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*Ayo Ayo*

Hoseok looks at the papers in his hand.

He's pregnant.

Hoseok knew that he was a sub, 4 years before he could meet Jimin he had surgery. He didn't tell anyone about this, not even Jimin, thinking that everyone would call him a freak. And now he's pregnant, with Jimin's child. Hoseok doesn't know whether to cry out of happiness or sadness that he may lose Jimin.

But he needs to tell Jimin, he needs to tell Jimin that he's pregnant, with his child.

Hoseok takes his phone and calls Jimin.

"Hey babyboy." He heard Jimin's sweet, calming voice that always manages to calm him down.

"J- Jimin." Hoseok tries hard to hold back his sobs. He takes a deep breath in to try and stabilize his breathing.

"Babyboy? Is everything okay?" He hears Jimin panic over the call.

"Yeah, everything's fine." He lies.

"Hobi don't lie to me, I've known you for 4 years now, I can tell if something's wrong."

"Just- could you come over, please?" Hoseok asks, his nose and eyes are red.

"I'm on my way." Jimin says, the call cuts.

Hoseok looks down at his belly, he puts a hand over it.

"Let's hope daddy accepts you." He talks to his unborn child.

A few minutes later the doorbell rings, Hoseok is both nervous and scared. He opens the door to reveal a worried Jimin. Jimin instantly walks in and wraps his arms around Hoseok, Hoseok feels safe in his arms.

"You've been crying." Jimins voice is soft, wrapping his arms around the older tighter. Hoseok buries his face into the youngers shoulder.

"Hobi, what's wrong?" Jimin asks. It pains him to see his love like this.

Hoseok doesn't say anything, but instead he takes Jimin's hand leads him to his bedroom.

He makes Jimin sit down on the bed and goes over to his desk, taking out the pregnancy papers, giving it one last look before turning around and walking to a puzzled Jimin.

"Baby what's wrong?" Jimin asks worriedly.

"J- Jimin. Before anything I need to tell you something." Hoseok stands in front of Jimin, his head hung. Jimin takes his hand makes hosoek stand in between his legs. He brushes his thumb over the olders hand in a calming way.

"What is it baby?" Jimin asks, looking at the older with affection and curiosity in his eyes.

Hoseok takes a deep breath in.

"B- before we could meet, I had surgery. I had a womb placed in me. i didn't tell anyone about this," he says. Jimin's eyes widen. "I'm sorry i didn't tell you." Hoseok says, a tear dropping from his eye. Jimin instantly stands up and wraps his arms around the older, pulling him into his embrace.

"Its okay baby, I still love you the same. And nothings going to change that." Jimin says, Hoseok hugs Jimin tightly and sobs. What did he ever do to deserve someone like Jimin?

"T- there's something else." Jimin pulls away and looks at the older.

"What is it?" he questions. Hoseok gives him the pregnancy papers. Jimin slowly takes it from him, looking at the older then at the paper. Hoseok looks down at his feet.

Mr Perverted Cold Billionaire >>J.JK√ [Editing.]Where stories live. Discover now