Chapter 20

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Alright, listen. I don't know how ultrasounds go, and I haven't had time to search it up, so I'm just going to wing it and hope for the best. This chapter is filled with what I assume happens with an ultrasound, so... Pray for me 😂


Your POV

Jack and I was sitting in the waiting area, my knee bouncing out of anxiety from the random 'what if's running through my head. Jack squeezed my hand, making me look over to him and my knee bouncing to subside. He had a caring smile on his face as he cocked an eyebrow, asking me if I was alright without using words.

"I'm a little nervous." I whispered, placing my free hand up to my face, scratching at a bump that had popped up over night. (Dude, I do that all the time when I'm nervous.. Which is often.)

Jack gently moved my hand away from my face, leaning in to kiss my cheek. "I'm sure everything is fine, babe. This just to make sure you're pregnant, but I'm positive that you are, just like that pregnancy test."

I giggled softly as he winked, causing other mothers and mothers-to-be to look over at us. There were quite a few pregnant women, some looking like they were about to pop, others looking as if they were in the first or early second trimester. Other women in the room either had a baby, a few kids, were there for moral support, or were the other mother to the unborn baby, judging by the way she had kissed her partners cheek and forehead.

I smiled softly at the small display of affection between the two women, both of them together reminding me of Jack and I to a certain degree. The way one woman held the others hand so gently, but firmly to reassure her looked so sweet, it made my chest swell with love.

I looked over to Jack with a smile, leaning over to place a couple of kisses on his cheek and neck. I rested my head on his shoulder as his thumb stroked my hand softly, relaxing my anxieties. He placed a soft kiss on top of head and leaned his head over onto mine.

Soon enough, Jack's last name got called and we both got up, me with a smile at the thought of his last name being mine. I shook the thought for now and got back to the task at hand, following the doctor to the exam room. She got me seated on the cushioned table, Jack in a chair beside me, and herself on a stool with wheels.

She rolled over to me with a smile and a clipboard, "My name is Diana and I'm going to be helping you today. You're (Y/n) (L/n), correct?"

I nodded, "Yep, and that's Jack McLoughlin." I pointed to Jack, making him look at me the back to the nurse who was talking.

"Alright. Hello to both of you." She shook both of our hands with a smile then looked back at her clipboard. "So I see that you guys are going to be parents? How exciting! Now, do you know when you got pregnant?"

I looked over to Jack, a light blush on my face. "Um, I think about four weeks and a day ago. I know it was two weeks on Christmas Eve."

The doctor jotted something down and looked back up at me, "Morning Sickness, cravings, sensitive to certain smells?"

I nodded, "Yes to all of those."

"Okay, good." She wrote more thing down, then stood up and grabbed a machine, pulling over to me. "I'm going to take you blood pressure and all that jazz, then we can get to the ultrasound!" She exclaimed.

I giggled as she put the cuff around my arm and the other piece onto my finger. She took my temperature, then threw the plastic cover away with a simple press of a button. Once she wrote down my temperature, the blood pressure machine beeped, signaling it got what it needed. She wrote down the outcome and then got me to lean back.

"Alright, Future Momma, lean back for me, and pull your shirt up, please."

I smiled when she called me 'Future Momma', not used to the name. I laid back and raised my shirt up, showing some of my lowest ribs. The nurse grabbed a tube of something and the ultrasound wand, then looked up to me with a worried smile.

"This might be a little cold."

I nodded and held my breath, ready for impact. Soon, the cold gel make contact with my skin, sending shivers up my spine. I heard Jack chuckle from beside me and felt him cradle my hand with both of his. I shivered again as she placed the wand into the gel, making the coldness spread around.

A few moments later, multiple thuds were heard through the room, making me tear up as I looked at the monitor. There was a bean sized shape on the screen, the thudding louder than before. (I guess? Can you even see the baby at four weeks? Can you even hear a heartbeat at four weeks? I don't know mannnnn Lmao)

I looked over to Jack, squeezing his hand, tears in my eyes, "Seán, that's our baby." I squeaked, laughing softly.

Jack nodded and wiped at his eyes, "Yep. We made that." I giggled at what he said, the doctor jotting things down as she held the wand with her non-dominant hand.

The doctor moved the wand and cleaned up the now warm gel with a paper towel. She discarded the paper towel and washed her hands, then looked back down to her clipboard, writing something.

She looked up from her clipboard that was situated on her lap, a smile on her face, "Well, congratulations, guys! You're parents! Now, I want you both to come in a month from now, which is February 4th." We nodded as she handed us a card with the date and time of the appointment on it. "See you then! You're free to leave now." She waved us bye and I looked over to Jack as I sat up, wiping the stray tears that were on my face.

"That was our baby... I'm so proud... I haven't even met them yet, and I'm already so in love." I smiled and rubbed the lower portion of my stomach, a small giggled escaping my mouth.

Jack grabbed my hand as we walked towards the door, "So am I, (Y/n), so am I."

Alright! Chapter 20 coming at you with 1100+ words!

Awww, so you are pregananant! That's adorable! What happens next? *grabs popcorn and water* I'm ready.

But anyway, punch that vote button in the face LIKE A BOSS! I'll see you doods in the next chapter!

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