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Its been 3 days since you've seen your savior. You can't stop thinking about him. Its Saturday night and your father is out drinking again. You're bored so you decide to go to the park. You grab your favorite novel and you head for the park.

Its not long before you're sitting alone in the park. Its quiet, peaceful. You read the book as the wind hits you. Making a shiver travel down your spine.


3 days, its been 3 days since Jungkook's seen you. But he's been busy with work. And he thinks its for the best if he doesn't see you. But that doesn't mean he doesn't want to see you.

Here he is, in a room in this club. Fucking a random slut that threw herself on him. She moans loudly as Jungkook continues to fuck her. After they both reach their climaxes, Jungkook rolls of the condom and puts his clothes on. He adjusts his suit when she sits up. "Wanna meet up again?" she asks with a flirty tone. Jungkook keeps his blank face as he takes out a roll of money and throws it on the bed next to her. She looks hurt. But before she can say anything Jungkook leaves the room.

He walks in the club. Woman all looking at him with lustful eyes.

He ignores them, he doesn't feel like he should be in a club. He walks out to his black Rolls Royce and drives to the park.

When he gets there he parks the car on the side of the road. He sits in the car for some time and looks around until he sees someone, sitting on the bench reading. He looks closely and he recognizes the person.


He chews on his inner lip and gets out. He walks to you but you're so intrigued by the book you don't even realizes he's there until he clears his throat. You look up from your book and see him. A smile forms on your face and Jungkook's heart feels weird.


You smile when you see him. You feel happy and your heart is jumping.

You close your book and leave it besides you. "Hello." You Greet.

"Hi." You hear his soothing yet cold voice. He sits next to you on the bench.

"What are you doing out so late?" He asks as he looks at the tree.

"I couldn't sleep and I was bored." You answer, shrugging your shoulder. "What about you?" You ask.

"Same." He lies. He doesn't want you to know that he just fucked some random slut.

"Ohh." You say, nodding.

"So uh, what's your name?" You ask, thinking that this is the perfect time to ask.

"Jungkook." He answers plainly. You nod.

"I'm Y/n." you smile at him. He looks at you, he already knows that. But he nods. He doesn't know what to say and he wants to slap himself for it. Then finally he thinks of something to say.

"I like it." He says.

"What?" You ask.

"Your name, its nice." A light blush spreads across your face. "T-thanks." You say.

"Um, what's the time?" You ask.

Jungkook looks at his Rolex. "12:57." Jungkook answers.

'shit!' You panic.

You get up completely forgetting about your book. "I- I gotta go!" You say as you walk away until Jungkook stands up and grabs your wrist. You stop in your tracks and look at him.

"I'll drop you off." He says. You shake your head. "No its fine, really. I'll be okay. I just really gotta go." You say as you take your hand out of his grip. "Bye!" You wave as you walk away fast.

Jungkook stands there, watching your figure disappear. He's confused. You make him confused.

Every woman he's met as always drooled over him. Always tried to get in his pants. But you? You even rejected his offer to drop you off. In a Rolls Royce.

He shakes his head and looks at the bench. He see's your book. He takes it in his hand and brings it up to his nose. It smells like vanilla, berries and pine. Like you.

He smiles to himself, but then his smile drops. "She forgot it. She might want it back." He says to himself. But he's debating, should he keep it or return it? In the end, he decides to return in it.

He gets in his car and drives to your place since he already knows where you live.

He parks the car outside your house and notices that the lights are still on. He gets out of the car and approaches your house. 

He's about to knock when he hears screaming. His eyes grow wide and he opens the door quickly. Thankfully it was unlocked. He walks in quickly and see's your father on top of you. Your shirt is ripped off you and you're crying for help.

Jungkook moves fast as he runs to you and pushes your father off of you and pulls you up and into his embrace.

"Who the fuck are you!" Your father shouts. You flinch as you cry. Jungkook takes out his jacket and puts it on you. You look at him with red teary eyes and he pulls you into his embrace again.

"Jeon Jungkook." He answers coldly. Your fathers face turns pale and he gulps.

"W-what are you doing here?" Your father asks. Jungkook scoffs.

"I'm here for her." Jungkook says, making you look at him.

"I'll be taking her off your hands." Jungkook says.

"S- sure Mr J-jeon." Your father stutters.

Jungkook looks at your father in disgust and takes you out of the house and to the car. He puts you in and starts driving.

"W- why?" You ask, voice cracking.

"Why what?" He asks, eyes on the road.

"Why did you save me?" You ask, looking at him. Once again, another good question. But he doesn't know the answer. Why did he save you? Why did he take you away? Why does he care for you? He hates woman. But why doesn't he hate you?

"I don't know." He answers plainly.

Your heart tightens. You look out the window, watching the trees as the car drives pass them. Your body is sore and you want to cry. But you won't. You don't want to seem weak. You won't seem weak.

Reasons why I didn't want to publish this:
1) it has abuse and I'm not sure if my readers went through something like that. And if they did it was bound to leave a scar in their hearts.

2) same with rape. I didn't want to remind anyone of any past experiences. I'm really sorry if I offended anyone in any way while you were reading this.

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Mr Perverted Cold Billionaire >>J.JK√ [Editing.]Where stories live. Discover now