A Sacrifice

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Shortly after, the Ghost Clan and Mermaid Clan showed signs of rebelling. The Celestial Palace gathered an army and mobilised them in case the two clans came to attack them.

Donghua Dijun had to go. As the previous's previous Heavenly Lord(XD) he couldn't just stay in the Celestial Palace.

The problem was that Feng Jiu wanted to go with him.

"Jiu'er, it's going to be dangerous, we might die!" He said for the umpteenth time, trying to coax her out of wanting to go.

"Donghua, if you go without me, I'll just go and find you. Either way, you won't be able to shake me off! I'm going with you no matter what!"

"Even if you might die?"

"Yes! I told you, I will go even if it means losing my life! Please, Donghua, I beg you, let me go!"


But Feng Jiu was adamant. She would go, whether he allowed it or not!

So on the day of battle, Feng Jiu, dressed in full battle gear, accompanied Donghua to the front line of the army at he battleground, joining Ye Hua and Bai Qian there.

On the signal, everyone charged and swords clashed. Cries of the fallen and the swish of swords filled the air. Feng Jiu rode on her stallion, sweeping her sword left and right, wiping out the beasts and soldiers who charged toward her.

She spotted her beloved husband in the charging throng here and there, but she couldn't call out to him. A moment's distraction could cause her death.

Donghua was incessantly worried for his wife's safety. He hoped that she was alright, yet he fought back the temptation to find her and hold on to her, never to let her go.

Every time he heard a scream, he begged the heavens that it wasn't his darling Feng Jiu. Please, I don't think I can go on if anything happens to her, he thought.

Finally, when the war came to a short truce, Donghua and Feng Jiu met in the army tent. Hugging each other and not willing to draw away, they took a good look at one another to make sure both weren't severely injured.

Other than a few cuts, Feng Jiu seemed to be fine. Donghua was unscathed. They were both relieved that both of them were fine and, most importantly, alive. This had been their worst fear throughout the battle.

Donghua was planning to send her back, but she apparently figured it out and said, "If you want to send me back, don't bother. I'm not leaving."

Plan failed.

Donghua wanted to send her back for the sake of her safety, but she was stubborn.

Leaving Donghua with no choice, he had to let her stay.

During the continued war, things got more perilous and everyone was at more risk.

When the Ghost King neared Donghua, Feng Jiu rushed to his side, for fear that he would be injured.

The Ghost King's and Donghua's battle launched into the sky. Feng Jiu flew up behind them, keeping a safe distance behind, ready to jump in in case something went wrong.

Suddenly she saw. The Ghost King had retreated into the stormy clouds and was waiting for when Donghua had his back faced to him to strike.

The Ghost King came hurtling out of the cloud.

Feng Jiu saw with sudden horror that her beloved had absolutely no idea that the Ghost King was behind him. Donghua was still searching for him in the clouds.

Feng Jiu rushed to Donghua's front and cried out in pain as the spear of the Ghost King was stabbed into her gut.

Hearing the familiar cry, Donghua turned around and realised in shock that his wife had taken the stab for him.

Feng Jiu's battle armour was slowly turning a dark red.

Grabbing her lifeless body, Donghua descended to the ground, where all her loved ones gathered around them.

Weeping openly Donghua said, "Oh Jiu'er, why did you take the stab for me, it should have been me."

Weakly Feng Jiu smiled. "Since you're alright, that's all that matters."

"Xiao Jiu, hold on, Zhe Yan is coming." Bai Qian cried out, she was being supported by Ye Hua to prevent her from collapsing from shock and agitation.

Feng Jiu nodded, her head bobbing for just a fraction of movement.

Her breathing became shallow. Donghua prayed for her all while holding her close.

Zhe Yan came and knelt down immediately to check her injuries. After giving her a pill to ease the pain, he breathed a sigh of relief and told her family and loved ones that she would be fine.

The battle had stopped raging. It was obvious that it would, since Bai Qian, Ye Hua, Donghua Dijun and Bai Zhen, Bai Qian's fourth brother, had stopped fighting. They were the strongest in all of the realms and seas, and no one dared to challenge them in a duel.

Carrying Feng Jiu into the medical tent, Zhe Yan told Donghua that he didn't have to worry. She was going to be fine, he told Donghua Dijun.

Dijun stood up, seething with anger. Who dared to hurt his precious Jiu'er? The Ghost King! Which meant he had to pay for her injury. With his bloodshed.

He ran towards the Ghost King and with a deadly cry he descended on him with his sword.

It was all the Ghost King could do to protect himself, let alone fight back.

Finally, Dijun slashed his sword through the Ghost King's armour. Blood gushed out. The Celestial Tribe had destroyed one of the realm leaders, the Ghost King!

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