Part 3: The Heavenly Empress's Birthday

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300years later

Feng Jiu had tried to avoid the Celestial Palace for 300 years. But today she couldn't, since it was her aunt's, the Heavenly Empress's, birthday.

She had to join in the festivities. And her aunt had sent her to the blooming peach blossom garden in the Hall of Beautiful Youth, that Ye Hua had planted many years ago, to clip some out to decorate Xiwu Palace. As she cut, she smiled as she thought what a beautiful vase arrangement she would make for her aunt. Si Ming Star Lord crept up behind her and whispered: "Little Princess!" (That's what Si Ming always calls her even though she's the queen)
Feng Jiu: "Omg, Si Ming! You scared me!" Then she stiffened. If Si Ming was here, then wouldn't Dijun be here too? And presumably Zhi'yue. The two people she least wanted to see. She had got over what happened 300 years ago, but at the mention of Dijun, all the old hurt and anger came back to her. "I'm sorry, I must go." She bade goodbye to Si Ming and rushed out of the Hall of Beautiful Youth.

Suddenly she crashed into something tall and steady. She looked up and then recoiled. Standing there was Dijun, looking down at her with only the faintest hint of surprise. "Are you not going to apologise for bumping into me?" He asked. Feng Jiu said nothing, just ran off. His voice that she hadn't heard for 300 years sent chills down her spine.

She wasn't ready to face him again. Later, as she got ready for the banquet prepared for her aunt's birthday gathering, she felt trepidation as she knew she would be meeting Dijun and Princess Zhi'yue there. She took a deep breath and then prepared herself for what was to come.

Later, as she walked to her seat next to her aunt, she felt all eyes on her and she felt self conscious. She yearned to quickly leave the Celestial Palace and go back to Qing Qiu. But she faked a smile and took her seat. Suddenly Princess Zhi'yue came to her and stamped her foot. "How dare you bump into my husband! Do you even know who he is!" Feng Jiu looked up and said calmly, "It was completely unintentional. I assure you, Princess, I am not trying to do anything... detrimental to your relationship with him." And to show that she really meant what she said, she flashed a cold smile to the fuming Princess Zhi'yue. Knowing that her stay here would only make things worse, and she knew that she couldn't stay and listen to spluttering lies from Zhi'yue, she turned to her aunt.

"Aunt, I must go. I don't feel well."

She lied because she didn't want to put the princess in a bad light. She was kind that way.

Donghua tilted his head and looked at her quizzically. Then he called Zhi'yue and said "come here, my dear" and a pang of hurt hit Feng Jiu.

And suddenly she was very sick.
Donghua looked at her as if daring her to look him in the eye.

She ignored him as best she could and then rushed out of the large grand hall.

Once outside, she allowed her tears to flow.

Donghua had moved on. To him, she had been just a play toy. His true partner was Zhi'yue, and she, Feng Jiu, was nobody.

Bai Qian, noticing something wrong, had excused herself to go find Feng Jiu. Outside, she found Feng Jiu crying.

"Xiao Jiu," she said calmly.

"Aunt, please go away. It's your birthday and I don't want your mood to be spoiled because of my problems. Goodnight." Then she ran off.

Watching her go, Bai Qian felt terrible. Her niece, ever since leaving the Celestial Palace, had been having nervous breakdowns.

And the one person responsible for all her trauma: Donghua Dijun.

This story is a figment of my imagination. IT IS NOT REAL IN THE SHOW.

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