Part 4: We Meet Again

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The Heavenly Empress had sought Dijun out and given him the gist of what he had made Feng Jiu become. Dijun was stunned that Feng Jiu had been able to hold all of her emotions in at Bai Qian's birthday, and he was filled with shame at his actions, making her feel worse than she already did.

He had got together with Zhi'yue at first to make Feng Jiu feel jealous and confess first since he loved to hear her confess to him and it pleasures him. But he never thought it would escalate so far. The guilt that he had coerced his beloved to such a point was eating him up inside. Hesitating no more, he rushed to Qing Qiu to find Feng Jiu.

Running but trying to slow his legs to a saunter, he went into the chamber where Feng Jiu slept. Seeing her looking at him, disoriented, it was not a surprise when her expression grew sad. His heart broke when he saw her reaction.

Hurrying to her side, he took her hands in his. "I'm sorry, Jiu'er, I'm sorry, it was all my fault." She looked at him miserably. "Did my aunt put you up to this?" Dijun shook his head. "I realised on my own. Jiu'er, you are the only one I've loved. I was wrong, terribly wrong."

Feng Jiu gave a little smile and kissed him on the cheek. "But what about Zhi'yue?" Dijun shrugged. "She can figure out what happened on her own." Feng Jiu laid her head on his shoulder and said. "I missed you." "Me too. It hasn't been the same without you." Dijun said, putting an arm around her shoulders.

Later, cuddling together in the dark, Feng Jiu snuggled closer to him and shivered. "This cave gets so cold sometimes." Dijun put his arms around her thin body. "Come, lean against me; I'll keep you warm."

Feng Jiu smiled. He really was thick-skinned sometimes. And that was what she loved about him. She pulled him closer and he kissed her gently on the forehead, right where the cockscomb flower was. So beautiful it was, so fitting it was on her. He stroked her soft black hair as she drifted asleep, and that's how they stayed the whole night.

In the morning, after Feng Jiu had prepared the morning meal, she had hurried to find her aunt and tell her the good news: she and Dijun had decided to marry again.

When the Heavenly Empress heard, she was so happy she immediately called for a nine-day celebration of the happy occasion.

As for Princess Zhi'yue, when she heard, she kicked up such a big fuss and got into so much trouble that as punishment, her cousin, Ye Hua, sent her down to the mortal realm for twenty years, or longer, until she was penitent, and only then could she return for her Celestial title.

And even then, she could not come to the grand wedding of Feng Jiu and Dijun, in case she did something rash that might cause harm to the newlyweds.

When she was dragged away, she screamed at poor Feng Jiu who was sitting with her aunt, watching the whole thing unfold, "I hate you! All I wanted was Donghua Dijun and you even took that away from me! I curse you, Bai Feng Jiu!"

"Presumptuous!" Ye Hua banged his fist on his throne. Standing up, he said, " How dare you curse the niece of the Heavenly Empress! She is of higher position than you, Zhi'yue, how can you show such disrespect! Guards! Take her down to the mortal realm! She will stay there for an extra twenty years until she finds some respect for Xiao Jiu!"

As the bratty princess(I'm sorry)was dragged away screaming, the Heavenly Empress placed a reassuring hand on the trembling Feng Jiu's.

"It's okay, she can't hurt you now."

Feng Jiu took a deep breath. She knew, she knew, but why was she feeling so uneasy?

Because she was afraid that she would lose Donghua again.

Zhi'yue wasn't the only one who was in love with Donghua. There were other girls too. Who said that Feng Jiu was the only other person who loved Donghua besides Zhi'yue?

Feng Jiu tried to steady herself. She was the princess consort of Donghua Dijun, for goodness's sakes! What had she to be scared of?

She was scared that she would lose her one and only love again.

She had gone through it once and wasn't going to go through it again. Even though she knew that Dijun loved her and her alone, it was possible that some other girl might come along and seduce Donghua, wasn't it? And-

Alright, Feng Jiu, let us not get ahead of ourselves. He loves me. He will not forsake me again.

Are you sure? Her mind asked her.

Stop it, she instructed her mind firmly. He has apologised. He will not let me down again.

Those words reassured her. She gave an approving nod to her aunt.

When her aunt gave the order to prepare the Celestial Palace for the grand celebration, her heart lifted a ton.

It was as if a large load had suddenly disappeared from her weary heart.

Feng Jiu felt peace for the first time in 300 years.

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