Another Lasting Sacrifice

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The battle was not over, however, and Dijun realised a second fact. It had been 70,000 years, which meant that Qing Cang was about to break out of the Bell of East Emperor. So he sent an army to Ruoshui Riverbank. With Mo Yuan in seclusion and Ye Hua already having sacrificed himself once, the only other two options was Dijun himself and Bai Qian.

But Dijun had already lost his powers in the mortal realm, thus he couldn't do much, so that left only Bai Qian.

Of course, Bai Qian was ready to take it on, but Ye Hua was a problem. He wasn't, as any husband would, willing to let Bai Qian go.

When Dijun went to get Bai Qian to go to Ruoshui, he found Bai Qian and Ye Hua in a bicker about who should go.

"Please, for the sake of all realms, let me go, Ye Hua!" Bai Qian was pleading with Ye Hua.

Ye Hua held on to her hands tightly.

"Qian Qian, I can't lose you! Think about me. Think about your family! We can't lose you! Besides, you won't wake up for a long time if you go! I won't let you!"

Bai Qian was crying, and she held him close to her, and said, "Hear me out, Ye Hua! Hear me out!" She held him in her arms until he calmed down, tears still streaming down his face.

"If you sacrifice yourself a second time, you will die, and this time you won't come back... If I sacrifice just once, I will just sleep for a little while. Ten thousand years, or maybe a little longer, but I can come back when my soul regenerates. Then I'll return to your side." Even though she was crying, she tried to put on a brave expression, for the sake of Ye Hua.

Ye Hua was weeping openly though, he refused to let his wife go. He had A-Li to think about, and no other deity had enough cultivation to even get close to the bell.

But if she went, she would have to sleep for at least a thousand years. Her soul was strong, but there was always a limit for her. And the crystal coffin couldn't do everything. His brother had slept for 70,000 years. What if Qian Qian slept longer than him? Could he wait that long?

Pulling him into an embrace, Bai Qian tried to stop her tears from flowing, as she whispered into his ear,

"I love you. Wait for me."

Then she pulled away and ascended into the sky, but not before placing a barrier around Ye Hua to stop him from flying after her.

Ye Hua could only sob helplessly, powerless against the strong bubble, however hard he banged his fist on it, as he watched his beloved fly to her death.

A strong light descended on them all and everyone averted their eyes. When they finally opened them, the bell was sealed, all was silent, and a body was floating in the air.

Bai Qian's body.

The barrier hindering Ye Hua had finally disappeared with the death of the one who cast it, and Ye Hua flew up to catch her lifeless body.

Clutching her to him, he cried and his tears mingled with the blood flowing from Bai Qian's mouth.

He kept whispering for her to wake up and kept stroking her hair, as if that would make her come back to life.

He stayed there so long that Bai Zhen, Bai Qian's brother, had to fly up to get them both back to ground, having to use force on Ye Hua.

All the deities had stopped fighting, their faces contorted with shock and sorrow at the still body of Bai Qian and the sobs of Ye Hua as he cradled her body in his arms.

Nothing would ever be the same.

Zhe Yan had returned from the medical tent and his face jerked in horror as he saw Xiao Wu lying in Ye Hua's arms, motionless. She wasn't even breathing.

What had she done now?

Running to them, he cried out, "Seriously, I just leave you for a while and this happens? What did she do?"

Ye Hua looked up, his eyes swollen from all the crying and tears still leaking out of his eyes, "She sacrificed her soul to seal the Bell of East Emperor."

Zhe Yan's eyes widened in horror. She did what?

Ye Hua continued to cry quietly, letting the tears flow freely, until his third uncle, Lian Song came to him and placed a hand on his quivering shoulder.

"Let her go, Ye Hua."

Ye Hua's face went slack. He turned pale. Let her go? What did his third uncle mean?

He turned to look at him, hoping to see even a fraction of amusement on Lian Song's face, even though it wasn't possible. His uncle didn't make jokes like that.

But it wasn't there. His face was deadly serious. Which meant that he meant what he said.

Ye Hua was so absorbed in his grief that he never heard footsteps approaching. Nor did he feel Mo Yuan's hand on his shoulder, nor the retreating footsteps of Lian Song.

After testing her pulse which was no more, Mo Yuan said, with tears welling at the corner of his eyes for his little Seventeenth,

"Prepare a coffin so she can rest in peace, Ye Hua."

His eyes widened. His brother, whom he'd believed that could save Qian Qian, had actually said those words?

He faced his brother.

"Brother. Please, save her. Please. I'll do anything."

Mo Yuan looked at Ye Hua, grief in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Ye Hua. Her soul has scattered. I cannot save her."

Ye Hua stumbled back. Just like that? He wasn't even going to try?

"How long till she wakes?" He asked desperately. He needed to know. So he could at least have some warning on the long wait.

"I cannot be certain. A few thousand years, maybe. But I know she will try her hardest to return to you. This I can be certain."

A few thousand years?

Ye Hua couldn't wait that long. He couldn't even stand being away from her for a few days, let alone a few thousand years. And he now had two children.

His and Qian Qian's children. What was he going to do?

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