One More Love to Fight For

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"We never seem to have a day without a bit of troubled from the Fox family, do we?" Zhe Yan mused. "It seems to be so long ago and you finally brought Yu'xin back."

Bai Zhen smiled sheepishly.

"And what of the prophecy?" Zhe Yan added.

"Wan Qing must have been the traitor." Bai Qian said. "She had to choose between love and hate. She chose the latter. And well, you did banish her from the lands did you not?" She looked at her husband.

"We did. The Celestial Palace, no matter how much injustice there is inside, we won't tolerate such a woman."

"Good." Bai Qian relaxed.

"Well, we know that's one problem solved. The prophecy is clear, at least until Yu'xin speaks another one." Zhe Yan shrugged. "Wine?"

Everyone took a drink except Ye Hua, who we all know has the alcohol tolerance of a fruit fly.

And so the five of them sat there, sipping wine, having small talk and enjoying the tranquility of the Peach Grove.

Yu'xin was feeling at peace. She had finally made up with the love of her life, and all was well. At least for now.

And for Bai Qian and Ye Hua, they too were happy. All the problems they had faced were over, and finally, they could rest easy.

But of course that didn't last too long. Zhe Yan ruined it.

"And Xiao Wu, I have one more matter to discuss." Zhe Yan broke the silence,
as he put his cup down. "Mo Yuan wanted me to pass the message."

"Shifu?" Bai Qian's interest was piqued. "What's happened?"

"There's some trouble with the daughter of Qing Cang, Yan Zhi. She took over the Ghost Realm, but it appears that she and your Sixteenth Senior are insisting to be together. Due to the different Realms, they cannot be together. But of course, they went against the rules. They really want to be together. What do you say?"

"Ah well." Bai Qian shook her head. "It seems we have one more love to fight for."

Zhe Yan chuckled. "Well I suppose you all will fight for their love. But don't you forget, the Realms' peace is at stake. Don't just forget everything because of love."

"Find a lover you truly want to fight for, Zhe Yan." Bai Zhen cut in. "Then you'll know how it feels like to really want to fight for your love." Earning raucous laughter from all.

"I loved your Mother, don't you remember? I still have the scars from your Father to prove it." Zhe Yan grumbled. "But then if I ended up with your Mother, there wouldn't be you all. So I had better be grateful I didn't win your Mother over." The siblings rolled their eyes and Yu'xin smiled.

"Well, I will make sure Zi Lan and Yan Zhi end up with their happily ever after. We had that. They should have it too." Yu'xin declared.

Ye Hua nodded assent. "We should go over as soon as possible."

And with that, the five of them stared into the setting sun as the fragrance of peach blossoms wafted around.


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