Mystery Unraveled

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When Bai Qian, Ye Hua, Si Ming and Donghua reached the mortal realm, they followed Bai Qian's lead to the central area, the market, where Feng Jiu had gone when she'd reached the mortal realm for her heavenly trial. After looking around for a while, they found nothing.

The market happened to be right outside the opera house. They went inside, but not before they placed an invisibility shield around them lest they attracted attention.

They saw a lady sitting there alone, watching the opera. Ye Hua turned pale. "It's her," he said. "It's Zhi'yue."

Bai Qian looked up at the lady's face and winced. "It's her," she whispered. "Let me use a bit of magic to see what's going on in her mind."

Veiling herself in a separate invisibility shield, she sat opposite Zhi'yue. First she knocked Zhi'yue unconscious. She then shut her eyes and went into a trance. A wisp of blue smoke gushed out of her head and went into Zhi'yue's.

Once inside, Bai Qian saw that the baby was with her, back at her house at the edge of the suburbs. She'd stolen it because Feng Jiu had Donghua's child born to her and not Zhi'yue. She'd been so jealous that she stole it and pretended that he was the son of Donghua and herself.

"That little..." Bai Qian thought to herself. She'd stolen Feng Jiu's baby and still wasn't feeling guilty about it. She's deluded about having a child with Donghua.

The shock nearly killed her, though. She came out of her trance, and spat out some blood. Ye Hua quickly rushed to her side and stroked her back.

"It is her, just like I suspected. She stole Feng Jiu's baby, and she's not even losing any sleep over it! She wants to treat the child as her own. She wants to believe that she and Donghua had a child together, that he loved her." Bai Qian's voice was shaky.

"We will take the appropriate actions." Ye Hua said soothingly. "I won't let her off easy. You have to trust me on this. Her punishment will be heavy."

Bai Qian was still pale, so they decided to call it a day and go back to the Celestial Palace.

The next day, Ye Hua had Zhi'yue dragged up to the Celestial Palace to face her punishment for her crimes.

Feng Jiu had been ballistic. That princess had dared to steal her little prince away? That devil! She deserved punishment, the harshest Ye Hua could mete out.

"Zhi'yue, you have stolen the offspring of Donghua Dijun and Bai Feng Jiu. We have concrete proof, so you should not deny your crime." Ye Hua's voice reverberated through the Grand Hall.

"You accuse me of something I never did." Zhi'yue said brazenly. Bai Qian, from her throne, produced a large crystal ball magically. It was a Memory Container. She waved her hand over it and the Container showed images of Zhi'yue rocking the child and feeding it.

Zhi'yue's face turned pale. She had nowhere to run. The deities has caught her and exposed her crime.

She laughed coldly. Feng Jiu was about to run to her and throttle her for taking her child away, but she was barely constrained by Donghua.

"If you must blame someone, blame Feng Jiu herself." Zhi'yue's tone darkened. "Who told her to take my rightful place as Donghua's wife away? Things would never be as complicated as they are now if she'd just lain low and let me and Donghua be!"

Donghua stood up. "How dare you blame my wife for this." His tone was low and deadly soft, the way he was when he was really angry. "The one I love is her, not you. And how dare you say otherwise."

Zhi'yue's eyes welled up. "I always loved you. I always thought that you were sprung from a rock. But still I loved you. Why do you not see my affections for you?"

Donghua's dark eyes glared at Zhi'yue. "I never felt anything for you. You are mistaken."

Zhi'yue sobbed. "Then kill me. For I have nothing to live for. I thought that once I returned from the Mortal Realm, we could build our relationship again, day by day. But now I see. Your heart always belonged with her. It never was mine. What does she have that I do not? Why do you hate me?"

"I find you a nuisance to my life. As to Feng Jiu, I wish for you to stop your torment towards her." Donghua replied, his expression unreadable.

Zhi'yue shook her head frantically. "I won't give up. Until you say you love me and will forsake that fox, I will never give you up!"

Ye Hua raises his hand for silence. "I could forgive mischief in the Celestial Palace, Zhi'yue, but for this you must be punished. You have committed a serious crime and I cannot forgive this. You will go down to the mortal world, never to be given a celestial title for eternity. Take her away!"

"NO!" Zhi'yue screamed. She struggled as the guards gripped hold of her arms firmly. "NO! I won't go! Cousin! Please!"

Her screams died away as she was removed from the Grand Hall. Feng Jiu cradled her child to her and Donghua glared at the direction Zhi'yue had gone.

Bai Qian kept the Memory Container. It had been a relief to get Feng Jiu's child back. All they had to do was to take the baby from Zhi'yue's hut, and remove its memories to keep in the Memory Container. And now Zhi'yue was punished for it. Good.

She turned to Ye Hua and said, "I need to make a trip to Zhe Yan's Peach Tree Grove. Fourth Brother should hear of this." Ye Hua nodded assent.

Bai Qian swept out of the room.


Bai Zhen and Yu'xin, meanwhile, were enjoying a beautiful relationship together. They had just returned from a daily walk in the Grove, when he saw his sister standing there waiting for him.

He walked towards her, Yu'xin behind him.

"Xiao Wu!" He said. "Fourth Brother." Bai Qian smiled. "Who's that behind you?" She gave a sly smirk. "Um..." Bai Zhen cleared his throat.

"Don't say anymore. I understand. When are you bringing her back to the Fox Den?"

"Soon." Bai Zhen said. He was feeling relieved that his sister understood, and there was no need for him to explain. It would be awkward.

Bai Qian nodded. She began to tell Bai Zhen of the incident about Feng Jiu's child, and it was rather shocking for Bai Zhen. The Heavenly Lord's cousin actually dared to do such a thing! Impudence!

Yu'xin just stood behind Bai Zhen quietly, listening. Princess Zhi'yue actually did that?

Finally the conversation turned to Bai Zhen and he said, "Yu'xin, come. This is my Fifth Sister. She's the Heavenly Empress as well."

Yu'xin went forward and knelt. "Greetings to Heavenly Empress." She said shyly. She wasn't used to being in the spotlight.

The Heavenly Empress looked her from head to toe, taking in her voluptuous form, her brown eyes, and her hair. "Very pretty," She said at last. "Fourth Brother, you have a good eye. I couldn't do better myself."

Bai Zhen beamed.

"Have you been hiding her from us all this while? In here?" Bai Qian raised an eyebrow. "You know Mother and Father have been nagging at you to get married and settle down, not stay with Zhe Yan all the time. Why not bring her back to the Fox Den today?"

"What?" Yu'xin turned pale. She was going to have to meet Zhen Zhen's parents already?

The Heavenly Empress smiled. "My parents are good people. They won't eat you up. I'm sure that they will approve. Don't be scared."

Yu'xin took a deep breath. "Okay. When do we go?"

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