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"Namjoon I said no!" Jin shouted. Namjoon growled and grabbed Jin, pinning him to the wall and holding his hands above his head.

"Namjoon leave-" Namjoon cuts him off by slamming his lips onto the olders. Jin tries to break the kiss, but Namjoon moves fast, holding Jin's wrists above his head with one hand while the other holds Jin's jaw, making it impossible to break the kiss. Namjoon pushes his knee between Jin's legs, brushing across Jin's crotch making him moan. Namjoon smirks and continues to devour Jin's plump lips.

Jin needs air, he can't keep up anymore. Namjoon notices and pulls away. Jin gasps for air, both of them breathing heavily for air.

His eyes are teary, Namjoon's eyes widen and he wipes them away with his thumb.

"Why?" Jin asks, his voice cracking.

"Jin-" Jin cuts him off.

"Why do you do this to me!?" Jin shouted at Namjoon, Namjoon slightly flinches.


"Why Kim Namjoon! Why!?" Jin shouts.

"Because I love you dammit!" Namjoon shouts, Jin looks at the younger with wide teary eyes.

"W- what?" Jin asks to check if he's hearing things.

"I love you, Kim Seokjin. With all my heart." Namjoon let's Jin's wrists go and they fall to Jin's side.

"But Namjoon, you're engaged to Jaehae." Jin says, looking down.

Namjoon lifts Jin's face by holding his chin.

"I don't care about her Jin. I care about you, because I love you." He says, caressing the olders chin.


"No, no buts. I love you and I know you love me." Namjoon says, Jin blushes.

"Say it." Namjoon brushes his knee against Jin's crotch, making the older moan.

"Say it." Namjoon growls.

"I- i love you." Jin says, his face tinted red, his plump lips swollen. His messy hair, seeing this Namjoon couldn't contain himself any longer.

He smashes his lips onto Jin's. Both hands resting on Jin's hips and Jin's hands wrapped around Namjoon's neck.

Namjoon's hands travel down to Jin's ass and grabs it making the older gasp and moan. Namjoon takes this to advantage and slips his tongue into Jin's mouth. Their tongues dance together.

"Jump." Namjoon commands and Jin obeys. Jumping and wrapping his legs around Namjoon's waist.

Namjoon walks to Jin's bedroom, the door flinging open as Namjoon stumbles in with Jin. Jin sucks on Namjoon's neck making the younger groan.

He drops Jin onto the bed and starts removing their clothes.

Clothes scattered onto the floor, the bed moving and squeaking. Sinful sounds and colorful words are heard.

"F- faster please!" Jin begs.

"Such a slut for daddy, aren't you?" He groans and starts pounding into Jin in an inhuman pace. Jin moans loudly when Namjoon hits his prostrate.

"Answer me." Namjoon growls, spanking Jin's ass hardly making Jin scream out in both pain and pleasure.

"Yes!" Jin breathes out. "Y-yes! I'm a s- slut for daddy!" He screams out when Namjoon takes Jin's member and starts pumping it.

"Good boy." Namjoon says.

"I- im cuming!" Jin screams out in pleasure.

"Cum for me slut." Namjoon commands and Jin releases his seeds, Namjoon soon cumming inside of Jin.

They're both breathless and panting for air.

"I love you so much." Namjoon says, capturing Jin's plump lips into a soulful kiss.

"I love you too." Jin says in between the kiss.


"Aimee, you need to stop." Shiro says.

"Stop? Stop what!?" Aimee shouts.

"Aimee calm down, it isn't good for the child." Shiro tries to reason with her, but Aimee starts laughing like a maniac.

"I know what's good and what isn't!" Aimee shouts, standing up and leaving the living room to her bedroom.

She opens a drawer and takes out a vibrator, she strips off her clothes and lies down on the bed.

She inserts the vibrator in her and closes her eyes.

She starts to moan, imagining Jungkook's face.

"Jungkook please! Please I need you!" She moans, imagining the time Jungkook and her had sex. She reaches her high with a loud moan.

She sniffles.

"Jungkook." Was the last word she said before sleep took over her.


"Jungkook!" You scream.

"Jungkook stop!" You start laughing uncontrollably as Jungkook tackles you to the ground and starts tickling you.

"No." He says, smiling and laughing as he watches you squirm under him as you try to free yourself from him.

"P- please!" You laugh.

"Gimme a kiss first." He says, tickling you even more. You shake your head, laughing with your eyes closed as you try to break free from Jungkook.

"No!" You scream out while laughing.

"Then I wont stop." Jungkook says looming down at you, straddling you.

"O- okay! Fine!" You give in, not being able to take anymore of Jungkook's torture.

Jungkook stops and leans down to you. You smirk and push him off you, getting up and running as fast as you can.

"Y/n!" Jungkook chases after you. You get tired from running and stop for a minute to take a breather. But Jungkook comes from behind, wrapping his arms around your waist picking you up making you startled.

"Jungkook!" You laugh.

"Did you really think that you'd be able to get away from me?" He asks grinning.

You laugh.

Jungkook sets you down, you turn around to face him.

He points to his lips.


You giggle before pecking his lips. Jungkook groans and holds the back of your neck, bringing you into a kiss. You hum into kiss.

You feel as if your body is on fire every time Jungkook kisses you.

He pulls away, a string of saliva connecting your lips. Jungkook pecks it away and you blush.

You quickly peck his lips and run away, making Jungkook blush and chase after you.


Mr Perverted Cold Billionaire >>J.JK√ [Editing.]Where stories live. Discover now