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After you showered, you changed into the clothes Jungkook gave you. Its huge on you, you're basically drowning in it. It feels comfortable and soft though, you can smell his scent on it.

You walk out, still embarrassed. As soon as the door opens Jungkook looks in your direction. His heart feels warm and so does his stomach. He looks at how cute you look in his clothes, too cute.

"I ordered some clothes for you, they should be here any moment." Jungkook said looking at his watch. You nod. "Thank you." Your voice is soft.

He nods. "In the mean time, breakfast is ready, you should eat." He says. You nod slowly.

After Jungkook brings you down to the dining room where breakfast was served, he pulls out a chair for you to sit. You sit down and he sits opposite you. The maids serve your breakfast and leave.

"Thank you." You say, he looks at you, eyebrow raised.

"For what?" He asked.

"Helping me." You say softly looking down at your plate.

He nods and starts eating, you pick your fork up and eat the delicious eggs.

After breakfast Jungkook takes you back to the room. Things are awfully awkward between the two of you.

Jungkook's phone rings and he answers.

"Hello." Jungkook answers.

"Jungkook ah, I'm here with the clothes." Jungkook hums..

"My room, now." Jungkook cuts the call. You're sitting on the bed and Jungkook is standing by a desk in the room.

"So uhh...about the kiss." Jungkook starts. Your face heats up and you look at him.

"What it your first?" He asks, avoiding to look at you.

"Y- yeah." You answer. Jungkook's heart skips a beat. That means he was your first kiss? He feels oddly happy about it. He pokes the inside of his cheek with his tongue and looks at the wall then back at you.

"Good." he says. You look at him confused. "H- huh?"

He walks over to you, his hands in his pockets. He leans down to you so he's facing your face, you can feel your heart beat.

"Good." He whispered, you felt his hot breath on your lips.

"You're mine now, so that means I will be your first everything." He whispers as he leans in, his lips barely touching yours.

"Jungkook ah-" Jimin barges in with bags in his hand, Jungkook's and your head snaps to the door and Jimin smirks.

"Ohhh, sorry I didn't mean to interrupt anything. I'll come back later." Jimin is about to walk out when Jungkook stops him.

"Stop, its not what it looks like." Jungkook says, his ears turning red. You're already blushing hard and you cover your face with your hands.

"Oh okay, well I got the clothes for you." Jimin walks in and places the bags on the table.

"Hmm." Jungkook hums.

"So why did you need them again?" Jimin asks as he places his hands on his lips. Jungkook glares at him and Jimin looks behind him at you.

His mouth made a 'O' shape as he nods. "Well okay. I'll be leaving now." Jimin says.

"Bye!' He says and you wave a bit.

"You can try something on, I already set up a doctors appointment." Jungkook said as he walks to the table with the bags.

"Thank you." You say again. He looks at you. "I'm gonna have to find a way to make you stop saying thank you every time." You gulp and he smirks. "And I found just the thing."

"W- what?" You ask nervously. "You'll see." He answers.

"Get changed." he walks out of the room leaving you confused.

You walk to the bags and look inside, you pull out a pair of clothes and change. Which was an oversized gray hoodie and a pair of black jeans.

Jungkook comes back and see's you changed. He smirks at how cute you look.

"Come on." He opens the door for you. You nod and walk out of the room.

Jungkook leads you outside to a blue Bugatti, you stare at the car and back at Jungkook.

"Whose car is this?" You ask. Jungkook smirks. "Mine, now get in." he says, you walk to the car and get in.

After a while the two of you are sitting in the doctors office.

"These medication's should help." he says writing down a prescription and handing it to Jungkook. Jungkook takes it and looks at it. He nods before standing up.

"Take care of yourself Miss..." The doctor trails off. "Kang." you say with a smile. The doctor smiles and nods.

You stand up and Jungkook takes your hand in his. You look at him baffled while he walks like nothing is wrong.

You feel weird. Whats going on with you?

What the actual fuck was I thinking when I wrote this? Wait, I didn't think which is why its so cringe and annoying.

I wanna go to Australia, do I have any Australian readers?

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Mr Perverted Cold Billionaire >>J.JK√ [Editing.]Where stories live. Discover now