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After your little beach sex session, Jungkook took you to a diner to get some food.

"What would you like to order?" The waiter asks, looking at you with a flirty smile. Jungkook pokes the inside of his cheek with his tongue and taps his finger tips on the table. He grows angry, can he not see him sitting right there?

"Um," you say, looking at the menu. " a burger with fries and a coke." You say giving the man the menu back. He nods and turns to Jungkook. "What about you sir?" He asks.

"Same as her." Jungkook's answer is plain and short, yet intimidating. The waiter nods.

"I'll be back with your orders." He turns to you and winks at you, making you a bit uneasy. Jungkook's jaw clenches. He's so close to knocking the daylights out of him.

But he decides to do something else.

"Baby." Jungkook coos, sliding his hand up and down your thigh, making you look at him with wide eyes. Jungkook smirks and leans into your ear.

"I love it when you get flustered by me." He nibbles on your ear, sending shivers down your spine.

The waiter witnesses everything and dashes to the kitchen for your orders.

You slap Jungkook's hand away from your thigh.

"Can you stop being a pervert?" You glare at him. Jungkook chuckles and sits properly.

Soon your orders arrive, but another waiter serves them.

After your meal, You and Jungkook take a walk, talking about anything and everything.

You laughed so hard when you Jungkook told you about the time when he was a kid, his mom took him to a ladies underwear store and he used one pantie as a hat.

"Stop laughing." He glares at you, right now you're on the floor, clutching your stomach with your hands as you laugh and struggle for breath.

"I- I'm sorry." You laugh as you wipe a tear away. You look up at him and burst into another round of laughter.

"I was only 5 back then okay!" He crosses his arms over his chest. You breath in and breath out, standing on your feet and wiping the last bit of tears from your eyes away.

"You're adorable." You say, giggling.

"I'm sexy." He says with a smirk.

"No, you're adorable." You shake your head.

"So you're trying to say I'm not sexy?" He raises a brow.

"I never said that." You roll your eyes.

"So you admit that I'm sexy." He wiggles his eyebrows, making you blush and laugh. Jungkook laughs too.

You never really realized it, but you've become more comfortable around Jungkook. He makes you feel so many different emotions.





Jungkook doesn't know it either, but yes he is falling deeply in love with you. Its the first time he's come across someone like you, someone that can make him feel so many different emotions. Someone that can make his heart warm up. Someone that can make him laugh.

Someone that makes him feel...loved.

He smiles as he watches you laugh.

The evening was perfect.

But little did you know, that far away in a car, Aimee sat watching everything through a pair of binoculars.

Anger flushes through her, seeing him so happy with you. Seeing him laugh, because of you. Smile because of you. She took a sip of vodka from the bottle and wiped her mouth with her hand.

"L/n Yn, I'm going to kill you for taking my love away from me." She growls and starts the engine, driving off not wanting to see anymore of this.

"Hey Jungkook." You call out to Jungkook whose leaning against a cement half wall with his eyes closed as he enjoys the breeze.

"Hmm?" He hums, his eyes are still closed.

"Thank you." You smile, Jungkook opens his eyes and look at you with a smirk before pulling you by your waist and pecking your lips. You blush with widened eyes and you slap his chest.

"What was that for!?" You shout. Jungkook chuckles.

"Did you forget?" He asks.

Then you remembered.

You turn around facing forward.

"R- right." You blush. Jungkook smiles before looking forward.

The two of you fall into a comfortable silence, just staring at the beach as the waves hit the sand.

Mr Perverted Cold Billionaire >>J.JK√ [Editing.]Where stories live. Discover now