Love Him and Be Happy

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"A-Yin!" Li Jing exclaimed as the young lady rushed into his arms laughing.

"Did you like that prank, Li Jing?" She said, her moon-bright eyes stared up at him. Her smile was as bright as the sun.

"I like everything about you." Li Jing said, tweaking her nose and making her giggle.

Kunlun Mountain was getting Si Yin down. And she would sneak out to meet Li Jing whenever she could, making excuses of her whereabouts if Shifu questioned.

"Go with me to watch some mortal plays, Li Jing." Si Yin begged, at a young age, she already had a liking towards mortal plays, gods of Nine Heavens only knows why.

As they sat sipping tea and watching the plays, none of them noticed that time had flew past. Li Jing had been busy staring at her and taking in her exquisite features and she had mostly focused on the plays.

"I have to go back to Kunlun now, Li Jing." She said, her mouth turning down. "But I'll see you soon?"

"Of course. Run along." Li Jing told her, kissing her gently. She laughed and ran off as she waved goodbye.

Kunlun Mountain
"Did you go to the mortal realm again?" Mo Yuan asked, as he stared at the young disciple kneeling at his feet.

"The Mountain was boring, Shifu. I don't want to be doing chores all day with Sixteenth. So I..ran off for a while." She said sheepishly.

"I don't want you going there anymore, Seventeenth. Even if it's for Li Jing." He said sternly, standing up, and helping her to her feet.

"You know, Shifu?" She asked, her mouth contorting in shock.

"I knew since the first day you started to meet him." He admonished her gently. "You can't hide anything, Seventeenth."

"I'm sorry, Shifu. But we-"

"Seventeenth, do you feel happy?" He interrupted. He loved her as a second father, and he wanted her to be happy.

"Yes, Shifu. Very." She said, smiling a bit as she thought of her prince.

He nodded, a smile creeping over his face. "Then love him and be happy, Seventeenth."

Idea by Anne4356

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