The Missing Child

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Ye Hua couldn't feel happier. His wife was back, and it had been all he'd ever wanted for 500 years.

One day Qian Qian wandered into his study while he was seated there, filling in some reports.

"Ye Hua."

He looked up and a smile split across his face. "Qian Qian," he called, reaching out his hands, "come here."

She ran to him and lay her head on her shoulder. "Ye Hua," she said, tracing her fingers on his neckline, "Can I go and see A-Li? I haven't seen him much, since he's been studying."

"Qian Qian, he's studying. He shouldn't be disturbed."

She kissed him on the cheek. Wrapping her hands around his neck, she whispered, "He's my child. I want him to be happy. He can't keep studying like this. Otherwise, his health will suffer. And it will be your fault."

Ah well. She always knew how to wrap him around her little finger and leave him speechless. The little devil! She'd become very daring after her return from death.

He had to relent.

"Okay, but..."

"No buts." She put her finger on his lips, shushing him.

He smiled and pulled her to him. Landing a kiss on her lips, she felt that delightful tinge whenever he kissed her. She pulled him closer until their faces were touching each other. His arms went to her shoulders and then wrapped around her slim and frail body.

Finally, they pulled away and with a gentle caress across his chest, she walked out of his study.

He was numb from her touch, and wished she had stayed longer with him. He could certainly use some comfort from her.

He looked at her receding back, and hoped to the heavens that they wouldn't take her away from him again.

Feng Jiu

Meanwhile at Taichen Palace, Feng Jiu was creating a commotion. Her baby boy had gone missing.

"WHERE IS HE?" she screamed. "If I ever find the kidnapper, I will kill him! Where is my baby?"

Donghua knew nothing of this, since he'd been at official meetings all morning.

When he came back, he found his wife screaming and crying while Si Ming watched on worriedly.

"What's going on?" He asked.

Feng Jiu looked up at him and ran to him. "Our son is missing! Please..."

Donghua's eyes widened in horror. WHAT?

He tried to steady himself. Feng Jiu was relying on him to be calm and find a solution. If he panicked, it would be a lost cause.

"Si Ming, go to Xiwu Palace and find Ye Hua and Bai Qian. Now. We will need all the help we can get."

Si Ming bowed and left.

Donghua took Feng Jiu's quivering shoulders and forced her to look up at him.

"Jiu'er, calm down. I've already sent for the Heavenly Empress and the Heavenly Lord. They will help."

"Our child! There's no time to lose! Let's go and find him! My son...." She burst into tears again.

Donghua took a deep breath, then gripped Feng Jiu's shoulders again.

"Jiu'er, we will find him. Believe me, we will. But we need help. We cannot do this alone. Besides, Bai Qian is your aunt. She has to know."

Feng Jiu tried to calm herself down, but she was panicking. Her first child was gone. Any mother would be terrified.

But then again, her husband had a point. If anyone now held the most power in the Celestial Palace, it would be her aunt and Ye Hua. They could help find her son.

When Bai Qian and Ye Hua heard the news from Si Ming, they went ballistic.

"Who dares to kidnap the first child of Donghua's Princess Consort?" Ye Hua demanded. Bai Qian just sat there, fuming.

"Ye Hua, let's go to Taichen Palace now. I have to see poor Xiao Jiu." She said immediately.

Ye Hua nodded, helped her up, and went to the door, Si Ming in tow.

When they stepped into Taichen Palace, Feng Jiu stumbled to them and fell to her knees.

"Please, Aunt, please find my son!"

Distraught, Bai Qian grasped her niece's shaking hands and tenderly pulled her up.

"Get up first. How did you notice that your baby was missing?"

Feng Jiu shook her head wildly. "My maids told me. They went to feed him, but he was gone."

"Why was he alone at all? There should've been guards or maids outside." Donghua noted.

"Exactly my point. Why weren't the maids or guards outside?" Bai Qian asked a maid who was standing by.

"I don't know, Heavenly Empress. I only came in to feed the child and he was gone. Then I went straight to Mistress." The maid replied meekly.

"It must have been someone of power in this Celestial Palace to command the maids and guards to leave Taichen Palace," Ye Hua suggested.

"But if he or she was a powerful deity, they would've been followed by maids of their own." Si Ming interrupted.

Bai Qian had a hunch of who it was.
After all, it couldn't be Su Jin. She had been changed into a mortal and had drunk the amnesia potion. And other than her, well...

But without concrete proof, it was a crime to accuse another deity of anything. So she had to prove her hunch.

"Come on," she told her companions, "I have a hunch on who it is. But first,
I need to go to the mortal world to prove it. Let's go."

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