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The car comes to a halt. Jungkook switches the engine off and gets out of the car. You're feeling weak and sore, you're still shocked from what happened. You never expected your father—you felt disgusted to even call him that anymore—to do what he did. You felt hopeless at the moment.

Jungkook opens the door for you to get out, as soon as your feet touch the ground you fall. Luckily Jungkook catches you in time.

"S- sorry." You mumble, feeling your cheeks heat up from embarrassment. Jungkook's heart starts to beat fast and the feelings foreign.

Jungkook doesn't say anything, he's a man of very few words but when it came to you, he wants to talk, but he just can't. He sweeps you into his arms in bridal style. You're shocked and you look at him. He doesn't say anything but kicks the car door closed with his feet as he walks towards a huge mansion which you're assuming is his.

Once you're in he takes you to a room. It smells like him, like mint, lemons and blueberries? You don't question the smell, you like it.

Good god Y/n, stop being so creepy.

Jungkook sits you down on the king sized bed that's covered in black. He makes his way to a drawer and pulls out a first aid kit. He walks to you and kneels down on one knee, placing the box next to you on the bed.

"Take the jacket off." He says, voice is low but commanding. You're hesitating, you don't want him to see your bruised body. You don't like your body, you felt as if its ugly and you hated it. Jungkook notices your hesitation, his hands raise to take the jacket off you, and he does, slowly sliding it down your shoulders. His eyes linger on your exposed chest. Your black bra that holds your breast well.

Then he see's the bruises, his jaws clench in anger and he feels his blood boil. He takes the first aid kit and takes a tube of ointment out. He puts some on his index finger before gently applying it on your bruises. You hiss a bit from the burning sensation, Jungkook is more careful. Gently rubbing the ointment on your bruises.

Your stomach feels fuzzy and warm, you look at Jungkook whose focused on healing your wounds. He looks so angelic, mouth slightly parted, head tilted to the side a bit making his fluffy hair shift. Your heart beats faster when his hand slides near your breast, your breathing becomes heavier.

Jungkook's cold fingers linger on your body, he wants to rip your remaining clothes off you and fuck you right now. But he contains himself, your body is beautiful. If it was any other woman he would've done it already, with or without their consent. But why couldn't he do it to you? Jungkook is confused. You make him confused. He barely knew you, and you barely knew him.

After applying the ointment Jungkook puts the tube back into the kit and stands up without a word. He puts the box back into the drawer he took it out of and walks to a wardrobe. He pulls out a black T and a pair of sweat pants.

He walks to you and hands you the clothes.

"Use these." He says simply, you take the clothes with trembling hands and mumble a thank you. Jungkook nods.

"Bathrooms there." he points to the left of the room to the bathroom that's joined with the bedroom. You nod and get up, still feeling weak. You walk to the bathroom and change.

Jungkook on the other hand, who was always the calmest person you'll ever come across, was mentally panicking.

What's he going to do? Why did he take you in? How was he going to live with you?

Well, he wants to live with you. But he doesn't know how. The only time he's ever been in a room with a woman alone was the time he fucked them. But now he's in a room with a woman, not to fuck. And he's nervous. He chews on his inner lip nervously. Then something comes to mind. Or should he say someone.

He takes his phone and looks for the first person he could of in his contact list. Once he finds it he presses on it.

"Jungkook ah, why are you calling me? Its so late!" The voice whines.

"I need help." Jungkook said, very rare words to hear from a man like Jungkook. You can hear the person shuffling around in bed, most probably sitting up.

"Is this a dream?" The man asks in disbelief. Jungkook sighs.

"No, its not. Now will you help me or not?" Jungkook asks.

"Uh okay, what do you need help with?" The person yawns.

"Meet me tomorrow, in my office." Jungkook says before cutting the call without giving the person a chance to reply.

Jungkook places his phone on the night stand before walking to his drawer. He needs to have a shower, especially after fucking a slut. He grabs a pair of gray sweats and a black T-shirt.

The bathroom door opens, revealing you in his clothes. Jungkook's heart stops beating for a second, the way his clothes hang on your body, so loosely. Jungkook gulps, his Adam apple going up and down.

You look amazing in his clothes. You can't help but blush under his stare. Jungkook snaps back to reality and clears his throat to try and get rid of the awkwardness in the room.

"You can sleep on the bed, I'll go shower." He says you nod and walk towards the bed and sit, Jungkook hurries into the bathroom, closing the door before puffing out a breath.

He tries to calm down his heart and decides to shower since he's feeling sticky and tired.

After a nice hot steamy shower, Jungkook changes and walks out the bathroom only to find you snuggled up in the sheets asleep. He walks over to you and sits down gently on the side of the bed you were sleeping on.

He bites his lip as he watches you sleep, you look so beautiful, so innocent, so helpless. And he wants to protect you, from anything that hurts you. He wants to be the man you can depend on.

Jungkook removes a strand of your hair away from your face gently tucking it behind your ear. Unknowingly a smile forms on his face. He gets up slowly to not wake you up and walks to the other side of the bed.

Yes he's going to sleep in the same bed, no he does not care. He gets into the black sheets carefully before turning to your side. Your back is facing him but that doesn't last long as you turn around, now facing Jungkook. You two are inches apart and Jungkook gulps again. His body moves on its own, moving closer to you before snaking his arm around your waist.

You snuggle closer to him and bury your face in his chest, Jungkook's breathing halts. Why does he feel so weird around you? Why do you make him so nervous?

He doesn't know the answers to his questions, but he soon feels sleepy. Relaxing his posture he soon falls asleep with you in his arm.

And he felt so comfortable with you by his side.


Does anyone know NF?
He released a song about last month, its called The Search.
Please give it a listen, its fire🔥

[My mind that has been ruined by K-pop: Ssakda bultaewora bow wow wow (idk if I spelt this ish right)]

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Mr Perverted Cold Billionaire >>J.JK√ [Editing.]Where stories live. Discover now