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"Jungkook, tell me where you're taking me." You demand. Jungkook doesn't respond but keeps his eyes on the road. Earlier that morning Jungkook told you to get ready because he's going to take you somewhere, but he wouldn't tell you where.

You huff out a breath and cross your arms over your chest and look out the window, just like how a child would when she's angry. Jungkook can see your actions from the corner of his eye, a small smile forming onto his lips.

You watch the tree's and buildings as the car drives pass them. You notice that as Jungkook drives further, a beach comes in view. You get excited like a kid, a huge grin plastered on your face.

Jungkook parks the car in the parking lot and unbuckles his seat belt. You do the same and get out of the car, running to the sand. Jungkook gets out and smiles at you.

You stand on the sand, looking at the ocean. Jungkook walks up to you and stands besides you, you look up to him with a huge smile.

"I haven't been to the beach in forever." You say and hug him. "Thank you." You say.

Jungkook smiles and hugs you. You pull back with a mischievous smile on your face. Jungkook somehow knew what was going on in your head and instantly shook his head making you pout.

"Pleaaaseeeeee." You beg. Jungkook tries his hardest to resist your cuteness.

"No, you can go yourself. I'm not coming." He says, crossing his arms over his chest. You pout.

"Meanie head." You glare at him with a pout. Jungkook chuckles. Then you realization hit you.

"Wait! We don't have any spare clothes." You say and Jungkook smirks.

"You don't need to wear anything."

You blush and punch his shoulder.

"Pervert." You mumble. Jungkook chuckles again.

"I have clothes in the car." He says, making you look at him while blinking your eyes.

"You really think ahead dontchya." You say and Jungkook smirks.

"Of course i do."

"But pleaseeeeeee come with me." You whine again making Jungkook groan and roll his eyes.

"I said no."







"Fine, then no kisses." You say, smirking as you cross your arms over your chest. Jungkook chuckles.

"And no cuddling."

This makes Jungkook snap his head at you. You knew that would work, Jungkook's a sucker for cuddles.

"Gosh you're lucky you're you." He says removing his jacket, you grin and your eyes sparkle from excitement.

As soon as Jungkook's jacket and shoes are off, you take your shoes off and grab his hand. Running towards the water.

Once you reach it you instantly start splashing around like a small child. This made Jungkook's heart flutter, jump and   feel overwhelmed with happiness. He's never felt like this ever since his mom passed away.

You get mischievous and splash water on Jungkook, making his hair cover his face and he glares at you under it. You start to laugh uncontrollably and Jungkook catches you and throws you over his shoulder. You laugh and squeal, Jungkook then throws you into the water. You quickly stand up, your hair covering your face, your clothes soaked. Now its Jungkook's turn to laugh.

The two of you continue playing in the water until you become hungry.

"Come on, let's get changed." He says and you nod, brushing your wet hair back.

Jungkook hands you your clothes and you go to a small hut like changing room to change.

You're about to remove your bra when you feel a pair of hands snake around your waist from behind. You already know who they belong to.

"Jungkook, what are you doing?" You ask, suddenly feeling aroused by his breathing on your neck.

"What does it seem like I'm doing?" He asks, his hands snaking down to your pantie, he holds the elastic part of it with his his index finger and thumb. Slowly stretching it away from your body and he let's go, it stings you making you both flinch and moan.

"Jungkook, not here. People could hear us." You try being reasonable.

"Then I guess you're going to have to be a good girl and keep quiet." he whispers into your ear. His voice is dominate and hoarse.

Who thought your panties could've gotten more wet?

Smut in the next chapter, or nah?🌚😏

Mr Perverted Cold Billionaire >>J.JK√ [Editing.]Where stories live. Discover now