The Quest

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The next day at dawn, Bai Qian and Bai Zhen were at the gates of the Celestial Palace.

Ye Hua looked at her and sighed. "Must you go?"

Bai Qian tiptoed and kissed him on the cheek. "Yu'xin said that we must not evade the prophecy. Even if I do not go, fate will somehow intertwine this quest and me. I have to go."

Ye Hua nodded reluctantly and pulled her into his arms. Nuzzling his forehead against hers, he said, "At least stay alive. Stay safe."

"I'll try." Bai Qian said, her hands still around his neck. "Take care of A-Li for me." She kissed his lips and left a delicious peach blossom taste on his lips.

Little did Ye Hua know what danger would befall the two questers.

Meanwhile, Bai Zhen and Yu'xin were saying goodbye. "Promise me you'll stay safe." Yu'xin was saying for the millionth time.

Bai Zhen nodded and kissed her forehead. "I'll be back soon."

Ye Hua quickly pulled Bai Zhen aside. "Please, do me a favour and protect Qian Qian as best you can."

Bai Zhen nodded. "I'll try not to let you down."

As the lovers waved goodbye, they had no idea who would come back alive, and who would be captured.

"Yingzhou is far to the west." Bai Qian told her brother as they journeyed away from the Celestial Palace.

"I know. Xiao Wu, stick close to me. We never know what anyone could do." Bai Zhen replied.

They travelled on and on. They had to travel on foot because flying would take up a lot of energy, and they needed to conserve it for what was to come.

Three days and three nights later, they finally found themselves at Yingzhou, and the island of the moonlace was so close.

"We need to get past those three monsters." Bai Qian panted.

Bai Zhen unsheathed his sword. Bai Qian opened her Jade Purity Fan of Kunlun. Together, they plunged into the island.

They walked into the large room. Contrary to Yingzhou, the room was adorned with jewels of every kind, and basically looking like a treasury rather than a place storing a silver moonlace.

The moonlace was just a few feet away. "No, it shouldn't be this easy." Bai Zhen frowned.

Just as he completed his sentence, three monsters dropped in front of them, one after the other, their razor teeth gleaming red.

They growled and crouched, ready to pounce.

Ye Hua regretted allowing Bai Zhen to go alone with Qian Qian. He worried incessantly, all day every day.

What am I worrying about? He thought. Bai Zhen will keep Qian Qian safe.

But fate, no one can control. Not even the king of Heaven can predict what will happen. He knew he had to keep faith.
Bai Zhen and Bai Qian had begun to fight the three monsters. They were ferocious, and the fight wasn't going so well.

The first monster looked like a cross between an alligator and a lion. It was meant to terrify and paralyse victims. It's name was 惊痪, jīnghuàn, meaning to terrify and paralyse.

The second monster was definitely a viper. It's bared fangs dripped with venom. It hissed and it's eyes glowed red. It was supposed to sink it's fangs into the victim's body, so they wouldn't be able to run, and the monsters got lunch. It's name, well, no one knew, because no one ever lived that long to find it out. And also, did I mention? If you cut off it's head, another would grow back in its place. It was kind of like a hydra, only that it didn't grow another two heads.

The third monster was a hybrid of a buffalo and a tiger. It was supposed to distract the victims, so the other monsters could do their jobs and have fresh human meat for their noonday meal.

Anyway, Bai Zhen made the mistake of slicing off the viper's head. He thought the monster was dead, but nope! The snake reared up again, more ferocious than ever, and a new head fully grown.

"Burn the stump of its head once you slice it off!" Bai Qian yelled as she fought with the buffalo-tiger.

Bai Zhen grabbed a flaming torch, did a clever leap up the viper's head, sliced it off and set it on fire. The viper thudded to the floor.

The lion-alligator jumped into the fight. He began to fight the exhausted Bai Zhen. Now, he was immune to fire.
No way could Bai Zhen handle him with the flaming torch.

The good thing was that it wouldn't grow a head back. So Bai Zhen had to find a way to slice off the lion-alligator's head.

Bai Zhen rushed behind the monster. With a bit of luck, he managed to reach the moonlace flower. He grabbed it from its pedestal.

With the item they were guarding already taken, the remaining monster, the lion-alligator pounced towards Bai Zhen, ready to kill him.

Bai Zhen placed his sword hilt facing the charging monster. They monster didn't even stop.


The monster dissolved into yellow vapour.

The siblings immediately got out of the island, holding the moonlace.

As they passed Yingzhou, something stopped them.

They turned to see the Mermaid King and his subjects, their swords at their throats.

"Well, well, well." The King advanced, smiling menacingly. "And what do we have here?"
Ye Hua was going crazy with worry. Where was Qian Qian, his heart, his love?

If they didn't make it back in another few days, he would go to Yingzhou and find them himself.

Feeling a little more relaxed with that thought, he fell asleep.
The King had Bai Qian bound up and he looked at Bai Zhen, whose eyes were red with fury.

"LET MY SISTER GO!"'Bai Zhen bellowed, his voice shaking with rage.

"Sure. But I must kill you." The King shrugged.

"What do you have against me?" Bai Zhen snapped.

"I catch any stragglers here sometimes. They become my appetisers. It's good fun." The King replied.

"Take me away if you must." Bai Qian's voice was muffled. "Fourth Brother. The prophecy."

Bai Zhen's heart sank. One shall disappear at Heaven's will. It would be Xiao Wu.

He nodded through his tears. "I will come back for you soon. Hold on, Xiao Wu."

Bai Qian nodded, and the Mermaids hauled her away.

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