Another New Couple

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As we all know, Bai Zhen has been staying with Zhe Yan at the Ten-mile Peach Woods.(most of the time.)

Well, today he went to the mortal realm
for a little stroll with Zhe Yan, and he found a young lady being thrashed and beaten by a group of men.

"You stole our goods! Return them!" They shouted at her.

As she cowered on the ground, she cried out, "I really never stole your goods! Someone, help! Please, I never stole anything!"

Bai Zhen stepped forward and pushed the men away. "Stop hitting her!" He yelled at the men.

The men looked abashed, since Bai Zhen was taller than them and looked exceptionally scary, especially when he was angry.

If you thought that the men started fighting with Bai Zhen about the lady, you're wrong. They ran off like cowards. HAHAHAHAHA. Okay. Not funny.

Anyway, Bai Zhen and Zhe Yan helped the lady up and asked her where she came from.

The girl looked at Bai Zhen and immediately fell for him. But remembering her position, she took a deep breath.

"I have no home," the girl whispered. "I was kicked out of mine because I helped a mortal."

Bai Zhen didn't conceal his surprise. "You're a deity too?"

The girl nodded. "I thought you should know me, High God Bai Zhen."

Zhe Yan tilted his head about a millimeter and said, "You must be the young daughter of the King of the West Sea?"

The girl nodded in agreement. "I was born 30,000 years ago. Very young for an immortal, you might say. I was very engaged in the affairs of the Celestial Tribe, even though I was too young to understand. But I did something that was inappropriate, as the princess of the West Sea. I was soft hearted and helped a mortal. That, my parents could not forgive. Thus, they banished me from the West Sea. I cannot return. They said that if I wanted to make amends, I must marry a prince that they choose."

Bai Zhen was supposed to be listening to her tragic story, but he was too absorbed staring at the girl. She had long, dark mahogany-coloured hair, which was pinned up and secured by only a pink coral jade pin, the rest left to flow about freely, warm brown eyes, and rosy red lips. She was the most gorgeous woman he'd ever seen.

He snapped back into focus. "Then why did you not protect yourself when those men hit you, even though you are a deity?"

The girl smiled wanly. "I always believed that mortals were good people. I am enlightened today."

Zhe Yan offered a small smile, and asked, "Well, may we know your name?"

"It's Yu'xin," the princess replied.

Yu'xin... what a beautiful name. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.

"Why don't you come back to our Peach Tree Grove first? Then we can treat your injuries and let you rest." Zhe Yan said, clearly noticing the look on Bai Zhen's face, which he had never seen before.

The princess's face creased into a frown. "Won't that be so much trouble? I mean, you've only just met me."

"No, no trouble at all. Zhen Zhen and I are lonely sometimes." Zhe Yan quipped.

Bai Zhen seemed to be at a loss of words. The princess bowed. "Then I shall have to impose on you for a little while."

"Of course. Come along." Zhe Yan said. So leading the princess which (obviously) Bai Zhen was in love with, they returned to the Peach Tree Grove.

Back at the Peach Tree Grove
"Zhen Zhen, why don't you lead Yu'xin to the room over there? She can stay there, if it suits her." Zhe Yan said.

Bai Zhen shot Zhe Yan a pained look, like, Dude! You know I like her and you're telling me to lead her to her room. Seriously, man? But he did so anyway.

Stepping up into the room, he turned to the princess. "Make yourself at home. You can stay here until your wounds heal." It didn't help that he was speaking softly, like when he was shy. And it also didn't help that he was turning pink.

As he left, Yu'xin looked at him. He was handsome, no doubt. And he seemed kind and a decent man. That was the type of man she wanted to be with someday. She liked him. Very much.


The next morning, Yu'xin woke up and breathed it the sweet scent of the peach blossoms. The memories of yesterday came back to her and she smiled. Bai Zhen. The man she was coming to like.

She got up and stretched. Today she would go and walk about the Peach Tree Grove, see if she could get to know more about Bai Zhen. Just thinking about him brought a smile to her face, which of course made her all the more gorgeous.

She slowly walked out of the small hut she'd slept in. She saw Bai Zhen fishing alone by the pond. Perfect! He was alone.

She walked over slowly, and sat next to Bai Zhen. He looked at her, and smiled politely.

"Zhe Yan has gone to brew some peach wine. You must try it. It is his talent."

The princess nodded. "Will he let me near his wine, though?"

"I think so."

So they sat like that, in the early sunshine.

Suddenly Bai Zhen said, "I'm sorry if I don't really make conversation."

"It's alright," the princess said. "I don't do well in long conversations either."

Suddenly, a large hawk flew into the Grove. It flew straight for the startled Princess. Bai Zhen tackled her and sent her sprawling onto the ground. Ow.

But thank goodness for that. If not, she would have died by that stupid hawk. But unfortunately Bai Zhen and fallen off his chair too, and found himself on top of Yu'xin, their faces so close.

Um... things got awkward at this point, didn't they?

Well, Bai Zhen was flustered and attempted to get up. The princess got up and awkwardly brushed herself off. But she was inwardly smiling.

"Sorry," Bai Zhen said.

"It's alright." She replied.

The silence between them was a little uncomfortable.

The princess, without thinking straight, leaned in, wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him close. She kissed him lightly on the lips. Drawing away, she whispered, "Remember this kiss."

Then she got up and walked away.

Bai Zhen sat there for what seemed like forever, numb by her kiss, and by her touch. He was feeling something stronger than just infatuation.

It felt like love.

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