A Reunion

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The world mourned for the dead Heavenly Empress for long. No one could get over the fact that Bai Qian, the only High Goddess, was gone.

When A-Li heard the news of his mother's soul sacrifice, he broke down and cried so bitterly that he had to be carried out of Ye Hua's study and back to his own chambers.

As for Ye Hua, he just sat there with tears rolling down his deathly pale face.

He despaired for Qian Qian. A few thousand years, his brother had said.

He couldn't wait that long. Was he going to have to wait for her like how he did when her mortal form, Su Su, jumped down Zhuxian Terrace, only longer?

It had seemed like forever, although it was just 300 years, before he had finally met Qian Qian, and recognised her as Su Su. And now he had to wait for his love to have a happy ending again.

His love life had been one never-ending emotional roller coaster, with Su Jin's one-sided feelings for him and his one and only love being a mortal which wasn't allowed in the Celestial Tribe.

He thought he'd hit the jackpot when he realised that the woman he loved was the one he had a political marriage arrangement with.

Then the tragedy had come again when in the East(or is it West?) Sea, Qian Qian had said that she wanted to cancel the wedding, but another joy in his life when she said in the Celestial Palace that she loved him and wanted to be with him forever.

At the time, he thought nothing else could go wrong. Everything that could go wrong had already went haywire, but they'd got through it, so they could have the happy ending he'd always wanted, right?


When he went to the mortal realm for his Heavenly trial, she'd seen him and a figurine that Su Jin had made to seduce him together, sharing a relationship of master and servant, and the figurine looked exactly like Qian Qian.

She had thought that Ye Hua had only loved her because she resembled A-Li's mortal mother .

He'd had to stand outside her Fox Den for seven days and seven nights while she drank away, and then he sacrificed himself to seal the Bell of East Emperor and she had to wait for him for three years.

Now, it was his turn to wait.

Accepting her death had been hard, and it had been one thing, whereas letting go and moving on was harder and it was another thing altogether.

As he thought about the final words she'd told him before she'd gone, "I love you. Wait for me."

If she'd said that, then she would definitely come back, he thought. But at the thought that he was going to have to wait for a long time till that day, his expression grew sadder.

He bent his head and prayed for solace.

500 years later
Ye Hua had to go to another annual event, the death anniversary of Qian Qian. Only this event he was willing to go to for 500 years.

But today was different. When he was getting ready for it, he saw a bright streak cross the horizon of the Celestial Palace.

As the Heavenly Lord, he was responsible for anything that happened in the Celestial Palace, so he went outside to see what was going on. Many deities were also gathered outside, gaping.

A giant snake was suspended in the sky. (Snakes represent life and rebirth.)
Its giant mouth opened and it hissed in a terrible voice that echoed in their minds, and apparently everyone else heard it too, not just Ye Hua, because many covered their ears.

The Heavenly Empress wakes, the snake hissed. After 500 years of slumber, her soul regenerates. If not for the pleas and cries of her loved ones on this universe, the Heavens would not have allowed her to wake. This was never her fate, but the merciful Heavens have seen all the honourable things she has done, and will grant her rebirth. Go to the Sea of Innocence and you will see what the Heavens have allowed.

Ye Hua hadn't covered his ears. Upon hearing the snake, he sank to his knees. Years of joy fell down his face. Qian Qian was coming back. His hope had not been in vain. Immediately, he set off for the Sea of Innocence, along with A-Li, his second child, who was now a toddler, Feng Jiu, Dijun, Bai Zhen, her other family from the Fox Den, including Zhe Yan, who had come for the death anniversary, and of course, Mo Yuan.

They prayed that the snake was speaking the truth, and that the death anniversary this year didn't have to be held. They wished to have a celebration welcoming the Heavenly Empress back instead.

Upon reaching the Sea of Innocence, they headed straight for Qian Qian's crystal coffin.

It was glowing silvery like always, but this time, unlike the last time Ye Hua had been here, it was emitting a strong divine energy, like how it was when Ye Hua was about to wake. No one could get close, other than Ye Hua and Mo Yuan.

Mo Yuan waved his hand, recited a short chant and shot a wisp of smoke at the coffin.

Qian Qian's body floated out of the coffin, her body as preserved and as beautiful as ever.

Her body tested gently on the ground and Mo Yuan and Ye Hua knelt down next to her. Mo Yuan tested her cultivation level and pulse.

"Seventeenth, it's lucky you're awake. Otherwise, Ye Hua might have to wait a little longer than 500 years."

Ye Hua was stunned. He looked at his older brother.

Qian Qian suddenly had a sharp intake of breath.

She was alive.

Her eyes slowly opened. The divine energy slowly dissipated. She sat up, and looked at the two men next to her. Her eyes slowly went over her shocked family, children, and to her master again.

Then her eyes rested on Ye Hua.

"Ye Hua." She said.

Ye Hua broke down and sobbed. His long wait was finally over.

He reached towards her and pulled her into his arms. She wrapped her arms around her and buried her face in the sweet scent of him. Tears were rolling down their cheeks as they drew away and looked into each other's eyes.

Even though Qian Qian's were glassy with the tears welled up inside, Ye Hua's looked as if he'd aged a thousand years since she'd last saw him.

She pulled his face to hers and their lips met. The sweet peach blossom scent of Qian Qian mingled with the warm lips of Ye Hua, as they shared that long ,passionate kiss.

Drawing away, Qian Qian turned to face her sobbing parents. She knelt and kowtowed to them before picking herself up again. Bai Zhen was the first to react. "Xiao Wu," he said as he gave her a hug. Smiling through the tears, she ran towards her parents and engulfed them in a huge hug.

She then turned to Mo Yuan and bowed low. "I have been unfilial," she said. "I have kept the people I loved waiting for 500 years."

At last, after five hundred painful years of waiting, they were all together again.

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