Chapter 33

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(I'm going to post the rest of the story today, so, you're welcome.)

Jack's POV

I woke up suddenly, mostly because of three people jumping on top of me. I popped my eyes open, finding Mark, Ethan, and Felix all trying to get out of the dog pile they had made on me. Mark got off the top, Ethan next, then Felix. (Yeah, somehow Ethan didn't get squashed, even with his smol bean body.)

"Jack, get the fuck up! You got to get this tux on, marry my sister, and live happily ever after!" Mark said, ripping my blankets off.

"Yeah, Jack! Get up!" Ethan started pushing me out of the bed, making me stand up straight.

"Guys, I'm up, calm down. What time is it?" I asked, looking between the three guys.

"It's 10 am." Felix said, putting his phone back into his pocket.

"That means we have three hours left, so we need to get going!" I yelled, running over to my suitcase and grabbing some clothes, then over to the closet in the hotel and grabbed my suit.

We all got ready and got what we needed, including the guys' tuxes. I had already asked Mark to be my best man, and he had agreed happily. We all got to the church around 10:40, all of us getting dressed.

I rehearsed my vows, making sure I remembered them. Mark looked over at me, watching my face crinkle when I didn't say a line correctly in my head.

"What's up, Jack?" Mark asked.

I looked over at him quickly, his voice bringing me out of my thoughts, "Huh? Oh, I'm rehearsing my vows."

Mark smile softly, "Tell them to me."


"Tell them to me. So you can get some practice of saying them out loud."

I nodded and said my personalized vows, Mark listening with a smile. Once I finished them, I looked around, seeing that Mark and I was alone; The other guys were still getting changed.

"How were they?" I asked, suddenly a little subconscious about them.

"They were beautifully put together, Jack. (Y/n) will love them." Mark gave me a reassuring hug, pulled back, and started speaking again. "Just don't get too worried and it'll be okay. Tell yourself that you will remember them and you won't mess them up. Now, I need to go check and see if (Y/n) is here or not."

At that moment, Ethan walked in, then got dragged back out by Mark. I checked my phone, seeing that it was already 11, two hours before the wedding.

I heaved our a sigh as I stood up, walking over to a mirror. As I looked at myself, I seen some of my hair was out of place, so I grabbed the brush off of a table near by. I brushed my hair down, smiling at my appearance. I had my glasses on and a tie, since I had figured out how to tie it a few hours ago from a website. I adjusted the tie, making it straighter and more centered.

(He looks like this, minus the green hair: )

I messed with a few more minor details on my suit, making sure there were little to no wrinkles

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I messed with a few more minor details on my suit, making sure there were little to no wrinkles. I turned to see Felix doing the same as me in another mirror, trying to see the back of his head.

I laughed as I sat down on a chair, waiting for the two hours to be up. I studied over my vows again, until Mark and Ethan bursted through the door, that is.

"Jack, (Y/n) looks pretty! Well, to you she would look way more than that, but I'm her brother and... you know." Mark explained, then shrugged. "Anyway, you're going to like the way she looks." Mark held his thumb up, an awkward smile on his face.

"I know, I think she's always pretty, Mark. That's only one of the many reasons I'm marrying her." I sighed happily, imagining (Y/n) in the wedding dress I haven't seen yet.

"That's cute." Mark said, 'awe'ing before.

Ethan sat down beside me, putting his forearms on his knees, leaning into them. He looked at me, a knowing smile on his face, "I was so surprised when I saw Mika walking down the isle. I never thought that a person could be so beautiful, but I was completely wrong. Dude, when I saw her, I got tears in my eyes. She looked so happy and nervous all at the same time, it was adorable. Hopefully that'll be the feeling you get about (Y/n). You know, when Mark and I went to check on them, (Y/n) looked almost like Mika did. Really happy, really nervous."

I chuckled, practically hearing her nervously laughing as I imagined what she looked like again, now with a mixed emotion smile. I thought for a second, then a question popped up in my head.

"Did she bite her lip any? I know she does that when she's worried or nervous."

"Yeah, she was when I talked to her." Mark said from the mirror I was at.

I pursed my lips, thinking. 'I wish I could comfort her. Tell her she'll do fine. That everything will be okay. Just reassure her in anyway possible.'

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door, so I got up and answered it, seeing my wedding planner, and editor, Robin. "Hey man, what's up?"

"I was wondering if you could come look at the main room? Tell me if you like it or not?" Robin asked.

"Yeah!" I turned to the guys, "You all want to come with me?"

They nodded and followed Robin and I into the main room. As soon as my eyes landed on all the decorations that (Y/n) and I had asked for I was astonished. The white lace curtains covering the window, letting light in at just the right amount. The churches seats with dark blue seat and back cushions. The flower arch above the alter. The minor details, including pamphlets about the events for today on every seat.

"So... How is it?" Robin asked.

A smile broke out on my face, "It looks really good! The lace let's light in better than I imagined, actually. That's great." I picked up and pamphlet and skimmed over it, nodding my head, "These are written well." I shut the pamphlet back and shook it a little before setting it back down. "Thank you for all this, Robin. You have truly outdone yourself." (This is meant genuinely for this, even though it's usually an insult lmao.) I smiled to him, then looked around the room again.

"Thank you, Jack." Robin said, patting my back. "Anyway, I want to show (Y/n) too, so you might want to get a move on if you don't want to see her."

I sighed and nodded, smiling as we left the room. We passed the room the bridesmaids dresses were, my ears catching a glimpse of (Y/n)'s beautiful voice. I smiled even more, the realism that the biggest day of my life is today becoming much bigger.

Alright! Chapter 34 coming at you with 1200+ words!

The actual wedding is next, you guys! WOOHOOOOOOOO!! More sweetness that I have to come up with... Yay. (Their vows are probably gonna suck ass 😂)

But anyway, punch that vote button in the face LIKE A BOSS! I'll see you doods in the next chapter!

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