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Jungkook takes you back to his house. Or should you say, mansion. The ride was quiet. He kept his eyes on the road while you stared out the window, watching everything move as the car passed by. Soon the car stopped outside of the mansion. Jungkook gets out and opens the door for you to get out.

He takes you by your wrist and walks inside, the maids give you weird looks and you hang your head. He opens the door to his bedroom and drags you in. You're heart is thumping loudly as Jungkook locks the door and drags you to his bed.

He stops in front of his bed and looks at you, its dark and the moonlight seeping through the windows illuminate the room and Jungkook.

He takes of his Armani suit jacket and throws it on the bed. He then loosens his tie, still staring at you while you look down. You're nervous, what's he going to do to you?

He unbuttons three buttons on his red dress shirt and takes your hand. You look at him as he brings you closer to him.

"You know," he starts of in a low tone. "I would've punished you if you weren't a virgin." he says and you gulp. "But since you are, I'll make your first time something to remember." He says as his lips brushes against your ears. Sending shivers down your spine.

"And yes, I have every intention in taking your innocence tonight." He snakes his hand up your shirt, leaving a trail of goosebumps in his awake. You're nervous, a part of this is telling you to stop him. And the other part of you is telling you to go for it. Deep down inside you know you want it. You know that you want this.

His hand travels down to your ass, gripping it hard. A gasp escapes your hand as your grab a handful of his silk dress shirt in your hand. Jungkook smirks. He lifts your shirt off your head, your breathing becomes uneven. Jungkook stares at your beautiful smooth skin. He traces your curves which drives him crazy with his hands, a soft tiny moan escapes your lips and Jungkook smirks.

As soon as Jungkook leans in for your lips his phone rings. He groans in frustration as he takes his phone out of his pant pocket. He swipes right and answer.

"What." He growls. His face soon turns from frustrated to emotionless. You stare at him, your breathing finally becoming regular. He looks at you and chews on his inner lip.

"Hmm, I'll be there." He hangs up. And takes his jacket. "We will continue this tomorrow." he says and you gulp. He leaves the room completely confused. You fall onto the bed in a sitting position.



"Do you know why I called you here?" A man in his 50s asks Jungkook who's standing in front of the man.

"No." He answers.

"Did you sleep with your secretary?" The man asks. Jungkook looks at him with eyebrows furrowed.

"Well, did you?" The man asks again. Jungkook nods. A sigh escapes the mans lips.

"She came to me earlier, and guess what news she decides to give me." The man takes a sip of wine.

"What?" Jungkook grows irritated.

"She says she's pregnant, with your child." Jungkook looks at the man in disbelief.

"That's not possible." Jungkook shakes his head.

"And why's that?" The mans asks.

"Because I always used protection. There's no way that's my child." Jungkook growls. The man chuckles. "You should know, protection doesn't always work."

"I've made my mind up. You will be getting married to her." Jungkook stares at the man with widen eyes.

"No." Jungkook protests. The man shoots Jungkook a ice cold glare.

"I am your father, Jungkook and you will do as i say. That woman is carrying your child and you will get married to her. End of discussion." Jungkook is now fuming with anger. He storms out of his fathers office and to his car.

As soon as he gets in he hits the staring wheel with his hand.

He's angry, there's no way that's his child. He knows something is off with the situation.

He fishes out his phone and dials a number.

"Hello?" Jungkook hears a male voice speak.

"Hoseok, meet me at the mansion tomorrow with the rest of the boys. I need you guys to do something for me." Jungkook says.

"We'll be there." Hoseok answers. Jungkook cuts the call. He heads back home, to you. How is he going to tell you this?


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Mr Perverted Cold Billionaire >>J.JK√ [Editing.]Where stories live. Discover now