges easily, Jungkook moves fast. Taking the mans fist in his as he twists it. The man screams in pain.

"Okay okay! Let me go!" The drunk shouts out in pain. Jungkook lets him go, making the man fall to the ground. He instantly gets up and starts running. Jungkook shakes his head in disgust. He looks over to see your petite body tremble. He walks to you, reaching to touch you but you flinch. He feels sorry for you.

He places his hand on your shoulder, making you look at him. Your savior.

Its sudden and your body moves on its own. You hug him. Jungkook freezes.

"Thank you." You sniffle. Jungkook's arms wraps around you, he feels...satisfied.

"I'll take you home." You're too weak to protest but you pull back from the hug, shaking your head. Jungkook looks at you amused.

"I-its fine. I don't want to be anymore of a bother." You look down.

"Its late, I'm not leaving you alone to walk the streets. You're coming with me whether you like it or not." You hear his cold demanding voice. You slowly nod. He takes your hand and leads you to the car, opening it for you to get in.

"What's your address?" He asks.

"(Y/a)" You answer softly and he nods and starts the car.

The ride is silent. Jungkook's heart is beating fast, the car smells like vanilla, berries and the smell of pine. It smells like you. And he's addicted to it.

What the fuck, Jungkook?

He mentally curses himself.

The car stops out of your house. You get out.

"Thank you." You say in a soft voice. Jungkook nods.

"Go home safe." You say again, this time Jungkook stares at you. As if he's trying to figure you out.

He's never been told that. Well, not by a woman. You smile at him and he nods again. You back away from the car as you watch it take off, disappearing into the streets.

A smile forms onto your face.

This time, a real smile.

What is love
Baby don't hurt me—

Y/a - your address

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Mr Perverted Cold Billionaire >>J.JK√ [Editing.]Where stories live. Discover now