The Aftermath

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Nah. Not really.

During the battle, Yu'xin and Bai Zhen had waded through the sea of enemies, and they'd slaughtered the elite guards and generals. She had been one of the most powerful fighter.

Mo Yuan had been amazed at her prowess. He had never seen her swordplay. According to Ye Hua, it was good, but he had never actually seen it for himself. Now that he did, he respected her all the more.

Bai Zhen was strong as well, but he wasn't exactly able to compare to his wife.

After the battle, there were many casualties, but Bai Zhen and Yu'xin were unscathed.

The pyre lit up with flames in memory of all the deceased Celestial soldiers. Even Yu'xin, who usually had a smile on her face, was solemn.

Ye Hua and Bai Qian decided to reward them for helping out tremendously in the battle. They were allocated a home in the Celestial Palace, Yichun Palace. Bai Zhen and Yu'xin were inclined to reject it, but Bai Qian and Ye Hua insisted.

And after that, Yu'xin dragged Bai Zhen to their room. According to her, she had something to tell Bai Zhen.

"What's wrong?" Bai Zhen asked. He was worried that it wasn't something good.

"Zhe Yan confirmed it." Her face shone with happiness.

"Confirmed what?" Bai Zhen still wasn't catching up.

"I'm pregnant." She said with a happy smile.

"What?" Bai Zhen gaped. He looked from her tummy to her ecstatic face.

"Really?" He stuttered.

She nodded assent. She was nervous though, Bai Zhen could sense it. She had no idea if he'd wanted children. What if he didn't?

He put his arms around her and smiled. "Thank you."

She looked at him, frowning. "What for?"

"For your unconditional love for me." He replied. She smiled. "I hope it's a boy." She said. "So I can see him practising swordplay with you."

"A daughter can do the same." Bai Zhen said.

"Okay, I take that back. I want to see a small child who looks like you." Yu'xin corrected herself.

"Do you want to go to Kunlun Mountain and tell Xiao Wu, Mo Yuan and Ye Hua? I'm sure they'd be happy. A-Li can play with someone now."

"Sure. I'd love to tell them." Yu'xin replied. And then they cloud jumped to Kunlun Mountain.
Bai Qian had come to Kunlun Mountain with Ye Hua and A-Li to visit Mo Yuan.

After the visit, A-Li mentioned that he'd like to go and visit Die Feng, so they had gone in search of him, to play with A-Li, Die Feng being the only disciple who could keep up with A-Li and could share his exuberance.

When A-Li had gone off with Die Feng, Bai Qian leaned back and sighed. "I wish I could stay here all day. Shifu keeps this place so beautiful."

Ye Hua heard it and felt a tinge of jealousy. Mo Yuan. The name he'd been hearing ever since they came. He was seriously reconsidering returning to the Celestial Palace.

"Why always him?" His voice came out mean and spiteful. "What does he have that I don't?"

Bai Qian looked shocked. "Of course I love you over him! He's just my master, and, the one who's taken care of me for 20,000 years! I treat him like a second father."

"Really, I don't understand why your eyes always light up when you see him. It's annoying!" Ye Hua's rage came out in torrents. "Is it that I'm now not good enough for you?" He stood up, trembling with anger.

"Why are we even talking about this? I thought we settled this before we married!" Bai Qian was getting angry too, and she too stood up and glared at him.

"Maybe if you love him so much, then go to him! I wish you wouldn't be immature!" Ye Hua shouted at her.

Bai Qian gasped in shock, but cold anger took its place. "How many times must I tell you? You are my husband and he is my master. I am his disciple. I am very grateful to him because he taught me the right ways of life! He was the one who always guided me back to the right path. I don't understand why you're still saying those things." Bai Qian's fists clenched.

Ye Hua stepped forward as if to slap her. And he might have done, if Yu'xin hadn't stepped in between them, much to the horror of Bai Zhen. She was pregnant! She shouldn't be stopping fights. She should be resting and having plenty of nourishment.

"Stop." Yu'xin's voice was soft and commanding, as it was when she expected people to obey her.

"What's going on?" She asked, looking at each of them. She saw the furious look on Bai Qian's face, and saw the murderous look in Ye Hua's eyes, and she sensed that it had something to do with Mo Yuan.

"Yu'xin, come away." Bai Zhen took hold of her hand and led her to the side. Then he turned to admonish the both of them.

"Stop being so immature, you two. We came to announce happy news and now we have to tiptoe around you. And I don't like that you involve my wife in this."

Bai Qian glared at Ye Hua and told Bai Zhen, "You can tell him to stop starting fights randomly. I just made a comment, and-"

"If you were sensitive enough to know-"

"Obviously I'm not, am I?" Bai Qian yelled, tears welling up in her eyes. "Obviously I'm that non-sensitive, annoying, immature woman you keep in your harem as a terrible Heavenly Empress. Well, fine! Get me out of your harem then. Since I have all the traits that you hate, then leave." She walked away.

Yu'xin shot Bai Zhen a agonised look. They looked at Ye Hua. He usually looked guilty after an argument, but now he looked plain angry.

"Talk to Sister." Yu'xin whispered to Bai Zhen. "I'll talk to Ye Hua."

Bai Zhen nodded and ran off.

Yu'xin took a seat next to Ye Hua, who'd sat down with a sign.

"Hey." She said softly. "You okay?"

"What do you think?" He asked sharply. Yu'xin made no reaction to the impatience and continued. "Do you think you could tell me what happened?"

Ye Hua sighed heavily. "I heard her mention Mo Yuan again and I got angry. I may have said some bad things."

Yu'xin felt a smile but she suppressed it. "Ah. I see. And?"

"I think that's enough details for you, Yu'xin. You should get the gist of it now." Ye Hua said fiercely. He got up. "Leave me alone." He left.

Yu'xin was disappointed that the conversation went nowhere. She'd thought that Ye Hua could open up to her and be honest about it. She had been wrong, apparently.
Bai Zhen had just caught up with Bai Qian, and found her at the lotus pond. She wasn't at all angry; in fact, there was a look of sadness on her face.

He sat down next to her and said. "Do you want to talk?"

"Fourth Brother, I need some answers." Bai Qian said without looking up.

"Ask away."

"Did I make the right choice to forgive Ye Hua and marry him again back then? Be honest."

"If you want my honest answer," Bai Zhen said encouragingly, "I think you did. You shouldn't regret it. He loves you, too deeply to imagine a life where he sees you with Mo Yuan and not with him. It's too heart wrenching for him to bear. I know he expressed it wrongly, but maybe you could try to look at it in his perspective. He just doesn't want to lose you. That's all there is to it."

"Really? But what if he doesn't want to forgive me?" Bai Qian was feeling just a little better but this question was bugging her a lot.

"You know how you and Ye Hua are with each other. Your words are sharp but your hearts will eventually soften. That's how it always is." Bai Zhen smiled at the growing worry on her face.

"I hope so." She sighed and got up. "I think I'll go for a walk. Sort myself out a bit." She walked off. Bai Zhen smiled sadly at her retreating figure, and thought, You'll know someday, Xiao Wu. You'll understand how much Ye Hua loves you.

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