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After an exhausting day at work Jungkook finally heads home around 12. He starts to wonder on what you were doing the whole day.

As soon as the car comes to a stop outside the mansion he gets out and walks in quickly.

He walks into the room to see you sitting on a chair near the window gazing outside.

"You're awake." He speaks and you look at him and stand up.

"Y- yeah. Its late and y-you didn't come back yet so I was -w- worried." You look down and he looks at you amused. You were worried about him? He feels, special. He smirks and leaves his suit case on the table before walking towards you.

"Are you scared of me?" He asks.

You nod, avoiding eye contact. He scoffs and walks towards you and you walk backwards until your back its the wall. He presses his body against yours and you freeze.

"I'm no monster under the bed." He says.

Your hearts beating fast and you can fe your cheeks heat up. He leans against your ear and brushes his lips against your ear lightly. You shudder from the new feeling.

"But I'm a monster in bed." Your eyes widen and you look at him. you gulp and he leans in for your lips. You put your hands on his chest to prevent him from coming more near but he takes your hands and pins them against the wall either side of your head.

He kisses you. Softly, you melt into the kiss and kiss back. His lips work against yours slowly. Your lips fits in with his perfectly, as if they were made for his. He holds both your hands above your head with one hand while the other travels down to your waist and tugs you towards him more, leaving no space between the two of you.

You gasp as you feel his hand slither its way up your sweater. He takes this as an opportunities and slips his tongue into your cavern. His tongue explores your mouth and you moan lightly. Jungkook feels satisfied to get a sound out of you.

The kiss breaks leaving the both of you panting heavily. You blush immensely and Jungkook backs away and goes to his draw to get some clothes before heading into the shower. You fall to the ground feeling your knees give up on you.

Why? Why was your heart beating so much? Why did you enjoy the kiss so much?

You're confused. You can't fall in love with him, you just can't. You stand up and decide to go to sleep. You don't want to face him when he comes out of the shower.

Jungkook on the other hand, knew that he can't fall in love with you. He doesn't love. He doesn't believe in love. The status's between the two of you are different. You're poor, he's a billionaire. It won't work out.

He thinks on getting you a house to live in, so he won't have to face you. But he doesn't want to. He can't. He's confused.

Very, very, very confused.

Jungkook comes out of the shower to see you asleep on the bed. He walks to you and kneels down on one knee as he he stares at you. Your eyes closed, lips slightly parted. He smiles to himself as he continues to stare at your beautiful face.

He gets up and gets in bed, looking at you. His body once again moves on its own and gets near you. Snaking his arm around you waist bringing you closer to him. He falls asleep.

Mr Perverted Cold Billionaire >>J.JK√ [Editing.]Where stories live. Discover now