Chapter 2 Part 1: Trouble Strikes Again

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After marriage, Donghua and Feng Jiu settled into Taichen Palace.

To celebrate, the Celestial Tribe had a nine-day festivity and everyone from the Celestial Tribe was invited, apart from Zhi'yue.

Even though Feng Jiu enjoyed the celebration immensely, all she wanted was some alone time with Donghua.

She got the opportunity two days later. She was tidying up Taichen Palace when Donghua walked in.

He pulled her into a tight embrace and said, "I missed you."

Feng Jiu: "Don't you see me every day?"

Donghua: "Yes, but I don't get you alone with me every day, do I?"

Feng Jiu smirked. Donghua could be so thick-skinned sometimes. He was obviously flirting with her, and it had always crossed the limits.

Secretly she enjoyed the attention. Although she never admitted it, she was always disappointed when she failed to get him alone with her. She wrapped her lithe arms around him and laid her head on his chest, his heartbeat like a comforting clock.

Soon after the wedding, Feng Jiu realised that she had to go for a heavenly trial, because she was not supposed to marry Donghua since he had removed his name from the Rock of Three Incarnations.

As she reported to Ye Hua on the day she was supposed to go to the mortal realm, she thought about what Donghua had said to her before she left.

"You must not get into any relationships in the mortal world, because I want you all to myself. And if you do..."

Feng Jiu had smiled at this. "You would do what?"

Donghua had pretended to think.

"I will go to the mortal realm personally and drag you back up to Taichen Palace so you will only have me for company."

Feng Jiu laughed. "I will make sure I get into a relationship then, so you will quickly get me back here."

Before Donghua could react, Si Ming came and told Feng Jiu:

"Little Princess, before you go you must drink this amnesia potion."

Feng Jiu pouted and said,

"Must I?"

Donghua has smiled but hidden it with a cough.

"Jiu'er... you have to. It'll be over very fast."

Feng Jiu only agreed because of Dijun's reassuring tone.

Taking the bowl of potion from Si Ming, she downed all the liquid in one.

She found herself lying in a hut and when she got up she found herself on Mount Junji of the Far East.

Because of the lack of supplies in the cottage she had to go to town and get some.

There, as she picked out fresh produce, she was, unfortunately, spotted by Zhi'yue. (do you remember her?)

Feng Jiu didn't remember her but Zhi'yue did, and she seethed with rage, all the hate coming back to her.

When she finally found a way to get revenge on her, she executed her plan.

Si Ming read the Book of Destiny just out of curiousity and realised that Feng Jiu would soon be in danger.

He rushed all the way to Taichen Palace just to tell Donghua.

Upon hearing it, Donghua immediately hurried down to the mortal realm to try and save Feng Jiu.

Zhi'yue had sent a group of assassins to eliminate Feng Jiu from her sight. The assassins were good in combat, and Feng Jiu had had many close shaves as she fled from place to place, trying to shake off the assassins.

Donghua ascended to the mortal realm just in time to see the chaos.

Stunned, he watched from a corner as Feng Jiu was nearly stabbed by one assassin.

Donghua couldn't watch it any longer and he began to fight off the assassins.

From behind, an assassin nearly pierced Donghua's back.

Feng Jiu who had backed away saw the action made from behind. Instinctively she ran to Donghua, pushed him out of the way and took the knife for him.

Donghua had stumbled but had seen how Feng Jiu had taken the knife for him, even though she didn't know him(forgot him).

He rushed to her side and looked at her. With tears in his eyes, he stroked her hair as her breathing became shallower and shallower.

"Why did you take the knife for me?" He asked, his voice shaky.

"It was my problem and mine alone. You fought for me, this is my gratitude to you."

Donghua tried not to cry. Even though it was just in the mortal realm, this was Donghua's worst nightmare. After losing her once, he didn't want to lose her again.

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