Chapter 27

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Your POV

A year and about a month later, on Valentine's Day, Jack and I were hanging around our house, still snuggled up in bed. I smiled at him as he smiled back, placing a kiss on my nose.

"I have a day planned for us, princess." Jack stated as he played with my hair.

I cocked an eyebrow, intrigued by this information, "Oh, really? What is happening today? What's your plans?"

Jack smirked, "You'll see soon, princess. Just get up and take a nice, relaxing bath. Oh, and happy Valentine's Day, baby girl."

He kissed my forehead and I giggled, "Happy Valentine's Day to you, too."

Jack got up and stood me up, leading me to the bathroom. Once I stepped foot into the room, a relaxing aroma wafted around me, making me sigh, delighted. I looked around to see candles lit and rose petals laying around, most of them around the large bathtub. I went over to the bathtub to see it was already filled with water and bubbles, making me smile and turn to Jack, who had already vanished from the room.

I shrugged and stripped out of my clothes, sinking into the water.

Jack's POV

(Y/n) doesn't know anything about what I have planned for today. Hopefully everything goes right. It's already after 11 am, so if she takes less than two hours in the bath and for getting ready, we should be able to make it to the first thing I have planned without screwing up the scheduled time for later. 'I should've told her that...'

I sighed and knocked on the bathroom door, than opened it. "Hey, princess, make sure you take less than an hour in the water if you want to be able to get ready and leave to be on time for what I have planned." I looked over to her to see her head resting on the bathtubs edge, her hair falling over the edge of it. She had her eyes closed, a small smile on her face.

"Okay, Jack. I won't be much longer, then."

I smiled and nodded, closing the door back quietly. I need to get ready myself. I have a special outfit for later, and one for the first few things I have planned. Well, the special outfit is for two things. I also have something beautiful for (Y/n) to wear, too. But for now, I grabbed my dark gray and black shirt and slipped it on, pairing it with dark jeans.

(Like so:)

I combed my hair a little, fixed up my eyebrows and beard, making sure no hairs were sticking out to bad

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I combed my hair a little, fixed up my eyebrows and beard, making sure no hairs were sticking out to bad. I went over to our closet and found a dress for (Y/n), it was knee length and it was designed with modern floral print. I laid the strapless dress out on the bed, then went back to the closet. I grabbed our special outfits and something else that we needed, then took them down to the car, placing them neatly into the trunk.

I went back inside and put on some socks, then checked my appearance in the mirror, satisfied for now. The bathroom door opened and (Y/n) came out, wrapped in a towel and a towel around her hair.

I smiled, "Hey, princess. I got your dress for today on the bed, you can choose what shoes you want to wear with it. I didn't know if you wanted heels or flats. Oh, yeah, I have this, it might go well with the dress." I grabbed a square box from the dresser and walked over to her, handing it to her.

She opened it to reveal a necklace with gems that matched some of the colors on the dress, making her smile. "I didn't know you were such a fashion guru, Jack." She giggled, taking the necklace out of the box.

She had difficulties latching it, so I took over and helped her, latching it together. She looked down at it, rubbing her fingers gently over the gems.

"It's beautiful, Seán." She said, a smile tugging at her lips.

"Just like you." I kissed her cheek and picked up the dress for her. "Here, put this on, dry your hair, and find some shoes."

"What about makeup?"

"You don't need it. You never have."

She blushed and giggled, letting the towel fall. With me being the gentleman I am, I kept my eyes on hers, taking all my willpower not to take a quick glance at her perfect body. She went over to her dresser and grabbed some underwear and a strapless bra, putting them on.

She slipped the dress over her body, having trouble zipping it. "Jack, could you help me, please?"

(Quick A/n: I was about to put 'thin frame' instead of 'body'... Some of you might not agree, but no one is fat. You're just fluffy. *cue music* 😂)

I nodded and zipped it up, careful not to catch her soft skin in the zipper. I backed away once I finished, looking at the beauty in front of me. She did a short twirl, the cloth wrapping around her body once she stopped. I looked up to her face, seeing a bright smile and her twinkling (E/c) eyes.

"I love this dress, Seán." She said, astonishment laced in her voice.

I smiled, "I'm glad." I kissed her cheek and she giggled, practically skipping over to our closet to get out some shoes.

She grabbed a pair of (F/c) flats and slipped them on, them walked back over to me. I laced my fingers with hers and we started out of the house, but not before I slipped on my black Pumas. (Don't judge me. I watched the pole dancing video verrrry closely... And the eight hour Christmas livestream. [Just to clarify, I DO NOT HAVE A FOOT FETISH. That's disgusting. (sorry to you foot addicts lmao) I just wanted to know what type of shoes he wears 😂 I know, I sound like a fucking stalker lmao] Oof...)

I smiled as I opened the car door for (Y/n) , letting her sit down, then closing the door softly and getting in myself. I started out on our journey to the little café where Patty works.

Alright! Chapter 27 coming at you with 1000+ words!

So... I was reading back on what I've wrote... Back in chapter 4, I think, about Jack getting a high score in bowling... Hehe, that was... something 😂

But anyway, punch that vote button in the face LIKE A BOSS! I'll see you doods in the next chapter!

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