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Next morning at breakfast, Jungkook was ignoring you. He hasn't spoken to you since the kiss. You felt hurt but you decided to ignore it. You ate your breakfast silently, not having much appetite but you still ate a bit.

Jungkook was done with breakfast, he got up and walked out the dining room without saying anything. You set your fork down and got up, heading to Jungkook's room.

You took a pen and a page and wrote a letter to Jungkook. You left it on his bed and decided to leave. He's done too much for you and you're an independent person, you don't want to bother him anymore.

Then his words rang through your head.

"You're mine."

Your heart felt heavy, but leaving was the best option. You managed to leave the mansion without anyone noticing you. You were on your way back to your house, more of a hell hole.

As soon as you reached you opened the door quietly. Around this part of the time your father isn't home so you were hoping that he wasn't. You walked up the stairs quietly and made your way to your room. As soon as you opened the door you saw that everything was the same. Nothing was touched.

You sighed to yourself and plopped down on your bed. You couldn't stop thinking about Jungkook. You felt guilty for not saying anything before you left, but you left a letter.

You got up and changed into something casual and headed to the coffee shop, hoping that they'll take you back.


It was 10, Jungkook came back. He felt a bit off about something, that caused him to hardly pay attention at work. He ignored you because he thought that he might stop thinking about you. He kept himself busy. Heck, he even fucked Aimee again. Just to try and forget you. But he couldn't. While he was fucking Aimee, his mind was on you. He wondered how you'd look under him, screaming out his name as you scratch his back. He wanted to see your face when he makes your orgasm.

As soon as he stepped foot in his room he was expecting yo see you. But he didn't and he grew worried. He saw a letter on the bed, he dropped his suit case onto the floor and rushed to the letter.

He opened it fast almost tearing the paper.

To: Jungkook

Thank you for everything you've done for me, I really appreciate it. But I can't stay here anymore, I feel like a burden relying on you for everything. I decided to leave, I hope you understand.

Please take care of yourself, rest and be healthy.


Jungkook inhaled deeply and crumbled up the piece of paper in his hand. He stormed out of the room and into his car.

Why? Why was he being like this? He wanted to forget about you, but at the same time he didn't. No one else makes him feel the way you do. And he hates it. He hates that you made him like this. He's only known you for a few days, why does he feel like this towards you?

Is it because you're the only woman he's met that hasn't tried to use him? Is it because you weren't interested in his money?

He asked himself so many questions as he drove, but his main concern was on getting you back. To make it clear that you belonged to him. You were his toy after all. Or was it because he actually loves you? He thinks its ridiculous. To fall in love with someone he barely knows.

He's confused, he needs time to figure out his feelings. He needs time, he's never felt like this before. He kissed so many woman but when he kissed you, he felt a spark light up deep inside him. He enjoyed the way your lips felt against his. How your lips fit with his perfectly.

He parks the car outside the coffee shop. First place came to mind. As soon as he got out you were coming out of the store. You locked eyes with him.

You were shocked, what is he doing here? Your heart started beating fast. He stared at you, both anger and sorrow in his eyes. Jungkook walks to you and takes your arm dragging you with him.

"Jungkook stop!" You try to pull back from his strong grip, but his grip around your wrist tightens. It hurts you.

"Jungkook stop! You're hurting me!" You shout at him. He stops walking and looks at you. He pulls you close to him and you gasp. You stare into his brown orbs and you gulp.

"Good." He grits out. "Good, it should hurt. That's your punishment for leaving." He says and you breath heavily.

"What part of 'You're mine' don't you get? Huh!?" He shouts at you and you flinch. Tears pricking in your eyes.

"I'm not yours Jungkook! I'm not!" You yell as you try to break free from him.

He holds your shoulders firmly and kisses you. You freeze, eyes open and tears swim in them. You blink making a tear roll down your cheek. Jungkook kisses you softly, he snakes one hand down to your waist and tugs you towards him. You manage to break the kiss.

"Stop it!" You yell at him. "Stop it! Just stop!" You cry out. "Stop making me confused! First you kiss me then you ignore me! It hurts you jerk!" You cry out. Jungkook looks at you, his heart shattering into pieces as he see's you cry.

"I'm sorry." He says lowly. You look at him with tears in your eyes.

"I'm sorry for making you confused. I myself am confused. You make me confused." He looks into your eyes. "I never felt like this towards anyone before. I sleep around with woman at clubs, I kiss them and i feel nothing. But when I kiss you. I feel something inside me. And its confusing. You're the only one who can make me feel this way and its pissing me off. I need time, but," He continues to stare at you. His grip on your waist tightening and you let out a little gasp.

"If there's one thing I'm sure of, its that you are mine." He stares at you dead in the eye. You gulp as you look at his perfect face.

"You are mine, Y/n."

Mr Perverted Cold Billionaire >>J.JK√ [Editing.]Where stories live. Discover now