Wan Qing's Fever

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Across the next year, Yu'xin busied herself with activities like cleaning, swordplay training and maintenance of Kunlun Mountain. Only at night would the memories of her child haunt her.

One night she saw Bai Zhen running across the mountain, an anguished look on his face, and seeing him reopened old wounds, and opened new ones, knowing that it was not herself that he cared for, and nor was that anguished look on his face for her.

Nevertheless, she ran to him to ask what had happened.

"Wan Qing's running a terribly high fever," Bai Zhen cried, not caring that it was his ex-lover he was talking to.

Yu'xin should have felt smug for that retribution for taking her lover away from her, but she felt worried.

"Take me to her. Now." Yu'xin wasted no time.

Bai Zhen took her to the Fox Den.

Yu'xin rushed into the bedchamber where Wan Qing lay, very ill, much to the shock of the family.

"Zhe Yan couldn't make it here in time, and I'm scared to leave her to get Zhe Yan here. She could lose her life. Please, help her." Bai Zhen pleaded.

Yu'xin used her magic to find the source of her illness. It turned out that when she retrieved the birth prevention granules, she accidentally inhaled some demonic energy into her heart.

Yu'xin quickly summoned more magic to treat her. It took up a seventh of her cultivation, which meant the amount of cultivation equaled to 20,000 years worth of it.

She pushed it into Wan Qing's body and Wan Qing finally began to stir. She was healed.

Wan Qing stirred, but slipped back into coma. Just like that, for many days, she slipped in and out of consciousness.

Yu'xin stayed by her side, all day every day, just to take care of her. Even with a seventh of her cultivation gone, she was strong and kept going, even when her face paled, her arms didn't have the strength to lift again and again, and even when she spat out blood once or twice. She never left Wan Qing's bedside.

Finally ten days later, Wan Qing awoke. She stared at the pale face, the bloodshot eyes, and haggard face.

Bai Zhen had seen everything Yu'xin had done for Wan Qing, and felt guilty. He'd asked her to save Wan Qing, not give her precious cultivation and stay by her side all the time.

But seeing Wan qing awake, all his guilt and fear vanished.

He ran to her and embraced her. Yu'xin, standing in the shadows, bowed and left.

The moment she stepped out of the chamber for the first time in ten days, she knew she was in trouble. She nodded to them, and began to walk away, but the family stopped her.

"We know you used your cultivation, Yu'xin." Bai Qian said. "Why would you do that?"

"Everything she did was in the past." Yu'xin said softly. "I no longer hold anything against her, nor do I have any intention to harm her."

Zhe Yan nodded approvingly. "It's good you think this way."

Bai Zhen stood in the corner, until Bai qian called to him.

"How do you intend to repay her for this?" Bai Qian asked.

"Please don't. It was the least I could do." Yu'xin quickly said.

"It was too much that you did!" Bai Qian's rage exploded. "Why would you ever do that for a woman who took your husband away, I don't know. Why would you ever do something so idiotic!"

Yu'xin's face turned pale. Bai Qian had never yelled at her before. Ye Hua sensed that Bai Qian was scaring the younger girl, so he walked over to Bai Qian and placed his hands on her shoulders to calm Bai Qian.

"I should go." Yu'xin finally said softly. "She's alright now. Farewell."

She walked slowly out of the Fox Den.

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