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Its been two days, two days since you lost your virginity to Jungkook. You still don't know what he feels for you, or what you feel for him. You'd be lying if you said he doesn't make you feel all fuzzy inside.

You'd be lying if you said you didn't miss him when he was working late.

You'd be lying if you said you don't think about him 24/7

But, does he think about you? Does he miss you? Does he feel fuzzy around you?

You don't know.

You sigh.

You sit up on the bed, hugging your knees to your chest. You can't sleep. Then you remembered. Jungkook said he sleeps around with woman...

Is he perhaps with someone right now...? You feel a pang in your heart.

You shake your head.

No Y/n, don't just assume things.

You go back to sleep.

Dreaming about him, again.


"Jungkook." Jungkook feels his anger build up when he hears this voice.


"What do you want?" Jungkook growls as he flips over a GE documents.

Aimee walks in, wearing a red deep V line shirt, a black skirt and red heels.

"Let's go out." She chirps. Jungkook chuckles, he looks up at her.

"Aimee." Jungkook starts off coldly. "If you think that I would ever consider marrying you, or forming any type of relationship with you just because you claim that you're pregnant with my child, you're wrong." He closes the file with a loud thump and Aimee flinches.

"What do you mean 'claim'!? I am pregnant with your child!" She says angrily. Jungkook scoffs. He gets up, taking his jacket with him.

"You can go out yourself. I have things to do." He says walking pass her.

"Like what!?" She demands.

"Like going home and cuddling with my fiancée." Aimee stares at him with widen eyes, Jungkook smirks and leaves before she can say anything.


Jungkook walks into his room, exhausted. He sees your sleeping figure and smiles to himself.

He wants to sleep, with his arms around you. He's quick with his movements. Having a shower and dressing in nothing but a pair of gray sweats that hang around his waist loosely.

He slips under the covers and wraps his arms around your waist, bringing you closer to him, he buries his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent that he's addicted to.

He soon falls asleep.

The next morning Jungkook wakes up, but he feels cold. His eyes instantly open and looks at your side of the bed.

You're not there.

He sits up and looks around, soon the room smells like vanilla, berries and pine. Like you, a euphoric feeling rushes through him when he see's you exit the bathroom and into the room.

You look at him.

"M- morning." You greet, your voice is soft.

"Morning." Jungkook greets back. He stares at you.

"Come here." He calls for you, you obey.

As soon as you're near the bed you find yourself being pulled and Jungkook on top of you.

"J- Jungkook?" You gulp as you stare into his brown orbs that seem to be darkening.

He buries his face into your neck and breaths in your scent.

Soon you feel him kiss your neck, you gasp quietly. His hand sliding up your shirt.

You knew what he wanted.

"J- Jungkook...i just showered." You say, you don't want to get dirty.

"Then shower again, with me." He smirks.

"Pervert." You mumble. His hand goes up to your breast and gives it a squeeze.

You gasp.

Jungkook moves his lips to yours, kissing you.

He then takes off your clothes. Pulling his sweats down, he aligns himself at your entrance and slams himself into you.

You choke back a moan. Jungkook shows no mercy as he continues to thrust into you in an inhuman pace.

You can feel your orgasm nearing. Jungkook knows your close, your walls tighten around him and he groans. He look so sexy right now.

You cum, Jungkook following soon, letting his semen stains your walls.

You pant. Jungkook leans in and kisses your forehead, you melt at the gesture. He kisses your forehead softly, with....love.

Something he never believed in.

Mr Perverted Cold Billionaire >>J.JK√ [Editing.]Where stories live. Discover now