Chapter 14

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Time skip of two weeks, December 24.

Your POV

Close family had came over for Christmas, even Mom. We were all chatting and eating the dinner Jack and I had cooked before they arrived. Suddenly, Jack tapped my shoulder and pulled me off to the side.

He had his hands behind his back, hiding something. "Seán... What's that?" I asked, poking his elbows.

He slowly pulled his arms around for the front of himself, showing a present wrapped in Christmas themed paper and a little pink and blue ribbon on top. "Open this, and don't let anyone see it."

I looked at him skeptically as I ripped the paper off, revealing something I hadn't forgot I needed.

"A pregnancy test."

Jack nodded, "Yep, it's time for you to take it. I know, it's a little early, but we can still take it, and if it is positive, we can show the family. If it's not? We can just forget about it, then take a different test in another week or so."

I smiled and nodded, "Well, go put this in the bathroom while I go get some of that nasty almond based eggnog."

Jack laughed as he went to the bathroom with the box while I went to fill a glass with eggnog. I started drinking it, finishing it before I stopped. I set the glass down and gulped for air, feeling slightly light headed.

I shook it off and went I to the bathroom, finding Jack standing there, staring intently at the box.


He broke his eyes away front the box to me, a small smile forming on his face, "Hey baby. You ready to take this?" He waved the box around.

"Yep. Just leave it here and I'll take it."

Jack nodded and left the bathroom, closing the door softly behind him. I huffed as I looked down at the box, looking at the name and pictures on it. I read on the back, then popped the box open. I took the test out and took the cap off, preparing myself to take it.

Time skip because it would be awkward to explain the process of test taking

I sat the test on the counter, waiting for the results. It should take close to thirty minutes, so I hid it underneath the sink, tearing the box up into tiny pieces before throwing it away; Don't want anyone suspecting something right away, now do we?

I washed my hands and went back to my seat, which was between Mark and Jack. They were talking about a topic I wasn't really fond of, so I turned to Jack, who also looked confused.

I leaned up to his ear, "The thing should be ready in about thirty minutes." I whispered quietly, hoping no one heard me.

Jack nodded and kissed my nose, making a few "Awe"s sound throughout the room. I blushed and looked over to my mom and Jack's parents, seeing them smiling at us.

"You guys are just too cute!" Mom squealed, making me blush more.

Jack chuckled and put his arm behind me, "She is." Jack said smoothly before kissing my heated up cheek.

"Jaaack, come on now." I smiled, placing my hand on his jaw. I leaned in for a light kiss, both my hands on his jawline and his hands on my thighs.

I heard a camera shutter, so I pulled away, just to see Mom and Ma with their phones out. They had huge smiles on their faces, Ma motioning for us to kiss again.

"Go ahead! I need more of these pictures!" Ma exclaimed, making Jack and I laugh softly.

"Ma..." Jack groaned.

"Now, Jack, don't disappoint your mother or mine." Mark said, fake sternness in his voice.

Jack narrowed his eyes at Mark, "Dude."

Mark held up his hands, a smirk on his face, starting to chuckle quietly. I shook my head and looked at Jack, a small smile on my face. He smiled back, his hands relaxing on my thighs still.

"Should we let them get more pictures?" I asked softly, softly running my hands down to his shoulders.

Jack pursed his lips, then looked down, "It's up to you."

I giggled softly, "You're equally apart of the kiss, it's your decision too."

Jack chuckled and looked up, his blue eyes soft and shiny, "I would never pass up a kiss from you, baby."

He leaned in, connecting our lips together perfectly. Our lips danced in sync as more camera shutters went off, making me smile into the kiss, on the verge of laughing.

I pulled back slowly, biting my now mint flavored lip. Jack looked over to my mom and Ma, "You guys happy?" He asked, laughing a little.

Ma and Mom squealed, clapping their hands as they nodded, "Yes!" They said, looking at their phones.

"This has to be put into a special photo album. We need more cute pictures of them together now." Ma looked over to Mom, "You ready to be stalking their every move?"

Mom laughed, "I guess so."

I sighed as Jack groaned lightly, sounding aggravated slightly. He looked over to me and leaned into my ear and whispered, "Its been a little while, right? I'm going to go check the thing, where is it?"

"Underneath the sink." I whispered.

He nodded and got up, going down the hall. In all honesty, it's only been about fifteen minutes, so it's sort of useless for him to check it right now. He came back a few minutes later, rubbing his hands on his pants, leaving wet handprints. He had a small smile on his face as he sat down beside me.

"Is everyone finished eating?" Jack's father, Pa, asked, getting a nod from everyone. "Alrighty then. Jack, Mark, you guys help me take these dishes to the sink, you lady's go sit in the living room."

I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at him, "But... Shouldn't the lady's be doing the dishes?"

Pa smiled, "We're switching rolls today." He said nicely as he picked my plate up.

Ma and Mom grabbed one arm each, dragging me into the living room, all of us sitting on the couch. Ma started up a Christmas movie for all of us, then sat back.

Time skip to when the guys are done with dishes

Jack, Mark, and Pa came into the living room about twenty minutes later, Jack having a worried and excited look on his face. He came over to me and took me to the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind him.

"It should be ready." He sighed, running a hand through his hair.

I went over to the sink and squatted down, picking up the upside down test. I set it down on the counter bottom up, then got Jack to come over.

"Ready?" I breathed, nervousness hitting me like a brick.

"As ready as I'll ever be." He said, taking my hand and caressing it with both of his.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, then turned it over. I didn't hear anything from Jack, so I looked over at him, not glancing at the test yet. He was staring at the test, an unreadable look on his face. I gulped and looked down at it.


Alright! Chapter 14 coming at you with 1200+ words!


But anyway, punch that vote button in the face LIKE A BOSS! I'll see you doods in the next chapter!

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