Part 14

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Across the next few days, Bai Zhen and Yu'xin went walking through the Peach Tree Grove.

As they walked, Bai Zhen's fingers had an irritating urge to wrap themselves around Yu'xin's. As much as he tried to hold it in, he finally couldn't control it. His fingers slowly interlaced with hers.

He was afraid she might pull away, or yell at him. But she didn't. She just walked on naturally, as if nothing had happened.

Did that mean she was fine with it?

That solved one of Bai Zhen's worries. He was falling for her, her kindness and he couldn't stop thinking about that kiss she'd given him yesterday.

He'd told Zhe Yan about it, and Zhe Yan's reply resounded in his head. "If she made the first move, it's possible that she may be in love with you. I saw the way you looked at her yesterday, when you first met her. I've never seen that look on your face before. Ask yourself. Do you want her?"

Yes, his heart replied. I want her. I find myself loving her more and more as each day passes.

Well, that settled it. She was the one he loved. He wanted to know her flaws, and he would know sooner or later. He was sure of that. He had already taken the first step, which was holding her hand. And she hadn't even flinched, or pulled away.

This meant that, maybe, just maybe, she was returning his affection for her. That was making it a lot easier.

After the walk, they returned to find that Zhe Yan had made some peach wine for them.

Bai Zhen knew that Zhe Yan had made this especially for them. He was inwardly grateful, but he acted as if he hadn't a clue what Zhe Yan was doing.

"What's all this, Zhe Yan?" He asked.

Zhe Yan flashed him a knowing smile. "Princess Yu'xin, I brewed some peach wine for you to sample. I didn't bring out the 1,000 years old wine. But I imagine this should be enough. I hope your alcohol tolerance is good."

The princess smiled graciously. "I do all right. But it would be lonely to drink alone. Would High God Bai Zhen care to join me?"

Bai Zhen's heart was pumping so hard he was sure that everyone could hear it. She knew of his liking to her, and here she was, inviting him to drink wine with her?

But if she wanted it to be so,then it would be so. He was willing to do anything for her. He was so smitten with her it didn't matter what he did, even if she told him to stab himself with his sword, which of course she wouldn't, since she was so tender-hearted.

Zhe Yan saw Bai Zhen's reaction and left, smirking to himself.

So he sat next to her, and being the gentleman that he was, he offered her a bottle first before he uncorked his own.

For a while they drank in silence.

Finally the princess said, "This is good wine."

Bai Zhen nodded, but remained silent.

He steeled himself. The topic he was going to talk about was going to be rather uncomfortable.

"So, about yesterday..." he said.

At the exact same time the princess said. "About yesterday..."


Bai Zhen remained a nonchalant expression outside, but inside he cringed.

"You go first." The Princess said, taking a sip of wine.

"I was about to say... was that kiss yesterday just you being grateful to me, or did you mean it.. in another way?" He forged ahead, but was a little embarrassed.

"I meant it in that other way." The princess was not one to hide what she felt. "If you want to know, then I'll tell you. I like you." Standing up, she turned to leave.

Bai Zhen used his magic to whisk her back. He caught her such that her head was now resting on his lap. She looked up at him incredulously. What did he mean by this?

"Do you mean it?" He asked, hazing down at her, their faces only inches from each other.

She cocked her head. "Of course. I don't hide what I feel."

Bai Zhen was stunned at her direct approach to his question.

A moment of hesitation later, Bai Zhen bent down and kissed her. It was a short yet a passionate one. He couldn't believe what he was doing but he did it anyway.

He pulled away and whispered, "Then that kiss I reciprocate." Then he got up, and after helping the bewildered princess to her feet, slowly walked away. The princess was left on her own, and to her own thoughts.

What exactly did he mean he reciprocated that kiss from yesterday? Did that mean he knew and accepted her feelings, or what?

She was so lost in her thoughts that she stood there for a good hour, still trying to figure out what his words meant.

She sighed. It was so irritating when people confused you with their words.

The princess had difficulty falling asleep that night.

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