Girl Trouble

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Ye Hua and Bai Qian had still not spoken since their argument one month ago. Their mutual stubbornness was kind of impressive.

Yu'xin and Bai Zhen were getting rather concerned about this situation. They wanted to talk to them about it, but were certain that only they themselves could solve this problem and bridge the gap.

Anyway, it was soon Die Feng's birthday. So as his sister, Yu'xin would definitely be attending the birthday banquet.

But she wasn't looking forward to seeing her parents again. She had never seen them ever since she got married, and she knew they were still angry with her over her marriage. But she loved her brother so much, she would attend it anyway.

Bai Zhen knew of her troubles, and so he volunteered to stay with her. He had to attend it too, as a high God. The Heavenly Empress and Heavenly Lord were to attend it as well, since Die Feng was Bai Qian's senior disciple.

But how was Bai Qian and Ye Hua supposed to attend the banquet if they weren't talking?
On the day of the banquet, they prepared to go to the West Sea. Yu'xin would have to look her best as the princess of the West Sea.

She put on a lilac gown, and slid crystal white hairpins in her hair. She looked at herself in the mirror and sighed. She was definitely not happy to be going to see her parents. But on the plus side, she was rather excited to see Die Feng. It had been very long.

When they reached there, Bai Qian and Ye Hua weren't holding hands like they used to, instead they walked separately. This idea made Bai Zhen sad.

When they walked in the main hall, Bai Zhen saw an exceptionally beautiful maid, serving the King of the West Sea.

He couldn't stop staring at her. They were suddenly interrupted by Die Feng.

"Second Brother!" Yu'xin ran up and hugged him. Die Feng smiled and patted her head.

"Sister, I hope you have been well." He smiled. "Seventeenth, Heavenly Lord, Crown Prince, High God Bai Zhen, come in."

When they entered, the maid saw Bai Zhen looking at her. She blushed and smiled flirtatiously.

While Yu'xin was preoccupied talking to Die Feng, he walked surreptitiously to the maid and asked for her name.

"Wan Qing," She said shyly.

What a nice name, he thought.

Yu'xin saw him talk to the maid, and she felt a twist of sadness. She'd known that maid. Many men who'd come to court her when her parents insisted ended up falling for that maid instead. In a way it had been good, because it meant that she wouldn't have to marry. But sometimes the maid was too beautiful for her own good.

And now even her own husband was being attracted to her.

She wanted to have a talk to Bai Zhen about it, but she felt uncomfortable talking about other girls. And she knew Bai Zhen could get defensive sometimes.

Then she saw Bai Zhen return to his seat beside her, and she decided not to say anything. She just smiled and pretended she didn't see anything.

But halfway through the banquet Bai Zhen disappeared. Wan Qing was also nowhere to be seen. Yu'xin knew he had gone to find her, and she him.

She quickly excused herself. Die Feng, seeing Bai Zhen's seat empty, guessed what was going on and went to find her.

"Sister." He said once he reached her. "Are you alright?"

Yu'xin looked up, and smiled sadly. "At least I know now. It could have been worse."

She pulled off her gold hairpins, the ones that Bai Zhen had gifted her. "I don't think I'm in any position to wear these now." With her hair all the way down, she looked more gorgeous than ever, but her sad expression made her look thin and tired.

"I think I'll go back and rest." She said, placing the hairpins in her robe sleeve. "I wouldn't like to ruin your birthday banquet. Goodbye, Second Brother."

She reached out with one hand and hugged him. He patted her head gently and nodded. "I'll see you, Sister." He returned to the banquet, ignoring the furious looks he was getting from his parents for walking away like that.

Meanwhile Bai Zhen had promised to marry Wan Qing in to the Fox Den as a side consort. That night, he brought her there to meet his parents. Bai Qian watched him incredulously.

"What is the meaning of this, Zhen Zhen?" Zhe Yan asked once Wan Qing had come in. "Your wife is Yu'xin."

"I wish to take a side consort," he said. "Yu'xin can still be my Princess Consort."

"Do you know the values of Qing Qiu, Zhen Zhen? Once we foxes decide on someone, we stay with them all our lives. We never marry anyone else, not even a side consort." His mother insisted.

"Let me decide my life." Bai Zhen did not try and keep the irritation out of his voice.

Feng Jiu and Dijun, who had come, watched them silently. Then Feng Jiu said, "But Fourth Uncle, you told me to be loyal to who I love. And now..."

Wan Qing had become rather brazen and demanding once she'd had the confirmation that she would marry Bai Zhen. So she stepped forward and said haughtily, "Zhen Zhen has agreed for
me to marry him. So I don't see why-"

"I will let you." Yu'xin spoke. She had just come in, and had heard whatever they'd said.

Bai Qian turned and gasped. "Yu'xin, what are you even saying?"

Yu'xin opened her palm and glittering objects appeared on the nearby rock table. Her wedding dress, carefully folded, every trinket, jewellery and treasure Bai Zhen had ever given her appeared there.

The family knew what was happening. Bai Qian's heart sank. She had rather admired her fighting prowess, and now she was leaving the family before she could teach her some fighting tactics, which she had promised her before.

"I bless you. And I hope you have a happy life together. I wish to follow the rules of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan, to focus on one partner all of life. And I don't feel that it is right to stay. Here are all the things you've ever given me." Yu'xin gestured to the items. She walked to Wan Qing, to the stunned faces of the family.

She bowed to her. "I must bow to you since you will be the Princess Consort." Then she bowed to the family and to Zhe Yan.

"Thank you for keeping me all this while." She said, and then she turned to Bai Qian. "I will teach you those fighting tactics you wished to learn. But I do hope you can pardon me if I cannot do so right now." Bowing once again, she left.

"Wait." Zhe Yan said. "What about your unborn child?"

Yu'xin smiled sadly. "I will raise it on my own." Then she walked out of the Fox Den.

The family looked at Bai Zhen and Wan Qing.

Finally they sighed and walked off.

Bai Zhen was dismayed. This wasn't how their first meeting was supposed to go. He decided to go ask Xiao Wu, after all if she agreed, it wouldn't be a problem.

But it was the opposite.

Bai Qian raged at both of them. She insisted that Yu'xin would always be a part of the family. She said that if they were looking for her to support this marriage, she wasn't going to give them the satisfaction.

Bai Zhen had never felt so upset in his life.

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