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Slowly opening your eyes, you see that Jungkook isn't there. You slightly frown as you've gotten used to waking up with his arm wrapped around your waist. You sit up feeling a bit sore but absolutely amazing. You yawn and stretch, then you feel something wrapped around your wrist. You look at them and smile. He bandaged them for you. You also find yourself wearing one of his shirts that are huge for you.

You smile.

After a while of sitting and doing nothing you decide to get up and shower.


"Right, ask Jimin and Hoseok to decide on a color they want the wedding to be." Jungkook talks to Namjoon over the phone as he goes through his laptop, looking for good venues to hold the wedding.

"I'll do that." Namjoon say's over the phone.

"Right so everything's ready right?" Jungkook asks.

"Yeah, everything's ready. But it'll take at least a month for the wedding to take place, we also need to print out cards." Jungkook hums.

"Okay, i have to go. I'll talk to you later." Jungkook tells Namjoon.

"Right, see you around." The call ends and Jungkook gets up, walking out of his study and towards his bedroom. He had to wake up early so he could make the arrangements with Namjoon for the wedding.

Walking into the room he was expecting you to be in bed sleeping, instead you were nowhere to be found. He looks in the bathroom, you're not there. He grows worried and decides to search the house.

Walking down the stairs he looks everywhere for you. Then as he passes by the kitchen he smells something delicious. He walks backwards and stands outside the kitchen, then he sees you. Busy making breakfast. Jungkook smiles and walks in slowly.

You turn around with a pan of bacon in your hands, getting startled when you see Jungkook standing right next to you.

"Sweet baby Jesus Jungkook!" You huff out a breath.

"I'm sorry, did I scare you?" He asks, moving aside and giving you space to work.

"Well duh." You reply, moving the bacon from the pan onto a plate.

"This smells good." He says looking at heep of pancakes, sausages and bacon.

"Thanks." You smile and set the plate of bacon down onto the table.

Jungkook takes a seat and you give him a plate of bacon, pancakes and sausages.

"You know, I'm surprised you managed to make breakfast after last night, heck I'm surprised you can even walk." He says with a smirk an you blush immensely.

You throw a napkin at him but he catches it.

"Shut up, pervert." You glare at him and he laughs.

After breakfast Jungkook tells you about the wedding and what he's planning. You're excited.

"That sounds awesome." You grin.

"Thanks." He says. You smile.

"Y/n." He calls out.


"let's go back to bed, I'm tired." He pouts. You thought heart might have stopped beating.

How can this man go from dominate daddy to baby Kookie? It doesn't add up.

"Hmm, nope." You tease, Jungkook looks at you with a raised brow.

"I didn't ask now did I?" He smirks, walking closer to you. You try to make a run for it but Jungkook grabs your hand and spins you around, and throws you over his shoulder.

You squeal and giggle.

Soon he drops you onto the bed and pecks your lips before bringing you into a cuddle. You grin at his childish behavior.

Talking about nothing and everything until the both of you feel sleepy and fall asleep.

Mr Perverted Cold Billionaire >>J.JK√ [Editing.]Where stories live. Discover now