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You were in the garden, taking a walk. You got bored of staying inside all the time so you decided to take a walk. Its about 5 in the afternoon, you wondered what time Jungkook would be back.

"Y/n." You turn around to see Jungkook. What? Why's he back so early? You smile at him.

"Hey." You greet.

He nods. "What are you doing out here?" He asks as he walks to you.

"Uh, I got bored doing nothing all day so I thought I might take a walk in the garden." You answer and he nods.

"Get ready, I'm taking you somewhere." He says and your eyes widen. "What? Where?" You ask.

"Charity ball." He replies.

"But i don't have anything to wear..." You look down.

"I bought you a dress, its in our room." He says, your heart skips a beat.


"Thank you." You say.

Jungkook doesn't say anything, but he grabs you by your waist and kisses you. You're caught off guard. He kisses you, and you slowly flutter your eyes shut.

After a while he breaks the kiss and looks at you in your eyes.

"W- what was that for?" You ask

"Remember when I said I found a way to stop you from saying 'thank you' all the time?" He asks and you nod. "Well, every time you say thank you. I kiss you." He says and your eyes widen.

"What!?" You become flustered.

Jungkook just smirks and walks away.

Man, what have i gotten myself into?


"You ready?" Jungkook asks walking into the room.

"Uh yeah, I can't zip it up though." You struggle zipping the back of your dress. The next thing you know is a pair of warm soft hands taking yours away, putting them at your side. Jungkook then takes the zipper and pulls it up, very very very slowly.

You feel your cheeks heat up and your heart starts beating faster. Jungkook presses his lips against the back of your neck and a tiny gasp escapes your lips. He zips the dress up all the way.

"T- thanks." You stutter out. Jungkook hums.

"You're beautiful." He says, placing his hands on your waist. You gulp.

"T- thank you." Your voice is soft. Jungkook turns you around and slams his lips on yours, your eyes widen.

He breaks the kiss.

"I like it when you say 'thank you'." He smirks and you blush.

"P- pervert." You mumble.

"That I am." He ghosts his lips over your ear lobe, a tiny moan escapes your lips.

"Mmm, someone wants more." He teases and you push him off you.

"You're gonna be late." You glare, Jungkook laughs. Your eyes widen. This is the first time you saw him laugh.

Its cute.


He stops laughing and smiles at you. And thats when your heart melted.

"You're cute." You blurt out without thinking, then you slap a hand over your mouth. Jungkook stares at you.

"N- no! I- uh" you blabber until Jungkook stops you with his lips on yours.

"You're cute." He says and you blush.

"Come on, we're gonna be late." He leaves you alone in the room.

You try to calm your heartbeat.

Am I in love with him?

Mr Perverted Cold Billionaire >>J.JK√ [Editing.]Where stories live. Discover now