Chapter 11

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Jack's POV

I finally got home and took what little groceries I did get inside, placing them onto the island counter. I made some coffee and poured some into a mug, taking a sip and sighing delightedly.

I put my alcohol in a cabinet, other than the beer; That went into the fridge. I went and sat back on the couch, crossing my ankle over my knee, one arm along the back of the couch. I took another sip of my coffee, then sighed, the heat from the coffee and my breath warming my nose. I sat the coffee cup down on the coffee table and grabbed the remote, turned on the TV, the screen showing the sex scene from 50 Shades that (Y/n) and I left on.

I blushed slightly and switched to Netflix, starting up a random recommended show. I got into my phone, leaving the TV for background noise. I got on Instagram and scrolled through a little, then stopped on a picture of (Y/n) in front of my recording set. She had the most beautiful smile and a thumbs up, with the caption, 'Finally getting to recording! I hope you guys are thankful!'

I smiled and liked it, wanting to screenshot it, but resisting and scrolling more. I seen a few more pictures and memes I enjoyed, so I liked them and looked back up at the TV, seeing something that I didn't understand at all. I shook my head slightly with wide eyes, then slowly went back to my phone.

I got bored of Instagram, so I went to Tumblr, reposting some great fan art. (Dude, he's so fucking active on Tumblr sometimes...) I kept scrolling and reposting, until I found a fan art that looked pretty close to my own. (Yes, I'm talking about my nude fan art of (Y/n).) I went to my photos, then back to Tumblr, switching back and forth until I was sure it wasn't mine; It had minor differences from mine.

'How did they get it so close to mine?'

I pursed my lips and continued scrolling, reposting very few photos this time. I suddenly heard a scream, so I got up and ran towards the noise. I went into my recording room, just to see (Y/n) curled up in a ball in my chair.

"Aww, princess, whats wrong?"

I went over to her trembling body, wrapping my arms around her.

"A j-jump scare. They f-fucking suck."

I smiled and kissed her forehead, looking at the game she was playing. Watson Scott Test. She was at the end of the first part, where it said 'Test Complete! Thank you for participating. Your results are being processed.'

"Aww, baby..."

The screen that states 'I survived The #WatsonScott Test.' showed up and I smirked. She was looking at the screen, then another jump scare happened, making her yell.

"HOLY SHIT!" She balled up into my chest, tightly holding my shirt.

I chuckled, "It's okay baby. Calm down."

"I-Is there anymore scares?" She whispered.

"No, not for now." I kissed her forehead again, holding her close. I looked at the other monitor, seeing chat flowing like crazy. "Wait... Are you live streaming?"

"Yeah. I thought it would be fun."

I smiled and waved to the camera, "Hey guys! How are you all?"

The chat blew up with "Hey!"s and "Great! You?"s. I smiled and said, "I'm doing great." I looked over to (Y/n). "How much longer do you plan to stream?"

She shrugged, "I guess I can end it now."

I nodded, "Well, I'll go then. Bye!" I kissed (Y/n)'s forehead and went on my way, going back to the living room.

Once I got to the couch, I looked at the 'nest' that was still there. 'That was fun.' I smirked and shook my head, starting to clean up the blankets and pillows. I put all the clean blankets into the closet along with the pillows, putting all the dirty ones in the corner for now. I sat down and huffed, blowing my hair out of my face.

My mind started racing with memories from last night. 'Ugh, God, it was fantastic.' I smiled and closed my eyes, just to have them burst back open. 'She might be pregnant because of me. I need to get a test as soon as possible. Let me search how soon it can be...'

I grabbed my phone, going to Safari (or Google, depending on your phone.) and searching how soon she could take a pregnancy test.

'2 weeks...' (I know, it's more accurate at 4 weeks, but this is fiction. It's different.) I scratched at my beard, looking off on the distance. 'That means she should be able take it before Christmas.'

I heard (Y/n)'s light footsteps coming toward me, so I turned to her, a smile on my face forming when I saw her.

"Hey, baby! What's that smile about?" She asked, coming and sitting right beside me, kissing my cheek.

"You just look so beautiful, I can't help but smile."

She waved her hand, "Oh, Jack. Stop..." She giggled, making my smile bigger. She glanced at my phone, her eyebrows furrowing together. "What's this?"

"Just read it."

She nodded and got my phone, reading over it. "2 weeks... That's means I could figure out if I'm pregnant or not before Christmas! We could let people know! Well, not the fan base, just close family."

"So Mark, your mom, and my parents?"

She smiled and nodded, "Yep. If you're okay with it."

I smiled, "Of course."

I gave her a light kiss, my hand resting on her jaw. She returned the kiss just as lightly, her hands going behind my neck, forcing my hand to leave her face. I put my hands on her waist, leaning into the kiss a bit more, making her giggle softly and pull back.

"I love you, Jack."

I kissed her nose, "I love you too, (Y/n)."

She smiled widely and pulled me into a tight hug, nuzzling her face into the crook of my neck. I chuckled and hugged her back, my head naturally resting on her shoulder.

Alright! Chapter 11 coming at you with 1000+ words!

Sorry for the shorter chapter. I have a little bit of writers block and slight trouble writing in a different genders perspective. I honestly don't know why tho. *shrugs* Oh well.

But anyway, punch that vote button in the face LIKE A BOSS! I'll see you doods in the next chapter!

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