Please Forgive Me

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Bai Zhen was beginning to get irritated with Wan Qing. She had been so ungrateful and tried to pretend that she had miraculously recovered on her own, and that Yu'xin had never come.

Yu'xin had meanwhile spouted another prophecy.

"The traitor of the sea must be banished from the lands,
Or the result will be unhappiness and unrest,
The traitor will make a choice between love and hate,
A time she must meet or it will be too late,
One will be hurt saving the traitor,
And another will seek forgiveness from the former."

Bai Qian, Ye Hua and Mo Yuan were present when she spoke the prophecy.

"Another one?" Bai Qian frowned. "The first one came a few months ago."

Mo Yuan nodded. "She is an unusual oracle. Prophecies usually come every few millennia, but hers came only another few months later. It is strange."

Ye Hua looked at his brother. "Who is the traitor?"

Mo Yuan shook his head. "I do not know. It could be anyone."

Meanwhile, Wan Qing had left the Fox Den for a while and went to the mortal realm. There she met a lady.

"Wan Qing." The lady said. She was a good looking lady, but as Wan Qing looked at her, she became more and more beautiful, adjusting herself to Wan Qing's idea of beauty.

"Who are you?" Wan Qing asked.

"I am merely a minor goddess." Was the reply.

"But your powers of beauty are very powerful." Wan Qing pointed out.

"Very well." The lady said. "My name is Qiu Ling."

"You're beautiful." Wan Qing managed.

"Indeed." Qiu Ling smiled. "I was born to oppose Bai Qian and Yu'xin, the most beautiful goddesses in creation. Or so they say." She threw her head back and laughed.

"I know you wish them dead, Wan Qing. Fate has allowed me to meet you today, my dear girl. Follow me, and I will help you get rid of them. I will even make you just as beautiful as I am. Bai Zhen will be with you forever. So what do you say, my dear? Do we have a deal?"

Wan Qing hesitated, and then smiled. "Okay, you're on."

"Good." Qiu Ling allowed a smile to form on her blood red lips. "First, you must answer some questions of mine."

Wan Qing nodded. "Please. Ask away."

"First of all, what is Yu'xin?" Qiu Ling asked.

"An oracle." Wan Qing replied immediately. "She is an oracle."

Qiu Ling nodded. "And what is Bai Qian?"

"The Heavenly Empress, the former queen of Qing Qiu, and a nine-tailed white fox." Wan Qing replied, wondering why those questions were being asked.

"And now, what do you want them to be reduced to?" Qiu Ling asked, her grey eyes darkening.

"Death, or disgrace to the highest level." Wan Qing's voice hardened.

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