Chapter 2 Part 2. A New Beginning

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While Feng Jiu was in the mortal realm enduring her heavenly trial, Ye Hua and Bai Qian had some problems of their own.

Ye Hua had been really busy with official affairs lately, and Bai Qian had some good news to share. Usually Ye Hua would have been delighted to hear about it but today, he was a little cranky and wasn't that interested.

But it was big news, for he was going to have another child!

But when Bai Qian, or Qian Qian as he called her, came to where he was sitting and said, "Ye Hua, I have great news, are you ready?" Ye Hua ignored her but Bai Qian was unfazed, determined to say the good news.

After asking a few times, each time new cajoling than the last, Ye Hua lost his patience.

"Qian Qian, can't you see I'm busy? Really, I'm not always available 24/7 for you." He also said some things that hurt Bai Qian.

Her first thought was to go back to Qing Qiu. But as Heavenly Empress, she couldn't come and go as she pleased. So she could only go to Taichen Palace to tell Xiao Jiu, who had just returned.

When she reached there, Donghua Dijun wasn't around and only Feng Jiu was there.

"Xiao Jiu."

"Aunt! What brings you here?"

"I-I'm pregnant."

"That's wonderful news! Does Ye Hua know about it?"

"Well, it's funny you should ask..."

Bai Qian told her ever willing to listen niece everything. She got so worked up that she burst into tears. Feng Jiu decided to take her back to her own chambers.

After a little chat about the baby, Feng Jiu left Xiwu Palace. On the way back, she thought about how she could help her poor aunt get through pregnancy.

When she returned to Taichen Palace, Donghua noticed her looking rather distressed.

"Jiu'er, what's wrong?"

"My aunt is pregnant."

"Ah. Does Ye Hua know?"

"He doesn't, that's the thing. He was so busy he didn't even have the patience to listen to her."

Donghua saw that Feng Jiu was feeling terrible for her aunt, and scooped her up into an embrace.

"Listen, Jiu'er, things will work out in the end. It always does."

Feng Jiu tried to smile a little to reassure Dijun, but in her mind, she resolved to visit her aunt as much as possible, and help relief her aunt from the worries of pregnancy.

One day, after one routine visit, about four months after she first learnt that her aunt was pregnant, Ye Hua came up the steps outside of her aunt's sleeping chamber.

"Hi, Xiao Jiu. Where's Qian Qian?"

Feng Jiu gave him a hard look.

"She has to rest a lot now. She can't move around as much. She needs to take care of herself." She said.

"Why?" He asked.

Feng Jiu sighed.

"She's pregnant. That's what she was trying to tell you four months ago."

Ye Hua was so stunned he just gaped at her.


"She's pregnant."

"I- you mean..."

"She tried to tell you that she was pregnant four months ago. That's when you said those things that hurt her."

"Oh, my god." Without saying a goodbye to Feng Jiu, he hurried into the chamber.

Maybe things will work out between them, Feng Jiu thought, smiling.

As Ye Hua ran into the chamber, he saw his beloved Qian Qian in the bed, resting. She looked a little paler than four months ago. He rushed up to her.

Taking her hands in his he said, "Qian Qian, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have said those things to you four months ago. If I'd known that you were expecting..."

She looked at him and said quietly, "Xiao Jiu told you?"

Ye Hua squeezed her hands. "It doesn't matter who told me. What's important is that I tell you how sorry I feel for saying those hurtful things."

She didn't say anything, just lay down again and beckoned for Ye Hua to do the same.

As they lay side by side on the bed, Bai Qian laid her head on his shoulder, and Ye Hua put his arm around her shoulders.

"Ye Hua," she began.

"Yes?" Ye Hua tilted his head slightly to face her.

"Do you think this child will be a boy or girl?"

"I don't mind which. So long as it's ours, that's what counts."

Happily, Bai Qian nestled her head in Ye Hua's shoulder. With his arms around her and the love radiating off them, they were the perfect example of a perfect couple.

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