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You open your eyes, instantly regretting it as you're being blinded by white. You close your eyes shut, this time slowly opening them to adjust to the light. You sit up, everything is white.

"My stomach." You gasp and look at your stomach, but there's nothing there. Then you see that you're wearing all white.

You stand up, the long white nightgown like dress falling to your feet.

"What the- where am I?" You ask yourself.

"You're in heaven dear." You snap your head to your right with wide eyes, you see a beautiful woman standing there with a beautiful soft smile on her face.

"Wait, what?" You ask. She smiles.

"Heaven." She says. You stare at her, blinking furiously.

Then you start laughing.

"This is a joke, right?" You ask wiping a few tears away from your eyes.

"I'm afraid not dear." She's serious, you stop laughing.

"But, if I'm here then what about Jungkook? Who are you?" You ask.

"I am Jungkook's mother, Y/n." You look at the woman in shock.

"S- seriously?" You ask. She nods and walks over to you.

"My my, my son really does have good taste." You blush and mumble a thank you.

"Dear, I've been looking out for Jungkook even when I passed on. I saw that he was always unhappy, he was angry, frustrated, alone. But ever since you came into his life, he's become a better man. He needs you Y/n."

You feel tears threatening to fall from your eyes.

"But how can I be there when he needs me if I'm dead and here?" You ask, a tear falling down your cheek.

"I under dear, that's why I'm giving you another chance." You look at her confused.

"I'm going to let you go back. Go back to him, be happy." she smiles. You hug her, she's startled but she smiles and hugs you back.

"Now go back." She places her hand on your cheek. You then feel everything swirl around.

"She's alive!" You hear someone shout. You open your eyes, your body is sore. You slowly flutter your eyes to adjust to the bright light.

"Y/n!" You hear Jungkook, you turn your head to your side and you see Jungkook. His eyes, nose and cheeks are red from all the crying.

"Jungkook." Your voice is hoarse.

"Excuse me Sir, but you'll have to leave the room so we can conduct a proper checkup on her." The doctor explains, Jungkook looks at you and you smile weakly and nod.

Jungkook nods, he gets up and leaves the room, before leaving he looks at you again, you smile. Jungkook exits the room.

"Alright, you're safe." The doctor says after giving you a checkup.

You smile weakly.

Its been a few weeks since you've been hospitalized to recover fully.

Aimee had been sent to a mental hospital. Jungkook and the rest would visit you and bring food for you, keep you company.

Finally you were getting released.

Jungkook was signing a few discharge papers. After signing him them he walks to you, You stand up but Jungkook stops you, he carries you in bridal style. Your cheeks heat up from embarrassment and you hide your face in Jungkook's chest. Jungkook chuckles.

Soon arriving home, Jungkook carries you to your shared bedroom, you giggle.

Jungkook gently places you down on the bed and kisses you. Oh god, how you've missed this.

His hands and teeth removing every piece of clothing from your body.

He missed you, so so so much.

Jungkook holds your hips gently, as he slides into your. You whimper a bit and he groans. Sliding in and out of you, you moan as you drag your nails across his bare back. Jungkooks lips captures yours in a breathtaking kiss.

His hips working into you, he tries his best to be as gentle as he can with you. You feel your heart swell up by his gesture. You whisper into his ear.

"Please be rough, daddy." And that's when Jungkook loses it. Instead of being gentle like how he planned, he's going rough.

Picking up his pace, pounding into you in an inhuman pace. He fuck's you so so so good that you're barely able to breath.

"Cumming!" You say as you hit your high with a loud moan. Jungkook groans as he fills you up with his seeds.

He steals your lips into another kiss.

"I love you, Y/n." You feel your heart thump loudly. He just said those three words that you were dying to hear. You quickly search for the right words but you instantly find them.

"I love you too."

Mr Perverted Cold Billionaire >>J.JK√ [Editing.]Where stories live. Discover now