Chapter 6

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Just a heads up before you start reading, there is going to be two chapters tomorrow. One will be smut. Hehe, sorry, I'm just a disgrace to my Christian family 😂😅



Your POV

Jack started the car up and started driving towards what I only assumed was the mall, playing random songs with his phone. I sang along with them, then a certain meme song came on and he smacked the steering wheel, making me jump. He chuckled and apologized, then flailed slightly to the beat of the song. I laughed as he continued his 'dance', both his hands on the steering wheel and making his chest go in circles. (Me 😂)

Once that song ended, Run Away With Me (by Carley Ray Jepson) came on and he looked me in the eyes at a red light, singing the lyrics to me. I gave him my full attention, loving his voice in every way, even if he couldn't reach the notes correctly.

The song Love Someone (by Lukas Graham) came on, reminding me of the talk I just had with Jack. I'm really am afraid to loose him. I love him to much to loose him. I know, I'll probably still end up with him, even if something happened. If he did even remotely hurt me, I would probably forgive him, after calling Mark, of course.

A few more songs played while we made our way to the mall, getting there within 15 minutes of the coffee shop. Jack found a parking spot and we got out, hurrying inside because it was fucking freezing outside. Jack held my hand as we walked around, trying to find a DVD shop.

Once we did, we went inside, separating in search for movies we wanted. I went to the romance section while Jack went to horror. I picked out one movie, The Notebook. I went over to Jack and seen he had about four movies in his hand, looking at another one.

"Jack? How many movies do you plan on getting?"

He looked over at me as he placed the movie he was looking at in his hand, "We're staying up all night, right? Might as well get enough new movies to support all night and later hours to come."

I smiled and shook my head, "You're crazy, you know that?"

"Yep. Everybody is at least a little bit crazy. That's how we all function."

I shrugged and turned around, looking at the comedy movies. Once I turned back around, Jack had disappeared to somewhere else, so I went back to looking at movies again. After a minute or five, I heard my name being called by Jack, so I went to him, which was at the counter.

I set my movie up on the counter, not finding any interesting looking comedy movies. I looked through the movies, seeing the five horror movies, then the 50 Shades movies that have been made. I pursed my lips as I picked them up, glancing between Jack and the movies.

Jack blushed and put the movies back down on the counter, the cashier ringing them up. He paid for the movies and we went back out to the car and got in.

Once Jack shut his door, I looked over at him and smirked, "So, 50 Shades, huh?"

He nodded and blushed lightly, "Yeah, they're good movies." He tugged at his shirt collar, a chuckle coming from him.

"Yeah, uh huh, are you sure it's not for the sex scenes and hopes of getting me turned on?"

His blush darkened, "You caught me."

I put my hand on his thigh and leaned in to his ear, "You can turn me on easier than those movies can, babe." I whispered, then nibbled his ear a little, teasing him.

When I pulled away, he looked over at me, "Okay, we'll see about that soon."

I nodded, planning on being stubborn. He started the car and we headed off back home.

Time skip

We made it home and grabbed the bag with the movies and went inside, Jack shutting the door behind us. He suddenly pinned me against the wall, my hands above my head, his face barely three inches away from mine. He leaned in quickly and kissed me deeply, swiping his tongue across my bottom lip. Sticking to my plan, I didn't allow him access in.

His hand slithered down my body and to my butt, squeezing it a few times, then a smack, causing me to gasp, accidentally giving him access into my mouth. My tongue fought for dominance with his, but I lost, his tongue exploring my mouth freely. He pulled back for air, both of us panting.

I smirked as I got loose from him, walking into the living room, getting a low growl from Jack. I went and sat on the couch, watching Jack go to a small door on the left side on the room, seeing blankets piled on top of one another on the floor to about half way up the small room, pillows stacked on the top rack. Jack grabbed most of the pillows and tossed them towards me, doing the same with the blankets.

He kicked the blankets and pillows to me, all of them landing in front of me in the floor. I moved the coffee table, put down four blankets on the floor, making it more comfortable, then making a little nest with the pillows, which is where I plan to lay in the middle of with Jack. I placed blankets over the pillow nest, for (obviously) warmth and warmer cuddles.

Now that we have maximum comf, I can help Jack figure out a movie since he has been looking through the new movies while I was making the nest.

I went over and sat on the floor beside him, seeing him with three movies in his hand. "Hey, baby, what ya doing?" I asked giddily.

"Trying to figure out if I want to watch The Notebook, the first 50 Shades, or Chainsaw Massacre." (That's a horror movie, right?)

"I would say The Notebook first, and by the time it's dark out, the movie would be over, and we could watch Chainsaw Massacre. Then 50 Shades, I guess." I mumbled the last part, making Jack chuckle.

"Okay, let's go make the hot chocolate and popcorn!" Jack said as he got up and raced to the kitchen.

I laughed and followed him, seeing him reaching up to the top shelf of one cabinet, pulling a box of Swiss Miss (idk if it's 'Miss' or not, but that's what I'm thinking it is.) down. I grabbed the box of popcorn from another cabinet, pulling three packets out. Jack put water into a pot, starting to get it boiling as I popped one bag of popcorn at a time.

We got finished around the same time, after I put all three bags of popcorn into a large bowl, and after he put marshmallow cream, cinnamon, and sugar on top of the drink in two mugs for us.

Alright! Chapter 6 coming at you with 1200+ words!

Hot chocolate with marshmallow cream, cinnamon, and sugar is lit af. Don't @ me.

Also, sorry for adding some sexual parts... Whoops.

But anyway, punch that vote button in the face LIKE A BOSS! I'll see you doods in the next chapter!

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