The Wedding

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As Yu'xin walked into the Fox Den, she was impressed on how common it was, and she liked how it wasn't like other royal residences. The Fox Den was rather bare except for numerous candles which illuminated the cave. Otherwise, there was no decorum, no fancy ornaments. It relaxed her a little, though she was still really nervous.

When they walked in, they were welcomed by the Heavenly Empress, the Heavenly Lord, Bai Qian's mother, father, the everlasting third wheel Zhe Yan, and Feng Jiu.

They all took in Yu'xin's warm brown eyes, rosy cheeks and mahogany hair, which today was specially pinned up in swirls with a blue jade hairpin. She was wearing a matching blue gown, some parts transparent so when she moved, it looked like the ocean washing on a white beach.


Bai Qian's mother took her hands and led her into the Fox Den.

Bai Zhen had never told his parents of Yu'xin, so she was rather surprised when his parents agreed to make wedding arrangements immediately.

When she asked, "Why would you allow me to marry your son immediately? You've never even met me, and..." Zhe Yan cut her short. "Anyone who helps mortals already has a good heart. Us immortals are rather proud. And I've seen the way you two look at each other. It's disgusting. I want you to be married so firstly, I can stop seeing that look, and secondly, Zhen Zhen can finally stop staying at the Peach Grove all the time."

Bai Zhen looked up indignantly. "What!"

He didn't really mean that, I hope.

Yu'xin and the rest of the company laughed, except Ye Hua, who just smiled. He never really laughed except when he was with Qian Qian.

"Welcome to the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan, Yu'xin," Bai Qian's father declared. "What date do you have in mind of the wedding date?"

"The second of September." Bai Qian said immediately. Everyone looked at her, including Ye Hua.

"Ye Hua and I originally planned our wedding for the second of September. But it didn't work out. And now Fourth Brother is getting married. I would like it to be on the second of September. It's an auspicious day."

No one objected.

"I was rather hoping that someone would contradict Xiao Wu." Zhe Yan sighed. "The second of September is only a few months away."

Yu'xin smiled. "I do like the sound of the second of September. I don't mind holding the wedding on that day."

"Well, then the second of September it is!" Bai Qian's father rubbed his hands.

Yu'xin blinked. "Just like that?"

"Just like that." Bai Qian smiled knowingly at Yu'xin.

The Second of September
The day had arrived. The wedding of Bai Zhen from the Fox Clan, and Princess Yu'xin of the West Sea.

Deities from all realms and seas were invited. From the West Sea, only Yu'xin's brothers would be attending. Her parents were furious when they found out that their daughter was marrying someone without their permission.

Oh, man. But for starters, why'd you even chase her out of the West Sea?

Okay, off topic.

Anyway, as Bai Qian helped Yu'xin dress, she wished that the bride was herself again. The wedding to Ye Hua had been the happiest moment in her long life. (Like really, really, long life!)

But even so, Bai Qian couldn't help but admire Yu'xin's appearance that day. She looked even more beautiful than her usual elegance, and today she shined.

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