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"I now pronounce you husband, and husband. You may kiss the groom." The priest says, Jimin smiles at Hoseok before connecting their lips. The crowd claps and woos.

You smile as you clap your hand. Jungkook sitting next to you, he whispers into your ear.

"Don't worry baby, soon that'll be us." He says making you blush.

"Shut up." You glare and he laughs.

Jimin and Hoseok walk down hand in hand, huge smiles plastered on their faces.

After the after party, you start to feel sleepy. Jungkook notices and he tells the guys that he's taking you home.

The two of you bid your goodbyes and leave.

Soon reaching, Jungkook carries you in bridal style, walking to the room as you had fallen asleep in the car, Jungkook gently lays you down on the bed, removing your shoes and dress before he put one of his shirts on for you.

He kisses your forehead and climbs into bed after changing, covering the both of you. You snuggle into his chest, Jungkook smiles and wraps his arm around your body, holding you close to him.


"Taehyung, baby are you okay?" Yoongi asks Taehyung whose sitting on the bed with his head hung low.

Yoongi can't bare to see his husband like this. He's determined on finding out what's wrong. He takes a seat next to Taehyung on the bed, taking Taehyung's hand in his.

"Baby?" Yoongi calls.

"I wanna have a baby." Taehyung mumbles. Yoongi's eyes widen.


"I want to have a baby Yoongi." Taehyung looks up at Yoongi with teary eyes. It hurts Yoongi to see his love like this.

"D- do you want to go for surgery?" Yoongi asks, Taehyung nods.

"Are you sure?" Yoongi asks.

"You think I'm being ridiculous, right?" Taehyung chuckles.

Yoongi shakes his head instantly.

"Of course not, I just want you to know that even if we don't have kids my love for you will never, ever change." This made Taehyung look at his husband. Yoongi smiles a gummy smile at him.

"i love you no matter what, Min Taehyung." Yoongi brushes his lips against Taehyung's.

"I love you too Min Yoongi." Taehyung mumbles in between the kiss.


"Jin," Namjoon rests his chin on Jin's shoulder from behind as he wraps his arms around the olders waist.

"What?" Jin asks.

"What would you do if I asked you to marry me?" This caught Jin off guard.

"U- uh, I'd say yes?" Jin answers, Namjoon smiles.

"Good, guess we're getting married, I'll get you your ring tomo-" He doesnt finish his sentence as Jin becomes startled.

"EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!?" He looks at Namjoon with wide eyes and his jaw hanging before slapping the youngers head.

"What the heck!?" Jin questions.

Namjoon holds his hands above his head to prevent getting hit again.

"I just proposed to you." Namjoon answers plainly. Jin stares at the younger, his face flushing red.


Namjoon smirks before setting his hands down to his sides.

"I know, buts its how I propose." He smirks at the older.

"Yah Kim Namjoon!" Jin chases Namjoon around their pent house, Namjoon running for dear life as Jin whips out a pink spatula out of nowhere and starts chasing the younger.



"You ready baby?" Jimin asks, his hands on Hoseok's hips, Hoseok pants and nods.

"Yes, please."

Jimin slowly slides inside of the older, making Hoseok moan.

"God, I will never get enough of this." Jimin says as he starts to move his hips. Hoseok moans loudly when Jimin brushes against his prostrate.

"I love you so, so much Park Hoseok." Jimin grunts, leaning down and planting butterfly kisses on Hoseok's neck. "I- i love you too." Hoseok gasps as he feels his orgasm grow near.

"Cum for me baby." And with that, Hoseok cums, Jimin also cumming inside of the older.

"I didn't hurt you, right?" Jimin looks at Hoseok with worried eyes.

Hoseok smiles and shakes his head.

"You didn't hurt me, you didn't hurt us." Jimin smiles and kisses Hoseok's lips again.

They knew that they would spend the rest of their lives together, and they had no problem with it at all.

Mr Perverted Cold Billionaire >>J.JK√ [Editing.]Where stories live. Discover now