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"WHAT?" Ye Hua's rage was terrible to behold. His reaction to Qian Qian's mishap had been so furious.

"Ye Hua, the prophecy. Once shall disappear at Heaven's will. I- I- Xiao Wu told me to let go. I was willing to die in her place, but-"

"Qian Qian," Ye Hua was crying. His love, his one and only, was gone. Then sadness dissipated and cold determination filled its place.

He would get revenge. And when he did, oh, it would be terrible. The mermaids would wish they were never born. He would have a war on them for capturing and holding hostage the Heavenly Empress.

"I will go along with you and Bai Zhen." Yu'xin said, the first time she'd spoken since hearing of Bai Qian's capture.

"Yu'xin-" Bai Zhen said, apparently unwilling.

"I have to." She insisted. "I allowed the prophecy to be spoken. I share some of the blame."

"Princess Yu'xin, you are not to be blamed. The prophecy was fated to be spoken." Ye Hua also tried to talk her out of it.

"Let me go. Sister Bai Qian has been wonderful to me since I came here, and I cannot possibly be sitting here and waiting. I won't."

"Very well." Ye Hua relented. "You will go with us."

Bai Zhen could only relent, as he always did with Yu'xin, because he loved her too much(❤️)

"Good." Was all she said.

So alone, the three of them, made their way out of the Celestial Palace and to the Mermaid Palace.

The dark and dank Palace of the Mermaids was unappealing. Yu'xin gagged at the horrid smell.

Somehow, she smelt a familiar scent; peach blossom scent. Bai Qian's scent. Very mild, but nevertheless it was there.

"I caught her scent. Follow me!" She whispered to the other two men.

Following her mild peach blossom scent, they found themselves at the entrance of a great chamber. Grey and bluish in colour, it was disgusting. It looked like a sacrificial chamber. Ye Hua made a mental note that if he ever took over this place he would change the decor completely.

Mermaid guards came running out of the chamber. It seemed that the King had given Qian Qian maximum protection from outside people.

They shouted and beat their swords against their shields.

Yu'xin looked up at them with absolute hate. "I know them. Let's get rid of these imbeciles." And then, unsheathing her sword, she charged.

Ye Hua and Bai Zhen ran forward to try and help, but Yu'xin needed no help. She leaped and slashed, dodged and stabbed so fast, the soldiers couldn't react before they dissolved into sea silt. Shields and armour could protect them better, but it made it very tiring to play offence, since they were so heavy.

As Yu'xin stabbed at the last soldier, she turned back and rolled her eyes at the two gaping men. "Get in! There will be more defenders before long!"

They rushed inside and found Bai Qian in chains. Yu'xin ran forward and began hacking at the metal link chains with her sword.

Ye Hua ran to her side and held her hands. He started checking if she was hurt. She gasped in pain as he touched her arm.

"Yu'xin," he said desperately to her, "you told me you could see if people were injured, and you know some healing magic. Please, help her."

Yu'xin got up, leaving Bai Zhen cutting at her chains. She muttered some words and produced some orange mist. It surrounded Bai Qian's body. Yu'xin opened her eyes.

"She's hurt everywhere. Her bones are fractured. Her abdomen, arms and face have been tortured and beaten." She said apologetically. "It could've been because she refused to surrender, so they tortured her. It was the work of mermaid weapons. I recognise the injuries."

Ye Hua felt so angry, so terrible for Qian Qian. He wanted to kill all of the Mermaid Clan.

The chains clanged as they fell away and dissolved into sea silt. Bai Qian's face looked bloodless. She hadn't eaten for the same number of days it took for the three deities to save her.

A drawling voice sounded behind him, "I've been waiting for you. I was beginning to wonder." The three of them whirled around, and Bai Qian whimpered in shock and fear.

There he was. The king of the mermaids himself, surrounded by his soldiers, their lances gleaming red.

Yu'xin's eyes narrowed. She raised her sword. "Take care of Sister," she said. "I'll handle them."

Bai Zhen and Ye Hua had a lot of problems believing that she could handle the king's personal guards alone, since the King would've trained them more to protect him, but she was a demon, invincible yet perfect. She whirled and hacked at the mermaids so fast that the two men could only blink in surprise.

They watched as she did a complicated move, a spin into the air and threw her sword at a large beefy mermaid, neatly impaling itself in between his eyes, then landing and catching her sword with perfection.

"Wha-" Bai Zhen couldn't even form sentences.

Even the mermaid king looked astonished. "My elite guard! Did you see what she did to my elite guard?"
He meant that large sized mermaid that Yu'xin had just killed.

"I'll wipe you out too, just you wait." Yu'xin snarled at the king. "I won't have you harming the people I love."

She ran back to Ye Hua, Bai Qian and Bai Zhen.

"Let's get her out of here!" She cried. Ye Hua scooped Bai Qian up into his arms and ran for the exit. The king stopped him.

"Not so fast, punk." He snarled. He lunged at Ye Hua. He was virtually undefended, but somehow Yu'xin managed to charge in and catch the lunge of the king's sword at the end of her sword, a move only the most skilled and precise people could do.

She caught it and forced it out of his hand. It skittered to the ground. "You-" the King stopped. Yu'xin drew her sword again. "Not today."

"I'll buy you some time." She said over her shoulder to the two men. "Go!"

Ye Hua turned to the Mermaid King, with absolute hate in his eyes. "The Celestial Tribe will never swallow this insult. See you on the battlefield." And then he ran out, Bai Qian unconscious in his arms.

Yu'xin was looking at Bai Zhen expectantly, waiting for him to get out.

Bai Zhen had no intention of leaving her alone. "We fight him together." He said, drawing his sword.

Together, they charged at the King.

But before they could reach him, he disappeared in a puff of blue smoke.

"Let's get out of here. Ye Hua will need help getting Sister back to the Celestial Palace." Yu'xin said. They ran out of the chamber.

Bai Zhen grasped Yu'xin's hand and led her out, with Ye Hua and Bai Qian in tow.

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