Chapter 19

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The beginning of this chapter is... odd. It's like I broke the forth wall a bit? *shrugs* I hope you enjoy.

Oh, yeah, I've did research for pregnancy, and now I have to clear my search history so my parents don't worry 😂


Your POV

It's been two weeks since Christmas. I've already used a lot of the things I've received from family. I have figured out how to use the camera correctly, and use it for every recording. Same goes for the earphones Mark got me.

As for my pregnancy, I have an ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow, January 4th. I'm so excited to see what my baby looks like right now. I doubt it will be developed a lot, but I'll probably still cry. Jack has been more gentle with me lately, in general. He's been handing me things that aren't even a foot away, carrying thing that he thinks is 'too heavy for me to carry', even though it weighs less than five pounds. It's adorable. But it can get irritating at times. Maybe it's just the hormones kicking in.

And I know what you're thinking, what about the morning sickness? That shits has gone wild with me over past two weeks. I've been vomiting at the slightest smell of coffee, fish, most types of meat, garlic, onions, and dogs that Jack and I would pass on the street. Every dog we'd pass, if it had a strong wet dog smell, I'd have to shove my face into Jack's chest and breath, mostly because his scent calms my stomach.

The mornings have been absolute hell because Jack can't function without coffee. I actually have to stay in our room for an extra hour after he makes the coffee. But he does apologize profusely after, so I'm not mad at him for drinking his caffeine. I usually just read on Wattpad while I'm in our room, but he doesn't know. The books are actually a mix of imagines and smuts between us, and I burst out laughing at any slightly cringy part of the smut. (So true. When I write smut, I laugh and cringe all at the same time.)

I read them to see if it sounds like something Jack would do, and most of them sound pretty accurate. I'm actually reading one where the reader is pregnant and just moved in with Jack, like me, and the writer is leaving me in a suspicious state because I don't know a lot about the pregnancy yet.

Will she get an abortion? (Nope) Will the child go up for adoption, even though both Jack and her agreed on keeping the baby? (This ain't it, chief.) The writer just won't let the readers in on any of her plans on the pregnancy. (I'm talking about this book, btw 😂 And, yus, I'm a girl. 👌)

I'm reading the new chapter right now, and I'm slightly confused as to what the writer has planned, but I can only guess...

Anyway, I finished the new chapter and set my phone down, seeing that it has been an hour since Jack left for coffee. I eagerly left the room, missing Jack's presence. As I raced down the stairs, a hint of coffee was in the air, but I ran on, trying to find Jack as fast as possible.

I found him sitting on the couch, his feet propped up on the coffee table. I ran and shoved my face into his chest, laying in my stomach while hugging him and taking in his scent. He chuckled and rubbed down my back, his hand resting on the small of my back. I sighed, the churning that had tried to start going away.

I looked up at him, a smile on my face, "I missed you."

Jack smiled and kissed my forehead, "I wasn't gone for long, and you know I can't have my coffee around you because you get sick."

"I still missed you. And soon, the morning sickness will go away. After the end of next month, that is." I sighed and leaned my cheek on his chest. He played with my hair as I tightened my grip on him, making him chuckle.

"Hang on, sit up for a second." He said, so I obeyed, just to have him turn to face me, put his feet on either side of me, then pat his stomach.

I giggled as I laid back down, my stomach between his legs. My face rested between his pecks, giving him a comfortable reach to my hair. Since he was leaned against the arm of the couch, I could easily slip my arms around him, so I did.

We snuggled for a good hour until I had to get up and use the bathroom. I did what I needed to and rushed back to Jack, missing him. 'Why am I suddenly so attached? He's not even that far away. He was literally down the hall. Come on, (Y/n), get your shit together! You used to be so independent! It's just hormones, but I don't really mind being attached. I love being around Jack. He's my favorite.'

I laid back down on Jack, getting back to my comfortable position and sighing happily after I got settled. Jack's hands immediately went up to play with my hair, making me smile. Whatever he was watching on the TV had went off ages ago, now it's playing some si-fi movie. I watched as an alien got shot in the head, a teal blue goo splattering behind it as it fell. I shivered and snuggled Jack more, still watching the movie.

"What are we watching?" Jack asked, an exaggerated tone to his voice.

"I have no clue, but it looks interesting." I said, shrugging.

Suddenly, Jack's stomach grumbled, roaring in my ear as I raised my head up to look at him, a giggled erupting from me.

"You hungry?" Jack chuckled, rubbing his stomach as I sat up.

"A little. You must be very hungry." I giggled, poking his nose.

"What do you want to eat?"

I thought for a moment, then had the perfect idea. I went to the kitchen, found a bowl, poured original chips, m&m's, and crumbled cookies over it all, the mixture of food making my mouth water. I grabbed a chip, a few m&m's, and a piece of cookie and shoved it all in my mouth, enjoying the oddly bittersweet taste it had together.

I heard Jack laughing behind me, so I turned to him, my bowl of diabetes coming with me. "Is that some type of craving you're having?"

I shrugged, "Maybe? Or it's just a really good combination that I've never wanted before."

Jack smirked, "So, a craving?"

I laughed and nodded, "Yep, it's probably a craving."

Jack laughed softly and opened the fridge, getting a pack of meat out. I eyed him, then he looked at me, down to the packet of meat, then back at me. He slowly put the meat back into the fridge and closed it, putting the two pieces of bread he already had together and biting them like they were a sandwich. I started laughing because he kept eye contact with me the whole time he did it, making the situation seem awkward.

After he swallowed his bread, he bit his lip, "I forgot the smell of meat made you sick. I'm sorry."

He kissed my nose and continued eating his bread. I giggled as I ate my junk food, thinking of the meme that a cat says, 'diabetes'.

I looked down, feeling a little bad that I stopped him from eating what he wanted. "Seán, if you wanted to make the sandwich, I could have went into the living room."

He shook his head, finishing the bread, "No, it's okay, (Y/n). I'll just find something else."

I sighed and nodded, looking around the kitchen. I got an idea and went to the cabinets, grabbing out certain ingredients. I got a can of chicken noodle soup, some veggies in a can, and went to the fridge and got a pack of biscuits. I got a pan out and laid it on the counter, opening the can of chicken noodle soup while holding my breath. I poured the contents into the pan and did the same with the veggies. I laid biscuits over it all and preheated the oven, then set the pan in and let it bake. (Idk if that would be good, but it sounds like it to me... I'm a fatty lmao)

Jack and I snuggled until the food was done, that pan of food probably being our lunch and dinner. We ate while watching TV, me almost spitting food everywhere because it was a comedy movie. Once I finished eating, I set my plate onto the coffee table and leaned onto Jack, who had finished before me, and fell asleep.

Alright! Chapter 19 coming at you with 1500+ words!

Guyssssss, How did you like the first part of this chapter? It seems odd to me, but I'm going to leave it in. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it.

But anyway, punch that vote button in the face LIKE A BOSS! I'll see you doods in the next chapter!

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