Chapter 12

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Your POV

Jack and I sit back on the couch, his arm wrapped around me, turning on the TV to a random channel. I snuggled into him, taking in a long breath, cherishing the cinnamon and pine scent. Suddenly, Jack gasped, making me look at him.

"WE DON'T HAVE A CHRISTMAS TREE YET!" He yelled, clapping his hands.

"Let's go get one!" I said, standing up.

"Okay, but do you want a real or fake tree?"

"Real tree, all the way."

Jack smirked, "ALL THE WAY!"

I smiled and shook my head, giggling slightly, "My God."

Jack snorted and got up, grabbing my hand. We went to get out shoes on, since we were already dressed from earlier events, and headed out the door, Jack grabbing a jacket and his keys on the way out.

Time skip

Jack pulled up to a little sign in front of a field of Christmas trees, a little farm house off to the side. There were tiny crowds of people, a booth with a cashier behind it, and some people carrying their new tree to their car.

"We're here! This is where my family always used to get our trees from." (Idk if he got real trees or not, but now he does 😂)

I smiled, "That's nice. Completing the tradition, are we?"

Jack smiled, "How'd you know?"

I shrugged and got out, hearing Jack chuckling as I did. Jack held my hand as we walked up to the trees, some of the workers smiling and waving.

Jack walked up to a little old man, giving him a hug. "Seán, is that you?" The man had a accent close to Jack's, just slightly heavier.

Jack pulled back from the hug, laughing softly, "The one and only."

"How are you, laddie? It's been years since I last seen you."

"I'm doing great, got my beautiful girlfriend with me and all. And it has been a few years, I know. I hadn't had time to come get a tree for a little while. But, how have you been?"

The old man chuckled, "Oh, me and the Mrs.'s is doing grand. Now, are you going to introduce me?"

Jack turned and smiled, motioning for me to come over. "This is (Y/n), my girlfriend. (Y/n), this is Anthony."

Anthony stuck his hand out, so I took it, shaking his hand lightly. "Just call me Tony, lass." I smiled and nodded, letting his hand go after an appropriate amount of time. Tony turned to Jack, "So, I'm assuming you're here for a tree, right?"

Jack nodded, "Yep. I want the best."

Tony laughed and motioned for us, "Follow me, I have the perfect one."

We walked a little ways, going from short trees to taller ones. Tony stopped at one that was a perfect height, which was around 6'8", and was filled out nicely.

He pointed to the tree, tapping the needles lightly, "How about this one?"

Jack looked over to me, a smile on his face. "Is it good?"

I nodded, "Yeah, it's great."

Jack turned back to Tony, "How much is it?"

Tony got closer to us, looking over his shoulders then back to us, "I'll let you guys have it for $45. It's usually $100, so be greatful." (Idk if you have to pay for one? Or are they free? Guys, I'm probably going to have to watch Hallmark movies to figure this out and I absolutely hate the sappy ass bullshit they play.)

Jack's eyes widened, "Tony, I can pay the full price. That's a big price drop."

Tony patted Jacks shoulder, "It's okay, lad. You've been a customer since you were little, now take this as a gift for you giving money all those years."

Jack sighed, "Tony..."

"Seán, be good and take this offer. I haven't done this for anyone else this year. You're special. You should actually have a badge or something to show that you're an on-going customer."

Jack ran a hand through his hair, a small smile on his face, "Okay, thank you, Tony."

"You're welcome. Now, do you want this tree now, need it delivered, or what?"

Jack scratched the back of his neck, "We're in my new car, so I need it delivered."

Tony nodded, "Okay, I'll have that done today. Let me go get someone to chop this down and I'll be right back."

Tony went off, leaving Jack and I there to look at the tree. Jack walked closer to the tree, looking around it. I also went closer to it, touching the needles softly. I took a small breath, the smell of pine dancing into my nose. 'It doesn't smell like the type of pine Jack's cologne does. It's different.'

Jack came from behind the tree, taking me hand in his, "Are you really okay with this tree?"

I nodded with a smile, "Yeah, why?"

"Just making sure." He kissed my cheek and wrapped his arms around me, a soft gush of wind coming by around that time.

I shivered a tiny bit, the wind easily going through my thin tights, causing Jack to pull me closer. I snuggled into his chest, my breath quickly making my face warm.

Jack pulled back slowly, taking my hand back in his. Tony came back with a tall young man, similar to his looks. He set his chainsaw down and got what looked like plastic wrap out of his pocket, wrapping the tree up. The young man started up a chainsaw, cutting the tree down rather quickly.

The tree hit the ground, just to be picked up with ease my the young man. He looked over to Tony, "Where to with this one, dad?"

"Put it on the back of my truck. I have to deliver it for this young couple." Tony smiled at us.

"Okay." The young man went off with the tree on his shoulder, disappearing within the trees.

Tony stated to walk off, both of us following after him. He lead us up to the booth, taking place for the cashier. Jack paid for the tree, then Tony started going to his truck.

"Just wait by the little driveway over there for me. I'll follow you to your house."

Jack nodded and we went to his car, got in, he started it up, then went down to the driveway, waiting for Tony to follow us. Once Tony got behind us, we started our trip, making sure he was behind us the entire time.

Alright! Chapter 12 coming at you with 1100+ words!

I haven't slept for 48+ hours and I'm sick. LIFE FUCKING SUCKSSSSSSS!

But anyway, punch that vote button in the face LIKE A BOSS! I'll see you doods in the next chapter!

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