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Bai Zhen unsheathed his sword. He held it to Wan Qing's throat.

"Let her go. It is me you are aiming for. Don't touch her."

"Ahhh, husband. So noble!" Wan Qing laughed, pressing the blade further into Yu'xin's throat. Beads of blood appeared there. "However, My Lady has already promised you to me, to love or to kill as I choose. If you give her up now-" gesturing to Yu'xin with a little nod- "I will keep you alive. She can go free as well, assuming she survives this. Otherwise, both of you will die."

"Let her go." Bai Zhen pleaded. "I'll do anything."

"Don't be too sure about that, my dear." Qiu Ling said, standing up. "After all, you nine-tailed foxes always stay with your partner for life. It seems that you have broken that vow. What punishment do you think awaits you, my dear boy?"

"I would gladly face the punishment if it means Yu'xin can go free." Bai Zhen insisted. "If i must be punished, the least I can do is to allow Yu'xin to get away. I owe her that at least."

"Let me die, Bai Zhen." Yu'xin whispered.

Ye Hua, Bai Qian and Mo Yuan arrived.

Qiu Ling's blood red lips curved into a smile. "Hello, my dears. Long time no see, yes?"

The trio pointed their weapons at her. "Let her go." Bai Qian snapped, her Jade Purity Fan shaking a little.

"My sweet child." Qiu Ling walked over and stroked her face. "Haven't you agonised days and nights that Yu'xin had taken your dearest brother away from you? Don't you want a stop to this?"

She was attempting to charmspeak Ba Qian, but Bai Qian saw through it and scowled.

Qiu Ling then turned to Ye Hua and Mo Yuan and went into a different topic. She tried to take them out of the battle before it began, by turning them against each other.

"My dearest dragon twins." She cooed. "I have heard of your prowess. But I also know of your resentment towards each other. Why don't you fight each other? And my price is so easy. As soon as one of you dies, I will release Yu'xin. What do I care of silly little princesses?"

Her charmspeak washed over the two men, and their eyes glazed over. Like a robot, they pointed their weapons at each other.

"No!" Bai Qian shrieked. But it was no use. The two men glared at each other.

"Ye Hua is annoying. He took Seventeenth away from me and takes me for granted." Mo Yuan scowled.

"Mo Yuan is an obstacle. He stops me and Qian Qian from having a happy relationship and always interrupts us." Ye Hua snapped.

"Please, no..." Yu'xin whispered as Bai Zhen watched on in horror and revulsion.

Bai Qian's face were streaked with tears. She reached for Ye Hua but he swivelled around and faced her. Although his face was fierce, he looked uncertain.

"So... I just kill him? That's okay?" He asked.

"Yes." Qiu Ling promised. "Mo Yuan, hit him hard. Show me you are worthy of your position."

They charged towards each other, their weapons ready.

"Listen to me." Bai Qian tried charmspeak for the first time in her life. For weeks she had bottled everything up: sadness, anger, bitterness. Her brother for dumping one of the best ladies she ever met. The desperation she felt now as she saw the two males she loved most on this universe get influenced.

"Listen to me." She put all that emotions into her voice. She didn't know if it would work. "You won't fight each other. You are brothers. Don't fight each other. She's charmspeaking you! Fight her!"

"No!" Qiu Ling snapped. "Now, boys, kill each other!"

Ye Hua stopped in his tracks. Mo Yuan did the same. They frowned.

"Ye Hua, was I just about to stab you?" Mo Yuan frowned.

"What's going on?" Ye Hua rubbed his eyes.

"No!" Qiu Ling cried. "Not possible! No one has ever been able to work themselves out of my charmspeak!"

Ye Hua turned on her. "My wife has saved me and my brother today. We are here to take our sister-in-law back."

"Wan Qing and I will stop you!" Qiu Ling cried.

"Then I suppose," Mo Yuan said, "we will have to deal with you first."

"That's more like it," Bai Qian smiled.

Together, they charged.

They caught the two ladies by surprise. They didn't even have time to raise their weapons before Qiu Ling was struck down.

"Mistress!" Wan Qing sobbed.

Soon, Wan Qing's body lay next to Qiu Ling's.

"Let's go!" Bai Qian yelled.

Bai Zhen came to his senses and grabbed Yu'xin's hand. The five of them ran for the exit.

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