Another Bundle Of Joy

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Since Donghua had known that Ye Hua and Bai Qian was going to have their second child, he had been thinking about having a child with Feng Jiu. That way, whenever he wasn't by her side, she would still have someone that resembled him to be with her.

He thought about whether Feng Jiu would agree to have a child with him. He did not dare to ask her outright, yet he couldn't expect her to somehow know his wish telepathically.

However, it didn't take long for his wish to be granted, much to his surprise and delight.

One day Feng Jiu came into his study where Donghua was sitting. Seeing her with a happy expression on her face, he got up and gently kissed her on the cheek.

"My love."

"Donghua, we can't. Now that I..."

She turned away, her face flushed. She was hiding something, and Donghua wanted to find out what it was.

Donghua asked teasingly, "Surely you don't still doubt me?"

"No! Of course not! It's just that..:" She blushed, turned her head and looked at him a little hesitatingly.

Her hands went to her tummy, and Dijun's heart went to his throat. Was she saying...

"Jiu'er, you..."

"I'm pregnant." Her face turned a beautiful apple red.

Donghua was stunned. His wish had been granted. All in a course of a few minutes. Unable to control his emotions, he went to Feng Jiu and embraced her from the back.

"Thank you, Jiu'er, thank you, you've made me the happiest man alive. We finally have a child of our own."

Feng Jiu was elated that they would finally be able to feel the joy of having a child of their own, to hold its tiny fist at night, and to carry it in their very own arms when it was born. She also felt relieved as she hadn't known if Donghua wanted children.

Bai Qian gave birth to her child a month earlier than Feng Jiu. It was a perfect girl, and naturally had a wonderful celebration in honour of her birth, the first child born to Ye Hua since he had become Heavenly Lord.

As for Feng Jiu, when it was her time to give birth, it took her three whole days to give birth to her first son. Donghua was not allowed to stay in the room with her when she gave birth, so he paced outside the room for the three full days, and did not go back to Taichen Palace even for a moment of rest. All he was waiting for was the sound of his child's cry, and to go in and see his wife. When the long awaited moment finally came, Donghua nearly wept in joy. He managed to keep his emotions to himself, but just barely.

As the maid who had helped Feng Jiu give birth brought out Dijun's son, he counted his toes, a perfect ten. Beaming with pride, he took the baby from the maid's arms.

He hurried into the chamber where Feng Jiu lay, white and tired from the effort.

He pulled her gently into his arms and they admired their child together.

"He looks like you," Donghua said, tearing up a little.

After a short conversation, Donghua went out to find Ye Hua and Bai Qian, along with Lian Song with Lady Cheng Yu, and several other deities.

"Congratulations Donghua Dijun and Lady Feng Jiu on bearing a son!"

A big celebration was held in honour of the baby boy, the first ever child of Donghua Dijun.

The celebration went on for a full month, and would probably have gone on longer, but Donghua and Feng Jiu wanted some alone time with their baby, so they sent Si Ming, Star Lord, to stop the festivities.

When they were finally alone with their child, they lay on their bed in each other's arms.

"Jiu'er..." Dijun murmured, stroking Feng Jiu's luscious black hair, adorned with only the jade pin he had given her when they married.

"Yes?" Feng Jiu lifted her head enough to look at him. Donghua looked into her mesmerising eyes and after a moment's thought, said,

"How do you feel about having another child?"

Feng Jiu blushed and said, "I have yet to bring our little boy, Gun Gun, to Qing Qiu and visit my family, and now you talk about having another child?"

Donghua laughed, a common occurrence nowadays, kissed her head and said smugly, "Are you embarrassed?"

Feng Jiu hit him gently on the chest and exclaimed, "You can be so thick-skinned!"

Donghua laughed softly, and as his beautiful wife cuddled with him just a fraction tighter, his head rested on hers and her head on his shoulder, there in her embrace, his eyes blossomed with his love for her, a small smile on his face, with an unexplainable emotion whenever he was with her, he felt like the luckiest man in the world.

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