The Battle

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Bai Qian woke to find herself in Ye Hua's bedchamber.

She tried to sit up, but a gentle yet strong hand laid her back in the bed.
"Relax, Qian Qian." A familiar voice said, smoothing the sheets over her body.

"Ye Hua?" She asked, hoping that she was correct.

The hand stroked her back and then a kiss was planted on her forehead. "You've been through a lot. Rest."

"Ye Hua, the mermaids..."

"We will deal with them. I love you. Don't worry." He replied. He sounded like he had been crying, which he had.

Kissing her lips gently, he rose to leave. "Ye Hua." Qian Qian said, sitting up. Ye Hua turned around.

"I'm sorry."

Ye Hua seemed to notice that Bai Qian thought that he was being cold to her, so he quickly walked back to her side.

"Don't be sorry. It should be me. We didn't save you immediately. You suffered for too long." He put his arms around her and she rested her head on his chest, his heartbeat calming her down.

Ye Hua's heart ached. He wanted so much to stay with her but he had to deal with the mermaids. He wanted her, but he knew that if he didn't want to owe her an unmanageable debt, he had to do this.

"Are you really going to war with the mermaids?" Bai Qian asked, suddenly looking up at him.

"Yes. You are the woman I love, and you are the Heavenly Empress. Kidnapping you is too serious an offence that the Celestial Tribe will never swallow this insult." Ye Hua looked at her, as he stroked her luscious hair.

"Just for me?" Bai Qian looked rather taken aback.

"We protect the people we love, Qian Qian. I will never allow you to get into any danger, and if anyone dares to do something harmful to you, well... I won't let them live."

"Ye Hua-"

"Qian Qian, I won't let them off. They tortured you, starved you and never treated you as the Heavenly Empress of all the realms. Did you know how heartbreaking that was for me?"

Bai Qian was startled. Ye Hua did look and sound really emotional. His bottom lip was trembling and he was holding her hands so tightly as if he was afraid that he would lose her again.

Bai Qian hadn't an idea how heart wrenching it had been for Ye Hua once Yu'xin, Bai Zhen and Ye Hua had seen her in that state. She had seen Yu'xin and Bai Zhen trying not to cry, and as for Ye Hua... she saw that he'd looked absolutely devastated.

She knew she had to understand his fury at the mermaids. She knew he loved her so much he was willing to fight a war for her.

She nodded and nuzzled her forehead against his. "If you must do this, then keep this with you." She handed him a familiar copper mirror.

Ye Hua's heart stopped for a second. "Isn't this... the mirror I gave you when..."

"Yes." She smiled.

"I thought it was lost when you jumped..." Ye Hua trailed off. He produced his own and Bai Qian smiled.

"I always kept it. I took it out of Qing Qiu once we got married and it's been with me ever since. Talk to me if you have time." Bai Qian's voice was tender and gentle, more so than usual.

Ye Hua bent down and their lips met. He couldn't believe she'd kept that mirror. He had thought it was lost forever, but Qian Qian had kept it all this while?

Bai Qian wrapped her arms around his neck. But a moment later Ye Hua pulled away and stared into her brown eyes, those eyes that had only her.

"I have to go. But I'll be back soon. Wait for me." He rose to leave, planting a final kiss on her forehead.

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