The Gift

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After the happy marriage, Zhen Zhen and Yu'xin settled in Qing Qiu.

One day, Yu'xin was just randomly using magic, creating hairpins for herself when she felt a surge of energy.

Feeling the need to let it out, she used it and unconsciously created a huge crystal ball.

She was shocked at what she'd created.

She heard voices in her head, telling her to shut her eyes. Even though she was worried, she shut her eyes.

Her mouth uncontrollably opened, and a voice hissed out:

"The woman of the King shall forge ahead,
A brother of hers that she shall take,
The silver bloom's powder they must reclaim,
Defeat seven monsters which are the banes,
One shall disappear at Heaven's will,
And the other shall return alone."

She snapped out of the trance, and realised that Bai Zhen, who'd just come in, was staring at her in shock. "You just..."

"Spouted a prophecy." She finished, just as thunderstruck.

"You have the gift of prophecy?" Bai Zhen demanded. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I never knew either! There was this burst of energy, and this crystal ball appeared, and I just... stated the prophecy."

Bai Zhen nodded, came over and took her hand. "We need to tell Ye Hua about this."

Yu'xin nodded, and together they flew up to the Celestial Palace.


"You have the gift of prophecy?" Ye Hua asked, his eyes wide with shock. Bai Qian looked just as surprised.

"It has not existed for several millennia." Bai Qian agreed.

Yu'xin bowed. "I have read a bit about prophecies. I will be normal most of the time, until the spirit speaks through me."

"Yu'xin, repeat the prophecy to Ye Hua." Bai Zhen said, putting his hand on her shoulder.

Yu'xin nodded and bowed to the Heavenly Empress and the Heavenly Lord.

"The woman of the King shall forge ahead,
A brother of hers that she shall take,
The silver bloom's powder they must reclaim,
Defeat seven monsters which are the banes,
One shall disappear at Heaven's will,
And the other shall return alone."

"We need to see what the prophecy means." Bai Zhen said.

"The woman of the King." Yu'xin remembered. "It must mean the Heavenly Lord. There is only one king all around. It cannot mean anyone else."

"His woman..." Bai Qian looked at her husband. "It's me."

Ye Hua shook his head. "We can't follow this prophecy. I can't let you go alone."

"She won't be alone."Bai Zhen piped up. "A brother of hers she must take." Doesn't that mean that she must choose one of her brothers to go on this quest with her?"

"One of my brothers?" Bai Qian asked blankly.

"It must be Zhen Zhen." Yu'xin said suddenly. All eyes turned to her. "I mean, Zhen Zhen was the one who first heard the prophecy other than me, isn't he? And if I'm the oracle, the one who gives the prophecies, then he is fated to go with the Heavenly Empress."

Still Ye Hua shook his head. "Even with the both of you, two of the most powerful deities in Heaven, bad things will happen. You heard the prophecy. Defeat seven monsters which are the banes. It's too dangerous."

"One shall disappear at Heaven's will." Yu'xin said. "It means only one of you will make it back. Someone will be taken away by the fate of Heaven. And even I cannot do anything to stop it."
Not exactly a happy note.

"The silver bloom's powder they must reclaim. What silver bloom?" Bai Qian asked Yu'xin, and the princess replied immediately.

"It has multiple meanings. It could mean the magic silver flower from Qing Qiu. But why would you need to go on a quest to get a flower from your own kingdom?" Yu'xin replied. "Or it could mean the famous silver carnation from the mortal realm."

"The mortal realm? Unlikely."

"OH!" Yu'xin clapped her hands once. "What?" Bai Qian asked.

"There is a small island west of Yingzhou. It is named the Island of Death, because anyone, even deities, who venture there never make it back. It houses the legendary silver moonlace. There are three terrible monsters guarding it." Yu'xin said.

"But the prophecy said seven monsters. What are the other four?" Bai Zhen asked.

"It must have something to do with Yingzhou." Bai Qian said.

"There are four monsters guarding the divine fungal grass, right? It must mean the other four." Bai Zhen said.

"But I defeated them. Why would they still exist?" Ye Hua's voice was wary.

"Then there can only be one explanation." Yu'xin declared. All eyes turned to her.

"This prophecy must have been made a long time ago. When did you say was the existence of the previous oracle?" Yu'xin said.

"Several millennia ago, as I recall." Bai Qian replied, having the gist of where this was going.

"That means that when the prophecy was made by the previous oracle, there were seven beasts. The four guarding divine fungal grass, and the remaining three guarding the silver moonlace. One other was fated to defeat the four beasts guarding the divine fungal grass." Yu'xin said. "The prophecy never came true then. It is coming true now. Ye Hua is the other person in the prophecy. He was fated to destroy the four beasts. And he already has. The lives of the other three can only depend on you two." She looked at Zhen Zhen and Bai Qian.

"So we have to get powder from the silver moonlace." Bai Zhen ventured, "and..."

"Bring the powder back. It must have been a sacred flower of the Celestial Tribe. I believe the powder from that moonlace had unique properties." Yu'xin said. "Bring it back, and we will decide what to do with it afterwards."

"However, I must give you a word of warning. Never try to evade the words of the prophecy. In doing so, you will create the trap of the prophecy itself and step into it. That's how prophecies work." Yu'xin added.

Ye Hua sighed, closed his eyes and massaged his temples, like he was trying to find another explanation for the prophecy, something that sounded more pleasant than this. But he opened his eyes again.

"Very well. We will place trust in Yu'xin's explanation. Tomorrow at dawn, we will send you and Bai Zhen off to the west of Yingzhou."

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