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Morning arrives, you slowly flutter your eyes open only to see a sleeping Jungkook, close to you. Too close. Your face heats up and your heart starts beating fast. You're shocked. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps, almost like a cute little bunny. You giggle softly at your thought. He groans before opening his eyes, and that's when you shut yours quickly pretending to be asleep.

Jungkook looks at you, sleeping so closely to him. He's never experienced this before, the feeling is new to him. But for some reason he slept so well last night. Having you in his arms, your warm body against his. He slept so well. Jungkook's face heats up as he stares at yours.

Your cute, angelic face makes his heart race. He doesn't move, he's afraid you'll wake up. But he doesn't know that you're already awake. He carefully slips out of bed and goes to the bathroom.

As soon as you hear the door of the bathroom open and close you open your eyes and let out the breath that you've been holding. You place your hand over your heart and slowly breath out.

As soon as the bathroom door shuts Jungkook looks at himself in the mirror, his ears were red and his cheeks were a light shade of pink.

Am I blushing?

Fuck no!

He shakes his head frantically. "No no no no no no no." He mumbles. He opens the tap and washes his face with the cold water. He looks in the mirror.

"What's going on with you Jungkook?" He asks himself as he sighs.

He opens the door to get some clothes to use. He walks out the bathroom to see you sitting up on the bed as your hand is under your shirt, or should you say his shirt massaging your stomach.

You look at him and smile lightly. "Morning." You greet.

"Morning." He says back, he notices that your hand is in your stomach and instantly grows worried. He walks to you and sits on the bed.

"Let me see." He says, hands reaching out to lift the shirt up. As soon as he lifts it up he sees that your stomach turned purple.

"Does it hurt?" He asks. You nod slowly, avoiding eye contact. He's basically looking at your bare stomach. You're both shy and nervous.

"You should go shower, once you're out we'll go see the doctor." He says calmly, but meanwhile, he's freaking out inside and he hates it, what he hates more is that he doesn't know why he's freaking out so much.

"N- no, its fine really. I should get going anyways. Thank you for helping me." You say as you look down at your lap.

Jungkook bites his inner lip as he stares at you. His hands let go of the shirt and it falls covering your stomach.

"No." He says sternly.

You look at him confused. "But-"

"I said no." He says, his tone is demanding and cold. You can't help but flinch a little. He moves closer to you, his face is inches away from yours. Your heart races and Jungkook cages you as he puts both his arms on either side of you.

"You will not leave. You're mine now." He says in a low voice, but the danger is still there. You gulp as you stare into his brown orbs.

What does he mean you're his? You try to process everything but then you felt something soft, warm and wet on your lips.

Jungkook's kissing you.

Jungkook's kissing you.


You're shocked. He just stole your first kiss. His lips start to move against yours and you try to push away but he grips your arms in his as he gently pushes you down onto the soft bed.

You can't help but melt into the kiss and you slowly kiss back. Jungkook is happy to finally get a response from you.

After a while a pulls away, leaving the both of you panting. You blush and Jungkook's eyes widen in realization. He backs up immediately and you're left on the bed flushed.

"I'll go shower." He says while he gets up from the bed goes to the shower with his clothes. You still can't believe that he took your first kiss.

You cover your face with your hands and breath in and out deeply.

Jungkook closes the door of the bathroom and hits his head.

"Why did you do that?!" He asks himself. He groans, why was he so tempted by you? Why did he kiss you?

He takes his shower and comes out dressed in a black Armani suit. He see's you sitting on the bed again, hugging your knees. He gulps down and walks to the wardrobe. He pulls out a light blue dress shirt, a pair of sweats and boxers. He walks to you and leaves the clothes on the bed.

"You can go shower." He says, looking away from you. You nod slowly and take the clothes before rushing to the bathroom flushed. Your heart won't stop beating fast.

Jungkook chews on his inner bottom lip and goes to the night stand. He takes out his phone and calls a number.

"Hello?" The person answers.

"I need you to get me some jeans, hoodies, shoes and underwear. Female. No questions asked." Jungkook says.

"Uhhh okay? What size?" Jungkook thinks. You look cute in oversized stuff, a smile comes to his face.

"Jeans, (y/s), hoodies large." Jungkook says.

"Okay, when do you need them?"

"Today, in half an hour." Jungkook says and cuts the call, once again without giving the person a chance to speak.

He sits on the bed and waits for you to come out. While he's waiting, the kiss comes to mind.

The way your lips felt on his, so soft. The way he dominated you made him smirk.

Then another idea came in mind.

You being his new toy.

I just realized how rushed and cringe this is. I'm so sorry for those that had to put up with reading this.

Y/s - your size

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Mr Perverted Cold Billionaire >>J.JK√ [Editing.]Where stories live. Discover now