Chapter 7

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Your POV

After Jack placed the movie in the DVD player and sat down beside me, we sipped on our hot chocolate and ate popcorn while watching The Notebook. Soon, the movie was over and it was dark, so he switched the movies, placing Chainsaw Massacre in. While watching that, we ran out of hot chocolate and popcorn, but shrugged and started cuddling.

We got underneath the slightly popcorn infested blankets, snuggling up to each other. Jack leaned against a bigger pillow and I rested my head on his chest, his heartbeat soothing me. Just about that time, a jump scare happened, making me jump and Jack laugh.

"Babe, you should've seen it coming! It was so obvious!" Jack exclaimed, flailing his free arm around as he talked.

"Well, I haven't watched thousands of horror movies like you, so I don't know when to expect things." I said, patting his stomach.

"True, true." Jack nodded, pursing his lips together.

I turned back to the movie, hearing the audio of it with one ear, Jack's heartbeat with the other ear. I felt Jack's chuckle rumble through his chest, making me slightly confused, then another jump scare happened, making me jump again.

Jack rubbed a small circle into the small of my back, trying to get me to relax because I had gripped his shirt tightly. Suddenly, my phone went off, making both of us jump. I got up and ran to my phone, picking it up before it went off.


"(Y/n)! Why didn't you call me?! I was worried!" Mark yelled.

"I'm sorry! I got distracted! Calm down! Now, stop worrying, I'm fine."

I heard him sigh, then mumble. He took a deep breath, his time sounding as if he had a smile, "Well, I want to tell you something."


"I've met someone. Well, we both have met her, but I've gotten to know her more."

I squealed, then hurriedly asked, "Who is it?"

"Okay, so, you know the waitress back at the restaurant that you got really mad at Romana at, right?"

"Mark... THAT'S SO ADORABLE!" I smiled as I walk back to Jack, sitting down beside him. I put the phone on speaker and set it in my lap. "Tell Jack about it!"

"Okay! Jack, I've met someone! It's the waitress from the restaurant (Y/n) got mad at Romana at. Her name is Amy, remember? She's so sweet, funny, and she's so beautiful. I honestly can't believe it."

Jack chuckled, "That's good for you, Mark. I hope you guys get together."

"Me too." Mark sighed, "She had mentioned a boyfriend a little while ago and I haven't really talked to her since that, but I'm going to meet up with her today. Hopefully she was talking about an ex."

"Yeah, hopefully. Good luck, bub!" I said, laughing slightly, "You're going to need it."

"Hey! I don't need luck when I got looks!"

"Like I said, good luck." (The only reason I added this in is because siblings, well, my brother at least, usually pick at each other's looks. Mark isn't ugly. At all. 😂👏)

Mark scoffed, "Fuck off, sis."

Jack cleared his throat, "Anyway, what time is it for you?"

"12:30 am, what about you guys?"

"10:30 pm. I'm getting tired, Jack." I said, a yawn coming after.

"Well, goodnight, then. Love you sis." Mark said, chuckling.

"Night, love you too, bub."

Jack scoffed, "What about me, Mark? Do you love me?"

Mark laughed, "Of course, Jack. We're a once in a lifetime bromance. Love you, bro."

"That's right. Love you too, man. Bro hug." Jack said with his Felix impression, making me laugh.

Mark chuckled, "Bro hug." He clicked his tongue, "Well, I'm going to let you guys get to bed, buh-bye!"

"Bye!" Jack and I said in sync, then hung up the phone.

I looked at Jack, then glanced at the paused movie, then back to Jack, "Are you tired?"

He shook his head, "Not really, but if you want to go ahead and sleep, I'll go with you. I'll snuggle you until I get tired."

"No, it's okay, I'll stay here and we can finish a few more movies. I honestly shouldn't be tired right now, with it only being 12 back in LA."

Jack nodded, "I know, that's what I was thinking. Time zones are bitches."

I laughed tiredly and nodded, leaning onto his chest again. "Even if I fall asleep, we can just sleep here, unless you want to carry my dead asleep body upstairs."

Jack chuckled, "You're not heavy, princess."

I raised an eyebrow at him, "I think I am."

"Trust me, you're not."

I shook my head, "Sure." I said sarcastically, patting his chest.

Jack chuckled and started the movie again, my eyes slowly closing regardless of how many jump scares happen. Once I started to drift off to sleep, Jack got up and switched movies, making me wide awake again.

He sat back down and the title screen showed "50 Shades Of Gray". I looked at him and sighed, shaking my head playfully. "Jack..."

"What? I've wanted to watch this movie! And the rest of the series!"

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Just don't get handsy and we'll be fine." I wiggled my finger at him.

"No promises." He shrugged and laid my head on his chest, his hand going down to my hip, pulling me closer as the movie started.

I sighed and snuggled into his chest, getting more and more tired as I laid there. Then Jack's hand started to wander about 1/4 into the movie. I lightly slapped his hand, then got comfortable again after I put his hand back onto my hip.

He kept purposely twitching his hand down, inching closer to grabbing my butt. My eyes were closed and I wasn't paying much attention to him, then he gripped my butt, making me yelp and wake up from my half slumber.


He chuckled and massaged my left cheek (lmao, 'my left cheek' *shakes head* Wowie), then smacked it. He went back to massaging it and squeezing it lightly, making me bite my lip.

He chuckled, "I thought you didn't want this?"

I looked up at him and let go of my lip, "I mean, I don't because I'm tired, but you've got me turned on now. What am I supposed to do?"

He chuckled darkly and pulled me onto his lap, groping both ass cheeks while I leaned in for a heated kiss.

Alright! Chapter 7 coming at you with 1100+ words!

I'm writing smut next chapter... *sighs* I'm a horrible person.

But anyway, punch that vote button in the face LIKE A BOSS! I'll see you doods in the next chapter!

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